284 research outputs found

    Functional Eubacteria Species Along with Trans-domain Gut Inhabitants Favour Dysgenic Diversity in Oxalate Stone Disease

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    Analyses across all three domains of life are necessary to advance our understanding of taxonomic dysbiosis in human diseases. In the present study, we assessed gut microbiota (eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes) of recurrent oxalate kidney stone suffers to explore the extent of trans-domain and functional species dysbiosis inside the gut. Trans-domain taxonomic composition, active oxalate metabolizer and butyrate-producing diversity were explored by utilizing frc-, but-, and buk- functional gene amplicon analysis. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) level analyses confound with the observation that dysbiosis in gut microbiota is not just limited to eubacteria species, but also to other domains like archaea and eukaryotes. We found that some of healthy eubacterial population retained together with Oxalobacter formigenes and Lactobacillus plantarum colonization in disease condition (p \u3c 0.001 & FDR = 0.05). Interestingly, trans-domain species diversity has been less shared and dysgenic taxa augmentation was found to be higher. Oxalate metabolizing bacterial species (OMBS) and butyrate-producing eubacteria species were found to be decreased in Oxalobacter non-colonizers; and Prevotella and Ruminococcus species which may contribute to oxalate metabolism and butyrate synthesis as well. Our study underscores fact that microbial dysbiosis is not limited to eubacteria only hence suggest the necessity of the trans-domain surveillance in metabolic diseases for intervention studies

    Efficacy of doppler velocimetry of the umbilical artery in the defined high-risk groups to determine the fetal outcome

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    Background: Doppler ultrasound provides a non-invasive method of studying the status of various blood vessels. It provides a spectrum analysis of the velocities of moving red blood cells. Doppler sonography can provide useful information in a variety of gynecological and obstetric conditions. In obstetrics, Doppler velocimetry of the uteroplacental and fetoplacental circulation can be used to further investigate complications of pregnancy such as fetal growth restriction, other forms of fetal distress that result from fetal hypoxemia or asphyxia.Methods: In a prospective observational study, 93 pregnancies fitting in the criteria for high risk were evaluated by doppler velocimetry between 28-40 weeks of gestation. The flow velocity time wave forms were examined and quantitated by use of systolic/diastolic (S/D) ratio, resistance index (RI), pulsatility index (PI) values. The outcome of pregnancy was noted.Results: Fetuses with abnormal velocimetry are at higher risk with regard to birth weight, Apgar score, fetal distress, need of cesarean section, need of NICU admission. The patients with absent end-diastolic flow (AEDF)/reversal of end-diastolic flow (REDF) had poor perinatal outcome. Positive predictive value for small for gestational age (SGA) and fetal distress was 75% and 60% respectively. 23.8% babies needed to be kept in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).Conclusions: Doppler velocimetry can be useful prenatal test for the patients of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and IUGR. Abnormal doppler waveform changes indicate adverse perinatal outcome. Appropriate and timely interventions guided by doppler study help to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality

    Contralateral Fracture of the Penis with Concomitant Urethral Injury – Report of a Rare Case

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    Penile refracture is a rare urological emergency, more so on the side contralateral to the previous fracture. A 55-year-old male was referred 70 hours after sudden detumescence during sexual intercourse, with a history of blood at the urethral meatus. The patient had had a fracture of the penis four years previously. Examination revealed ecchymosis and swelling of the proximal shaft and purulent discharge from a laceration in the penile skin over the proximal corpora. Ultrasonography revealed laceration of the right tunica albuginea and corpus cavernosum. Exploration revealed scar tissue at the site of the previous operation on the left side and a fresh laceration, 1cm in size, in the right corpus cavernosum in the mid shaft, and a urethral defect of 0.5 cm. The patient had normal erections post-operatively and no complications at 6 months followup. On literature review, anecdotal cases of contralateral refracture of the penis were found. High suspicion, prompt diagnosis and expedient surgical management are essential for a good outcome with minimal complication

    Study on awareness and knowledge regarding Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) among ANC registered women in a primary health centre of tribal area of Thane District of Maharashtra

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    Background: In an attempt to make primary health care services available, especially, to the poorest and most vulnerable segments of rural & tribal society, JSY forms a crucial component of the NRHM. JSY is a safe motherhood intervention initiated to reduce maternal and neo-natal mortality and increasing institutional deliveries in them. Objective: 1) To assess awareness about Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) among ANC registered women. 2) To establish association of socio-demographic factors with awareness about Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY).Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Primary Health Centre, Khardi of Thane district of Maharashtra during the period of Oct. 2010. A total of 110 ANC registered women were interviewed using pre-designed questionnaire. Results were analyzed by using SPSS version-15. Chi-square test was applied and p < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: More than half of the women (52.7%) were aware about this governmental scheme & only 17.24% of them were able to answer the correct name of the scheme. They obtained this knowledge mainly from the ANMs (58.6%), AWWs (22.4%) and ASHAs (17.2%). About 54.5% women had the knowledge about the components of JSY. Poor socioeconomic class, backward caste (SC/ST) & skilled/unskilled type of occupation were found to be significantly associated with the presence of knowledge about JSY. Conclusion: As the awareness and knowledge in our study group was less compared to other studies, there is a need to intensify the efforts to increase awareness and knowledge about JSY.

    Titanium lag screw osteosynthesis in the management of mandibular fractures

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    Aims and objectives: To evaluate the efficiency of titanium lag screws in the management of oblique and sagittally displaced mandibular fractures. Also to analyze various complications encountered through this technique. Materials and methods: Twenty cases presenting with mandibular oblique, sagittaly displaced mandibular fractures requiring were selected in our study. Titanium lag screws were placed such that their axes bisect the angle between a perpendicular drawn to the fracture line and perpendicular to the bone surface. Postoperative follow up was done for 3to 9 months Results: Majority of the fractures (10) were parasymphysis fractures, 3 with associated fractures. Intermaxillary fixation was used in two of these cases as the fracture fragments were severely displaced (Table1). In two patients, a single lag screw combined with a small conventional miniplate and a bone graft was used, due to loss of bone along the inferior border of the mandible in the fractured site. Two lag screws were used in severely displaced symphysis fractures and when two fracture sites were seen. Adequate rigidity and stability of fractured segments was achieved in all the cases. Conclusion : Titanium lag screw fixation was found to have good rigidity, stability, economic and less time consuming in certain type of mandibular fractures, though there exists few contraindications regarding its usage. It is definitely a technique sensitive procedure, requiring strict adherence to the principle if lag screw placement and adequate knowledge about internal anatomy of the mandible


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    Objective: In the present communication, development and validation of reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography method have been carried out for estimation of oxalate content in the urine of human volunteers with recurrent kidney stone disease and healthy status.Methods: The analysis of oxalic acid has been carried out on KYA TECH HiQ Sil C18HS column using a mobile phase of methanol: 0.001 N acetic acid in water (50:50, v/v) with a flow rate of 1 ml/min and detection wavelength, 237 nm.Results: Analysis of oxalate content was carried out using single point calibration method with retention at 2.705 min with good resolution parameters. Urine sample collected from kidney stone patients and healthy volunteers over the period of 24 h were analyzed and it has been found that concentration of oxalate in healthy volunteers is less than 12 µg/ml whereas that in case of kidney stone patients is in the range of 39-151 µg/ml and this data can be utilized for further interpretations about oxalate content in healthy and kidney stone diseased volunteers. This method was validated as per united states food and drug administration (USFDA) guidelines by the study of accuracy, precision, linearity, range, selectivity, the lower limit of quantitation, extraction recovery studies and stability studies for determining oxalate content in the urine of human volunteers. As relative standard deviations of oxalate content estimated are less than 5 percent, the method can be claimed accurate, precise, sensitive and selective for determining oxalate content in the urine of human volunteers.Conclusion: The results are satisfactory, proving the effectiveness of the method for analysis of oxalate content from other biological fluids with few optimizations

    Clinical evaluation of Ayurvedic drug regime after Shodhana in Vicharchika - A case study

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    Now a days we can see a considerable rise in the incidence of skin problems due to various reasons like poor sanitation, unhygienic lifestyle, unhealthy food habits. Due to recurrence and cosmetic disfigurement all skin diseases needs a potent t/t option which will not give symptomatic relief but cure from roots of disease.In the Ayurveda text all skin diseases were included under the Kustharoga, so included under the Raktapradoshaja Vikara and treated as Kustha. Selected Panchakarma procedures for Kustha along with Shamana Chikitsa have been proved valuable in these manifestation. Here a case of 32 yrs old female patient presented with symptoms of Vicharchika, which was treated with combination of Panchakarma procedures and Shamana Aushadhi. Patients condition assessed before and after treatment

    Understanding Shodhana Mithyayoga (improper administration of purification therapy) as Vyadhi Hetu (cause of disease) with special reference to Bruhatrayee

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    Analysis of Hetu (causative factors) is one of the important factors in Roga Pariksha (examination of disease). Panchakarma (5 purification therapies) practices are carried out abundantly by physicians considering its effective results in shorter time duration. Many people also practice these at home without proper consultation from expert physician just by reliying on the information from social media. Administration of purification therapy at inappropriate stage or with faulty manners leads to vitiation of Dosha, which ultimately leads to occurrence of disease. Bruhatrayee (3 main classical texts) of Ayurveda has mentioned Shodhana Mithyayoga (improper administration of purification therapy) as causative factor for various diseases quoted in Nidanasthana and Chikitsasthana. The present article focusses on to study the Shodhana Mithyayogas Vyadhi Hetu (causative factor of disease) mentioned in Nidanasthana and Chikitsasthana of Bruhatrayee of Ayurveda

    A rare case of synovial sarcoma of the prostate

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    Prostatic synovial sarcomas are exceedingly rare. To our knowledge, only six primary cases have been reported so far. We herein describe a primary synovial sarcoma of the prostate seen in a 25- year-old male patient, the youngest patient seen with this disease to date. He was referred to our department with the diagnosis of high-grade sarcoma of the prostate revealed by TRUS-guided biopsy. On admission he had a transurethral catheter for acute retention of urine. MRI revealed a solid prostatic tumor of 9.5 x 8 cm involving the rectum without any evidence of lymphatic or distant metastases. The patient underwent total pelvic exenteration and sigmoid end colostomy with ileal conduit. Histopathology revealed a synovial sarcoma of the prostate, immunoreactive to vimentin, Bcl–2 and cytokeratin. The patient is doing well at 18 months follow-up.Key Words: Prostatic sarcoma, prostatic malignancy, prostate, synovial sarcom

    User Feedback Analysis System using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence

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    The Web has dramatically changed the way that people express their views and opinions. Now if one wants to purchase a product, he/she is no longer limited to asking his/her friends and families because there are many product reviews on the Web which give opinions of existing users of the product. Here we present the system which provides us information about such products and services in summarization form. Finding opinion sources and monitoring them on the Web can still be a difficult task because there are a large number of diffrent sources, and each source may also have a huge volume of opinionated text (text with opinions or sentiments). In most cases, opinions are hidden in long forum posts and blogs. It is complicated for a human reader to find relable sources, extract related sentences with opinions, read them, summarize them, and manage them into usable forms. Thus, automated summarization systems are needed. Using this summarization we can recognize the importance, quality, popularity of product and services. In this system we make summarization for product. But, we can use this system anywhere, where text analysis is required. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, grows out of this need. It is a challenging natural language processing or text mining problem. Due to its tremendous value for practical applications, there has been an excessive growth of both research in academia and applications in the industry
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