3,928 research outputs found

    Sub-mm counterparts to Lyman-break galaxies

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    We summarize the main results from our SCUBA survey of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z~3. Analysis of our sample of LBGs reveals a mean flux of S850=0.6±\pm0.2 mJy, while simple models of emission based on the UV properties predict a mean flux about twice as large. Known populations of LBGs are expected to contribute flux to the weak sub-mm source portion of the far-IR background, but are not likely to comprise the bright source (S850>5 mJy) end of the SCUBA-detected source count. The detection of the LBG, Westphal-MM8, at 1.9 mJy suggests that deeper observations of individual LBGs in our sample could uncover detections at similar levels, consistent with our UV-based predictions. By the same token, many sub-mm selected sources with S850<2 mJy could be LBGs. The data are also consistent with the FarIR/β\beta relation holding at z=3.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, contributed talk at UMass/INAOE Conference ``Deep Millimeter Surveys'

    The bias of the submillimetre galaxy population: SMGs are poor tracers of the most massive structures in the z ~ 2 Universe

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    It is often claimed that overdensities of (or even individual bright) submillimetre-selected galaxies (SMGs) trace the assembly of the most-massive dark matter structures in the Universe. We test this claim by performing a counts-in-cells analysis of mock SMG catalogues derived from the Bolshoi cosmological simulation to investigate how well SMG associations trace the underlying dark matter structure. We find that SMGs exhibit a relatively complex bias: some regions of high SMG overdensity are underdense in terms of dark matter mass, and some regions of high dark matter overdensity contain no SMGs. Because of their rarity, Poisson noise causes scatter in the SMG overdensity at fixed dark matter overdensity. Consequently, rich associations of less-luminous, more-abundant galaxies (i.e. Lyman-break galaxy analogues) trace the highest dark matter overdensities much better than SMGs. Even on average, SMG associations are relatively poor tracers of the most significant dark matter overdensities because of 'downsizing': at z < ~2.5, the most-massive galaxies that reside in the highest dark matter overdensities have already had their star formation quenched and are thus no longer SMGs. At a given redshift, of the 10 per cent most-massive overdensities, only ~25 per cent contain at least one SMG, and less than a few per cent contain more than one SMG.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRAS; minor revisions from previous version, conclusions unchange

    Confirmation of the effectiveness of sub-mm source redshift estimation based on rest-frame radio to FIR photometry

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    We present a comparison between the published optical, IR and CO spectroscopic redshifts of 15 (sub-)mm galaxies and their photometric redshifts as derived from long-wavelength (radio-mm-FIR) photometric data. The redshift accuracy measured for 12 sub-mm galaxies with at least one robustly-determined colour in the radio-mm-FIR regime is dz=0.30 (r.m.s.). Despite the wide range of spectral energy distributions in the local galaxies that are used in an un-biased manner as templates, this analysis demonstrates that photometric redshifts can be efficiently derived for sub-mm galaxies with a precision of dz < 0.5 using only the rest-frame FIR to radio wavelength data.Comment: submitted to MNRAS (1 object removed from analysis, shortening of paper

    Realistic Expanding Source Model for Invariant One-Particle Multiplicity Distributions and Two-Particle Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We present a realistic expanding source model with nine parameters that are necessary and sufficient to describe the main physics occuring during hydrodynamical freezeout of the excited hadronic matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. As a first test of the model, we compare it to data from central Si + Au collisions at p_lab/A = 14.6 GeV/c measured in experiment E-802 at the AGS. An overall chi-square per degree of freedom of 1.055 is achieved for a fit to 1416 data points involving invariant pi^+, pi^-, K^+, and K^- one-particle multiplicity distributions and pi^+ and K^+ two-particle correlations. The 99-percent-confidence region of parameter space is identified, leading to one-dimensional error estimates on the nine fitted parameters and other calculated physical quantities. Three of the most important results are the freezeout temperature, longitudinal proper time, and baryon density along the symmetry axis. For these we find values of 92.9 +/- 4.4 MeV, 8.2 +/- 2.2 fm/c, and 0.0222 + 0.0096 / - 0.0069 fm^-3, respectively.Comment: 37 pages and 12 figures. RevTeX 3.0. Submitted to Physical Review C. Complete preprint, including device-independent (dvi), PostScript, and LaTeX versions of the text, plus PostScript files of all figures, are available at http://t2.lanl.gov/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/publications/res

    Submillimetre observations of a sample of broad absorption line quasars

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    The broad absorption line (BAL) features seen in a small fraction of quasar optical/UV spectra are attributed to bulk outflows away from the quasar core. Observational evidence suggests that dust plays a key role in these systems, although whether the inferred dust properties are a signature of orientation effects or whether they are indicative of an evolutionary sequence remains an outstanding issue. Submillimetre (submm) detections of BAL quasars (BALQSOs), which would clearly help to resolve this issue, have so far been sparse. This paper reports on new submm observations of seven BALQSOs. The strongest influence on the observed flux is found to be the redshift, with the two highest redshift sources appearing intrinsically more submm-luminous than the lower redshift ones. Since this trend is also seen in other high redshift AGN, including non-BAL quasars it implies that the dust emission properties of these systems are no different from those of the general AGN population, which is difficult to reconcile with the evolutionary interpretation of the BAL phenomenon.Comment: 5 Pages, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Further multiwavelength observations of the SSA22 Ly_alpha emitting `blob'

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    We present new follow-up observations of the sub-mm luminous Ly_alpha-emitting object in the SSA22 z=3.09 galaxy overdensity, referred to as `Blob 1' by Steidel et al.(2000). In particular we discuss high resolution Hubble Space Telescope optical imaging, Owens Valley Radio Observatory spectral imaging, Keck spectroscopy, VLA 20cm radio continuum imaging, and Chandra X-ray observations. We also present a more complete analysis of the existing James Clerk Maxwell Telescope sub-mm data. We detect several optical continuum components which may be associated with the core of the submillimeter emitting region. A radio source at the position of one of the HST components (22:17:25.94, +00:12:38.9) identifies it as the likely counterpart to the submillimeter source. We also tentatively detect the CO(4-3) molecular line, centered on the radio position. We use the CO(4-3) intensity to estimate a limit on the gas mass for the system. The optical morphology of sources within the Ly_alpha cloud appears to be filamentary, while the optical source identified with the radio source has a dense knot which may be an AGN or compact starburst. We obtain a Keck-LRIS spectrum of this object, despite its faintness (R=26.8). The spectrum reveals weak Ly_alpha emission, but no other obvious features, suggesting that the source is not an energetic AGN (or that it is extremely obscured). We use non-detections in deep Chandra X-ray images to constrain the nature of the `Blob'. Although conclusive evidence regarding the nature of the object remains hard to obtain at this redshift, the evidence presented here is at least consistent with a dust-obscured AGN surrounded by a starburst situated at the heart of this giant Ly_alpha cloud.Comment: 8 pages, 9figs (low res), to appear in ApJ, for higher res figures, http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~schapman/sa22_sept4.ps.g

    AzTEC Millimetre Survey of the COSMOS Field - II. Source Count Overdensity and Correlations with Large-Scale Structure

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    We report an over-density of bright sub-millimetre galaxies (SMGs) in the 0.15 sq. deg. AzTEC/COSMOS survey and a spatial correlation between the SMGs and the optical-IR galaxy density at z <~ 1.1. This portion of the COSMOS field shows a ~ 3-sigma over-density of robust SMG detections when compared to a background, or "blankfield", population model that is consistent with SMG surveys of fields with no extragalactic bias. The SMG over-density is most significant in the number of very bright detections (14 sources with measured fluxes S(1.1mm) > 6 mJy), which is entirely incompatible with sample variance within our adopted blank-field number densities and infers an over-density significance of >> 4. We find that the over-density and spatial correlation to optical-IR galaxy density are most consistent with lensing of a background SMG population by foreground mass structures along the line of sight, rather than physical association of the SMGs with the z <~ 1.1 galaxies/clusters. The SMG positions are only weakly correlated with weak-lensing maps, suggesting that the dominant sources of correlation are individual galaxies and the more tenuous structures in the region and not the massive and compact clusters. These results highlight the important roles cosmic variance and large-scale structure can play in the study of SMGs.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Geologic Map and Structural Development of the Noerthernmost Sur-Nacimiento Fault Zone, Central California Coast

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    The Sur-Nacimiento fault exposed along the central California coast (United States) juxtaposes the Salinian block arc against the Nacimiento block accretionary complex, cuts out the majority of the forearc basin and western arc, and requires a minimum of 150 km of orogen-normal crustal excision within the Mesozoic California convergent margin. Despite this significant strain, the kinematic evolution of the Sur-Nacimiento fault remains poorly understood, with diverse hypotheses suggesting sinistral, dextral, thrust, or normal displacement along the fault. This Late Cretaceous–Paleogene strain history is complicated by the location of the fault within a belt of subparallel faults that have accommodated significant Oligocene and younger dextral displacement between the Pacific and North American plates. In the vicinity of Big Creek along the Big Sur coast, steeply bounded bedrock enclaves of Salinian block affinity are enclosed within Nacimiento block mélange, and have been used to support multiple kinematic models for Late Cretaceous–Eocene Sur-Nacimiento slip. The work presented here targets coastal outcrops from McWay Falls to Gamboa Point, where our new mapping documents Salinian enclaves within Franciscan mélange along several steeply NE-dipping strands of the fault. Between these strands, bedding-parallel gouge zones as much as 2 m wide dip 50°–70°NE and display P-Y fabrics and asymmetric blocks indicating dextral displacement. Kinematic analysis of 401 individual outcrop-scale brittle faults and Y-plane surfaces record dominantly NW-SE extension and NE-SW shortening oblique to the strike of the Sur-Nacimiento fault. At McWay Falls, shear-sense indicators in mylonitic calcite marble found along the McWay fault yield top-South thrust displacement of Salinian basement over Salinian sedimentary rocks. South of the McWay fault, Salinian sedimentary rocks are overturned adjacent to and within strands of the Sur-Nacimiento fault, and display a subvertical E-W–striking disjunctive cleavage. These results are consistent with pre-Miocene N-S shortening or dextral transpression adjacent to the Sur-Nacimiento fault, followed by 8–11 km of Neogene dextral slip along the Gamboa fault that reactivated preexisting NW-SE–striking structures along this segment of the Sur-Nacimiento fault. This study highlights the multiple episodes of deformation along the Sur-Nacimiento fault that obscure the fault’s early slip evolution with respect to the juxtaposition of the Salinian and Nacimiento blocks, as well as the potential that dextral reactivation of the Sur-Nacimiento fault may partially accommodate differential displacement along the San Gregorio–Hosgri fault

    An optimal ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field in the era of JWST: obscured star formation and the cosmic far-infrared background

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    We combine archival ALMA data targeting the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) to produce the deepest currently attainable 1-mm maps of this key, extragalactic survey field. Combining all existing data in Band 6, our deepest map covers 4.2arcmin^2, with a beamsize of 1.49"x1.07" at an effective frequency of 243GHz (1.23mm). It reaches an rms of 4.6uJy/beam, with 1.5arcmin^2 below 9.0uJy/beam, an improvement of >5% over the best previously published map and 50% improvement in some regions. We also make a wider, but shallower map, covering 25.4arcmin^2. We detect 45 galaxies in the deep map down to 3.6sigma, including 10 more 1-mm sources than previously detected. 38 of these galaxies have a JWST ID from the JADES NIRCam imaging and the new sources are typically faint and red. A stacking analysis on the positions of ALMA-undetected JADES galaxies yields detections for z<4 and stellar masses from 10^(8.4) to 10^(10.4)Msun, extracting 10% of additional stacked signal from our map compared to previous analyses. Detected sources and stacking contribute (10.0+/-0.5)Jy/deg^2 of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) at 1.23mm. Although this is short of the (uncertain) background level of about 20Jy/deg^2, after taking into account intrinsic fluctuations in the CIB, our measurement is consistent with the background if the HUDF is a mild (~2sigma) negative fluctuation. This suggests that within the HUDF, JWST may have detected essentially all of the galaxies that contribute to the CIB. Our stacking analysis predicts that the field contains around 60 additional galaxies with 1.23mm flux densities averaging around 15uJy, and over 300 galaxies at the few uJy level. However, the contribution of these fainter more modestly-obscured objects to the background is small, and converging, as anticipated from the now well-established strong correlation between galaxy stellar mass and obscured star formation.Comment: Submitted to MNRA
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