6,088 research outputs found

    Contradictory Character Traits as Seen in Persona 4: the Animation

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    Anime is Japanese cartoon that has a vast popularity due to its story and art. The popularity of anime results in the various genres such as: crime-fiction, urban fantasy, and slice of life. One of the popular animes that combines the three genres is Persona 4: the Animation. The popularity and the combination of three genres of that anime makes me interested in analyzing this anime. I am particularly attracted to the two main characters in Persona 4: The Animation namely, Yu Narukami and Tohru Adachi. Those two main character possess contradictory character traits and represent a certain symbol on the society. In this paper, I examine the values that influence their character traits. Using Carl Gustav Jung's theory of individuation, I proves that they have contradictory character traits by looking through their Persona, Shadow, Ego, and Self. Through the analysis of character traits, I find that they symbolize yin yang. Like yin yang, they are contradicting as well as complementing. Yet, they also are not paragon of evil or goo

    Adaptive plasticity in the mouse mandible

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    BACKGROUND: Plasticity, i.e. non-heritable morphological variation, enables organisms to modify the shape of their skeletal tissues in response to varying environmental stimuli. Plastic variation may also allow individuals to survive in the face of new environmental conditions, enabling the evolution of heritable adaptive traits. However, it is uncertain whether such a plastic response of morphology constitutes an evolutionary adaption itself. Here we investigate whether shape differences due to plastic bone remodelling have functionally advantageous biomechanical consequences in mouse mandibles. Shape characteristics of mandibles from two groups of inbred laboratory mice fed either rodent pellets or ground pellets mixed with jelly were assessed using geometric morphometrics and mechanical advantage measurements of jaw adductor musculature. RESULTS: Mandibles raised on diets with differing food consistency showed significant differences in shape, which in turn altered their biomechanical profile. Mice raised on a soft food diet show a reduction in mechanical advantage relative to mice of the same inbred strain raised on a typical hard food diet. Further, the soft food eaters showed lower levels of integration between jaw regions, particularly between the molar and angular region relative to hard food eaters. CONCLUSIONS: Bone remodelling in mouse mandibles allows for significant shifts in biomechanical ability. Food consistency significantly influences this process in an adaptive direction, as mice raised on hard food develop jaws better suited to handle hard foods. This remodelling also affects the organisation of the mandible, as mice raised on soft food appear to be released from developmental constraints showing less overall integration than those raised on hard foods, but with a shift of integration towards the most solicited regions of the mandible facing such a food, namely the incisors. Our results illustrate how environmentally driven plasticity can lead to adaptive functional changes that increase biomechanical efficiency of food processing in the face of an increased solicitation. In contrast, decreased demand in terms of food processing seems to release developmental interactions between jaw parts involved in mastication, and may generate new patterns of co-variation, possibly opening new directions to subsequent selection. Overall, our results emphasize that mandible shape and integration evolved as parts of a complex system including mechanical loading food resource utilization and possibly foraging behaviour

    Team Learning: A Theoretical Integration and Review

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    With the increasing emphasis on work teams as the primary architecture of organizational structure, scholars have begun to focus attention on team learning, the processes that support it, and the important outcomes that depend on it. Although the literature addressing learning in teams is broad, it is also messy and fraught with conceptual confusion. This chapter presents a theoretical integration and review. The goal is to organize theory and research on team learning, identify actionable frameworks and findings, and emphasize promising targets for future research. We emphasize three theoretical foci in our examination of team learning, treating it as multilevel (individual and team, not individual or team), dynamic (iterative and progressive; a process not an outcome), and emergent (outcomes of team learning can manifest in different ways over time). The integrative theoretical heuristic distinguishes team learning process theories, supporting emergent states, team knowledge representations, and respective influences on team performance and effectiveness. Promising directions for theory development and research are discussed

    Performa Produksi Telur Turunan Pertama (F1) Persilangan Ayam Arab dan Ayam Kampung yang Diberi Ransum dengan Level Protein Berbeda

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    An experiment has been conducted to study the effect of diets with different level of protein on the production performance of offspring (F1) crossbred between arab and kampung chicken. Fifty four crossbreed hens of 20 weeks of age were used in the experiment. The hens were divided into 3 feeding groups, each 6 x 3 heads. Treatment diets were formulated in three different levels of protein: 15, 17 and 19 %. The diets which an average energy content of 2850 kcal/kg were offered for 8 weeks. Variable observed included: feed intake, hen day egg production, FCR, egg weight and color index of yellow egg. The data were statistically analyzed by variance analysis in completely block design with 3 treatments and 6 replicates. The results indicated the protein level had significant effect on all variables. Diet with 19 % crude protein gave the best performance

    Performa Kematangan Gonad, Fekunditas Dan Derajat Penetasan Melalui Pemberian Kombinasi Pakan Alami Pada Induk Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodon Fab.)

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    Pemberian kombinasi pakan alami cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.), cacing laut (Marphysa sp.) dan tiram (Crassostrea sp.) pada pembenihan udang windu diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kematangan gonad, fekunditas dan derajat penetasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai kombinasi pakan alami cumi-cumi, cacing laut dan tiram terhadap kematangan gonad, fekunditas dan derajat penetasan pada induk udang windu (P. monodon Fab.). Variabel yang diamati meliputi kematangan gonad, fekunditas dan derajat penetasan (HR). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan kombinasi pakan alami dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan itu adalah A (cumi-cumi 25%, cacing laut 50% dan tiram 25%), B (cumi-cumi 30%, cacing laut 40% dan tiram 30%), C (cumi-cumi 35%, cacing laut 30% dan tiram 35%) dan D (cumi-cumi 40%, cacing laut 20% dan tiram 40%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kombinasi pakan alami pada perlakuan C memberikan tingkat kematangan gonad paling cepat yaitu selama 5 – 6 hari. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa derajat penetasan (HR) pada perlakuan A, B dan C berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap perlakuan D tetapi tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap fekunditas induk udang windu (P. monodon Fab.). Berdasarkan pada hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian kombinasi pakan alami dengan jumlah cacing laut 30 – 50% dapat meningkatkan persentase derajat penetasan (HR) pada induk udang windu (P. monodon Fab.). The combination of live food organisms of squid (Loligo sp.), mudworm (Marphysa sp.) and oyster (Crassostrea sp.) in the tiger prawn hatchery tiger prawn, it's can be supposed to be increase the maturation, fecundity and hatching rate. The purpose of this research was to observe the effect of the various combination of live food organisms of squid, mudworm and oyster on the maturation, fecundity and hatching rate (HR) broodstock of tiger prawn. The variables measurement were maturation, fecundity and hatching rate (HR). This research was used completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replicates, respectively. Those treatments were A (25% squid, 50% mudworm and 25% oyster), B (30% squid, 40% mudworm and 30% oyster), C (35% squid, 30% mudworm and 35% oyster) and D (40% squid, 20% mudworm and 40% oyster). The result showed that the combination of live food organisms in treatment C was the fastest on the maturation during 5 – 6 days. This research was also showed that the Hatching Rate (HR) in treatment A, B and C were significanly effect (P<0,05) on the treatment D but no significanly effect (P>0,05) on the broodstock fecundity of tiger prawn, P. monodon Fab. Base on the results suggested that the combination of live food organisms in the ranged of mudworm 30 – 50% could to increase the prosentage HR of tiger prawn, P. monodon Fab

    Penampilan dan Kualitas Telur Puyuh yang Diberi Pakan Mengandung Produk Fermentasi dengan Neurospora Crassa

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding products fermented by Neurospora crassa on quail performances and egg quality. 200 quail layers were randomly allocated into 20 pens. This experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with four dietary treatments: 0%, 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% product fermented by Neurospora crassa in the diets and four replications. Variable measured were feed comsumption, egg production, feed conversion, egg cholesterol and egg yolk colour. Data were analized by CRD and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Results of the experiment indicated that feed comsumption, egg production, feed conversion were not affected (p>0.05) but egg cholesterol and egg yolk colour were affected (p<0.01) by using product fermented in the diets for quails. Results of Duncant Multiple Range Test indicated that egg cholesterol in E treatment (used 12% products fermented) was the lowest than other treatment, but the highest on egg yolk colour . The conclusion of the experiment that up to 12% products fermented by Neurospora crassa can be used in the diet of quail and can increase the quality of quail egg (egg low cholesterol)

    Foraging Behavior of Tetramorium Caespitum in an Urban Environment: the Effect of Food Quality on Foraging

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    Animals\u27 foraging strategies are directly related to their fitness. Proposed models of optimal foraging assume that animals strategize in terms of maximizing benefits over the cost of acquiring resources. Ants are social insects that are comparable in biomass to humans inhabiting the plant. As such, it is crucial to understand the foraging strategies of such an influential member of the ecosystem. With the ever-increasing rate of urbanization and human encroachment, it is even more important to consider the foraging patterns of species inhabiting urban areas. In this study we investigate optimal foraging strategies in the pavement ant, Tetramorium caespitum. Specifically, our study examined if pavement ant colonies would alter their foraging behavior so as to maximize benefits and minimize costs. To do this, we exposed the ants to food of two varying nutritional qualities to test how they allocated foragers across these two resources.Food quantity, distance to the food source and terrain were the same in both types of resources. Across a two day period, we saw that T. caespitum colonies increased ant recruitment when food quality increased and decreased ant recruitment when food quality decreased. Our control treatments where food quality did not change also did not see a change in ant recruitment. This study shows that species that live in urban areas, such as T. caespitum, can adapt to forage optimally. Studies like this can be used to make predictions about survival of species that are newly associated with urban environments

    Modified POF Sensor for Gaseous Hydrogen Fluoride Monitoring in the Presence of Ionizing Radiations

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    This paper describes the development of a sensor designed to detect low concentrations of hydrogen fluoride (HF) in gas mixtures. The sensor employs a plastic optical fiber (POF) covered with a thin layer of glass- like material. HF attacks the glass and alters the fiber transmission capability so that the detection simply requires a LED and a photodiode. The coated POF is obtained by means of low-pressure plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition that allows the glass-like film to be deposited at low temperature without damaging the fiber core. The developed sensor will be installed in the recirculation gas system of the resistive plate chamber muon detector of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider accelerator of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN