260 research outputs found

    Development of PAN (personal area network) for Mobile Robot Using Bluetooth Transceiver

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    In recent years, wireless applications using radio frequency (RF) have been rapidly evolving in personal computing and communications devices. Bluetooth technology was created to replace the cables used on mobile devices. Bluetooth is an open specification and encompasses a simple low-cost, low power solution for integration into devices. This research work aim was to provide a PAN (personal area network) for computer based mobile robot that supports real-time control of four mobile robots from a host mobile robot. With ad hoc topology, mobile robots may request and establish a connection when it is within the range or terminated the connection when it leaves the area. A system that contains both hardware and software is designed to enable the robots to participate in multi-agent robotics system (MARS). Computer based mobile robot provide operating system that enabled development of wireless connection via IP address

    Growth and length-weight relationship of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) cultured in artificial sea water.

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    Post larvae of Penaeus monodon were cultured in a tank with artificial sea water between November 2009 and February 2010. Length and weight of the specimens were taken every seven days interval for the study of growth and length-weight relationship. The overall average growth rate was estimated at 0.36 mm per day. The mean daily growth rate was 0.53, 0.33 and 0.27 mm at the first, second and third month respectively. The mean body weight of the cultured specimens varied from 111.17 to 874.00 mg. Average growth of the body weight was estimated at 9.03 mg per day. The relative growth coefficient (b) and condition factor (a) was estimated at 2.94 and 0.00693. It is reveal that the exponent (b) of Penaeus monodon was very near to the isometric value (b = 3.0). So, the growth of P. monodon cultured in tank with artificial sea was isometric. It could be concluded that artificial sea water is feasible for culturing P. monodon when sea water is not available or sea water resource is further away from hatchery

    Effect of mixing period, water and sugar on the sesame cracker dough stickiness

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    Sesame Cracker or Kuih Bijan is a popular traditional Malays snack in Malaysia. The simplest formulation of Sesame Cracker dough includes glutinous rice flour, sugar, and water. In order to reduce the negative effect caused by dough stickiness, the effect of mixing period (3 to 7 minutes), water (41.6 to 45.6%) and sugar (1 to 9%) on dough stickiness of sesame cracker dough were studied using Texture Analyzer and Chen-Hoseney methodologies (i.e. Chen-Hoseney Dough Stickiness Cell). The result obtained showing that the increment of mixing time, water and sugar addition, increased the dough stickiness, work of adhesion/adhesiveness and dough strength/cohesiveness. However, overmixing of dough had led to the decrease of these parameters

    Mechanical Properties of Direct Recycling Metal Matrix Composite (MMC-AlR) AA7075 Aircraft Aluminium Alloy

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    Recycling of aluminium aerospace alloys represents a major challenge to both the aluminium and aerospace industries. Ecological manageability in assembling is these days is a dire and exceptional issue and the principle concerns are identified with increasingly proficient utilization of energy and materials. Recycling allowed saving large amount greenhouse gas emission, particularly in the case of aluminium. Metal matrix composites spur the possibility of advancing typical monolithic material properties. Offering great strength, lightweight and being able to withstand high temperatures are the main behaviours of the metal matrix composite. To that extent, many practitioners in either automotive or aerospace industries employed metal matrix composite in most of the critical parts. Forming metal matrix composite via solid state processing is considered innovative, as most of the metal matrix composite forming process took place either in liquid or gaseous processing. An experimental investigation was conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of a recycled aluminium shifting alumina sum from 1 to 5 wt. % that had been presented to recycled aluminium chip employing hot press forging. Aluminium chip was obtained by milling AA7075-T1 bulk to a certain parameter. The medium size chips were cleaned, dried and mixed with alumina particles before being poured into a closed-die mould. The main responses investigated were ultimate tensile strength and elongation to failure and microstructure analysis. Out of all fractions, 4 wt. % of alumina shows the highest Ultimate tensile strength when the value increased from 155.214 MPa (1 wt. %) to 187.183 MPa. Further addition of alumina would enhance the composite strength, but in contrary, it also could prone the material performance

    Effects of gamma irradiation on egg hatchability, pupation, and adult emergence of the immature stages of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (hendel) (diptera: tephritidae) from Malaysia

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    Studies on the effect of irradiation on egg hatchability, pupation and adult emergence of the immature stages of the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) was conducted in Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia using a Co-60 source. Eggs, 1st instars to 3rd instars larvae and pupae stages were treated separately with dosages 50Gy to 400Gy to determine the most tolerance stage and the optimum dose for provide quarantine security. Each treatment involves a minimum of 100 individuals for each dose with four replications. The hatch from eggs to 1st instar larvae, pupation from eggs and all of three instars larvae to pupae, and eclosion from pupae to adult, were used as criteria to determine the effect of irradiation. Egg hatch was completely inhibited by 100Gy for early egg and 300Gy for late eggs. Dose of 200Gy and 250Gy were able to prevent completely pupation when treated from egg stage and 1st instar larvae, respectively. Unfortunately, those dosages did not affect pupation when applied to 2nd and 3rd instars, but it did prevent any from emerging as adults. Adult emergence was 100% prevented when eggs and all larvae were treated at 100Gy as compared to pupae was not completely prevented even by 400Gy. Among the four immature stages of B. dorsalis, the 3rd instar larvae (inside fruits) and pupae (outside fruits) were found to be the most tolerance stage and the early eggs are the most susceptible stage to irradiation. Our results suggest that minimum dose 100 to 150Gy is sufficient to provide a high level of quarantine security against this important pest and the dose might allow for irradiation be accepted as a quarantine treatment for most tropical fruits from Malaysia

    Road transport system in Southeast Asia; problems and economic solutions

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    In Southeast Asian countries (SEA), road transport accounts for the main energy consumption and CO2 emission. Air pollution is a major concern in densely populated cities such as Bangkok, Manila, and Kuala Lumpur. The main objective of this paper is to give insights on trends of transport development, car ownership, and CO2 emissions in Southeast Asia. This study also attempts to review the successful transportation policies around the globe and to introduce the possible instruments that can help reduce air pollution in Southeast Asian countries. Economic instruments to estimate the benefits of a cleaner environment due to new policies are introduced as well. The results of this research could help policy makers consider approaches that could internalize external costs of transportation and maximize the societal welfare

    Debinding process of ss316L metal injection moulding under argon atmosphere

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    Solvent and thermal debinding acted as binder in removing Restaurant Waste Lipid (RWL) and Polypropylene (PP) from the stainless steel 316L. This investigation was carried out to determine the effect of thermal debinding variables on density, shrinkage and surface morphology of the brown parts other than to remove the binder from the SS316L under the Argon atmosphere with flow rate of 5 ml/min. The parameter used for solvent debinding process was solvent temperature at 60°C for six hours, while thermal debinding process was conducted at various temperature of 400°C, 500°C and 600°C, heating rate of 10 °C/min, 20 °C/min and 30 °C/min, dwell time of 30 min, 60 min and 90 min, and cooling rate of 5 °C/min, 10 °C/min and 15 °C/min. Analysis of weight loss percentage was done on the brown part after the solvent debinding and thermal debinding processes. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to confirm the removal of RWL and PP from the compacts based on the porosity form, and attachment of PP in the powder particles. This investigation showed that debinding parameters were important in terms of their effects on the physical properties. Based on the observation through SEM and consideration of the factors that affected the physical properties of the parts, it was found that RWL was completely extracted out at 60°C for six hours, while the thermal temperature of 500°C with heating rate of 10 °C/min, dwell time of 60 min and cooling rate of 15 °C/min were the optimal thermal debinding parameters in PP removal

    A systematic review on bio-sequestration of carbon dioxide in bio-concrete systems: a future direction

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    The paper reviewed the current perspectives on the development of carbon diox�ide (CO2) sequestration through its process conversion into calcite. The process occurs in either geological or biological systems. However, geological sequestration is an expensive process, which is slow in comparison to bio-sequestration. Recently, the bio-sequestration of atmospheric CO2 into the soil using microorgan�isms such as algae has been investigated. However, the algae cannot be used in the bio-concrete due to their nature as phototrophic organisms. In contrast, bac�teria are the most potent organisms in bio-concrete technology. The use of bacter�ial species in the bio-aerated concrete bricks (B-ACB) and its potential to bio�sequestrate CO2 represents a future strategy to reduce high CO2 pollution. Bacterial cells can capture CO2 by accelerating the carbonation processes, which convert CO2 into calcium carbonate (CaCO3) via carbon anhydrase and urease enzymes. The present paper aimed to highlight and discuss the applicability of bacteria in the B-ACB for capturing and storing CO2. It is evident from the literature that the new trends to use bio-concrete might contribute to the reduction of CO2 by accelerating the carbonation process and strengthening the B-ACB

    Occupational lead exposure and homocysteine among component manufacturing factory workers

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    Homocysteine could be a mechanism that underlies the effects of lead on cardiovascular system. This study aims to identify the relationship between lead exposure and homocysteine levels among workers. A comparative cross-sectional study was carried out on 80 workers of an automotive components manufacturing factory; that comprised of 40 exposed workers and 40 non-exposed workers. Blood samples of respondents were taken by fingerprick. The blood samples were analyzed for blood lead concentration by using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Graphite Furnace Model GBC 908AA. Besides that, ELISA Kit was used to show the homocysteine level among the respondents. Questionnaires were used to obtain demography information of respondents. Results from the statistical analysis showed that the mean blood lead concentration for exposed respondents was 5.53±4.74 µg/dL and 3.53±2.81 µg/dL for the comparative respondents. Mann-Whitney U test showed that there was no significance difference between the mean blood lead concentration of the exposed and comparative group (z=-1.178; p=0.075). The blood lead concentration ranged 0.68-17.95 among the exposed group and with a range of 0.084-11.96 for the comparative group. The mean homocysteine level (µmol/L) was 32.48±2.481µmol/L for the exposed group and 16.50±4.0960 µmol/L for the comparative group. There was a significant difference in homocysteine level (µmol/L) between the exposed (32.48±2.481) and comparative (16.50±4.0959) groups (z = -7.699, p<0.001). The range of homocysteine level among exposed group was 28.64 to 38.54 and for comparative group was 7.58 to 22.41. The lead exposure among exposed group (r=0.049;p=0.764) and comparative group (r=-0.053; p=0.743) was not significantly correlated with the concentration of homocysteine. The occupational lead exposure has no correlation with homocysteine level among workers at automotive component manufacturing factory