13,786 research outputs found

    The Digestive Enzymes in the Larvae of Chaoborus obscuripes van der Wulp, 1867.

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    Dieser Artikel enthält die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung von neun verschiedenen Enzymen, die vom Mitteldarm von Chaoborus obscuripes-Larven bei der Nahrungsaufnahme erzeugt werden. Von diesen Enzymen wurden Proteinase, Amylase sowie saure und alkalische Phosphatasen in der Mitteldarmhöhle und im Mitteldarmgewebe gefütterter wie ungefütterter Larven festgestellt. Invertase und Maltase fanden sich im Mitteldarmgewebe gefütterter wie ungefütterter Larven, aber niemals im Nahrungsraum. Dipeptidase wurde nur bei gefütterten Larven in der Mitteldarmhöhle und im Mitteldarmgewebe gefunden. Laktase und Lipase (die Olivenöl und Sonnenblumenkernöl abbauen können) wurden nicht festgestellt. Der Autor folgert, dass die räuberische Lebensweise nicht zu einer Verringerung der Kohlehydrate abbauenden Enzyme geführt hat und dass bei diesen Larven ein Fermentkettensystem wirksam ist, in dem eine Reihe von Enzymen nacheinander komplexe Nahrungsmittel schrittweise abbauen.The present paper reports the findings of a study of nine different enzymes produced by the mid-gut of Chaoborus obscuripes larvae in relation to feeding. Of the enzymes studied proteinase, amylase and acid and alkaline phosphatases were found in the mid-gut cavity and mid-gut tissue of fed as well as starved larvae. Invertase and maltase were detected in the mid-gut tissue of both fed and starved larvae, but never in the tropic cavity. Dipeptidase was detected in the mid-gut cavity and mid-gut tissue of fed larvae only. Lactase and lipase (capable of breaking down olive oil and sunflower seed oil) were found to be absent. The author concludes that the predacious habit has not caused a reduction of the carbohydrate digesting enzymes and that a ferment-chain system is operating in these larvae whereby a series of enzymes, in succession, break down the complex food substances step by step

    The working of parliamentary government in Pakistan, 1947 - 1958: with particular reference to the central government and major political trends

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    Pakistan came into being in August, 1947 with the marginal characteristics of a developed polity. Despite the apparent existence of disagreeable political phenomena all the components of Parliamentary democracy, and for that matter a developed polity, were beginning to surface in Pakistan as the year 1958 wore on and a general election was becoming imminent. The first significant index of political development was Pakistan's achieving a general ideological consensus and resolution of regional cleavages in the country. On the question of integrative institution - building, the amalgamation of all units of West Pakistan into one unified province was a political landmark. The formula of parity between the two wings in all matters and the machineries for implanting it were am. The period 1956 - 1958 witnessed further strengthening of institutions which were created. The one-unit scheme was further solidified. The edges of centre fugal forces were blunted, and the grievances of the former smaller units of West Pakistan were attended to. The regionalism of East Pakistan, comparatively. speaking, was dwindling. The controversy over was also finally solved with the ushering of a joint electorate system. It can he thus maintained that within the period 1954- 1958, the regional and ideological cleavages were greatly resolved paving the way for a " Common value orientation " - the desideratum for a developed polity. Also there occurred significant change in the political-system, in that the early domination of the Services was: on the wane. The Hindus which were looked upon with jaundiced eye in the early period were given a sense of partnership with the majority community in the use of political power. Similarly, the parliament in the period 1956-1958 made some headway towards the right direction. What is more, the trends, were identifiable in that, the two parties namely, the M.L. and A.L. were emerging as the two major political parties of Pakistan. Despite all these achievements towards political development, Pakistan could not retain the parliamentary apparatus on the Westminster model, for ; some small | group of people who happened to have their fingers on the triggers of power, had no loyalty to democratic institutions and sabotaged the working of the parliamentary government in Pakistan

    Input Dimension Reduction in Neural Network Training-Case Study in Transient Stability Assessment of Large Systems

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    The problem in modeling large systems by artificial neural networks (ANN) is that the size of the input vector can become excessively large. This condition can potentially increase the likelihood of convergence problems for the training algorithm adopted. Besides, the memory requirement and the processing time also increase. This paper addresses the issue of ANN input dimension reduction. Two different methods are discussed and compared for efficiency and accuracy when applied to transient stability assessment

    Security-constrained Optimal Rescheduling of Real Power using Hopfield Neural Network

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    A new method for security-constrained corrective rescheduling of real power using the Hopfield neural network is presented. The proposed method is based on solution of a set of differential equations obtained from transformation of an energy function. Results from this work are compared with the results from a method based on dual linear programming formulation of the optimal corrective rescheduling. The minimum deviations in real power generations and loads at buses are combined to form the objective function for optimization. Inclusion of inequality constraints on active line flow limits and equality constraint on real power generation load balance assures a solution representing a secure system. Transmission losses are also taken into account in the constraint function

    A Review of Recent Advances in Economic Dispatch

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    A survey is presented of papers and reports that address various aspects of economic dispatch. The time period considered is 1977-88. Four related areas of economic dispatch are identified and papers published in the general areas of economic dispatch are classified into these. These areas are: optimal power flow, economic dispatch in relation to AGC, dynamic dispatch, and economic dispatch with nonconventional generation sources

    Analysis of Interrelationships Between Photovoltaic Power and Battery Storage for Electric Utility Load Management

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    The impact of photovoltaic power generation on an electric utility\u27s load shape under supply-side peak load management conditions is explored. Results show that some utilities utilizing battery storage for peak load shaving might benefit from use of photovoltaic (PV) power, the extent of its usefulness being dependent on the specific load shapes as well as the photovoltaic array orientations. Typical utility load shapes both in the eastern (at Rayleigh, NC) and in the western (at Hesperia, CA) parts of the USA are examined for this purpose. It is concluded that while photovoltaic power generation seems to present a bigger impact on the load of the western utility, both utilities will experience considerable savings on the size of the battery system required to shave the peak loads as well as in the night-time base capacity required to charge the batter

    Simulation of Photovoltaic Power Systems and Their Performance Prediction

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    A number of photovoltaic (PV) performance-analysis models are tested for their ability to estimate the AC power output and validated against historical observations from a PV test facility. A method to estimate meteorological parameters is developed for use in PV performance models for predicting future AC power output from a PV test site. Twelve such PV performance models are examined, and the PVFORM system analysis program and lifetime cost and performance models are extensively tested. These two models are tested using the typical meteorological year and the VPI model-generated estimates of long-term data. Performance prediction results are compared against actual observations at a 4 kW PV test facility. Results show that the VPI model-generated data, when used with the PVFORM model, provide the best predictions for AC power output from this 4 kW PV test facility

    Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System (SMES) for Improved Dynamic System Performance

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    A Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System (SMES) consists of a high inductance coil emulating a constant current source. Such a SMES system, when connected to a power system, is able to inject/absorb active and reactive power into or from a system. The active power injected into the system is controlled by varying the duty cycle of the switches in the dc-dc chopper while the SMES coil is discharging into the system. The reactive power is controlled by the magnitude of the converter output voltage. The storage setup is tested on a WSCC 3 machine 9 bus system. The behavior of the system is tested for a three phase fault on the network at different locations. The transient behavior of the system is observed with and without the SMES unit. The SMES unit is able to damp out the post-fault oscillations within a short tim

    Photovoltaic-Powered Water Pumping-Design, and Implementation: Case Studies in Wyoming

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    A photovoltaic-powered water pumping project comprising of several rural electric cooperatives and their customers is described in detail. A number of remote water pumping installations in the state of Wyoming, USA, are currently operating as a result of this project. The design, installation and performance monitoring of these systems are discussed. In general, it can be stated that PV-powered water pumping in this state has been a cost-effective alternative to distribution line extension or other conventional means of water pumping. Customer satisfaction, in terms of functional adequacy and low maintenance requirements of these systems, is high. The benefit for the electric utilities concerned, are cost savings and better customer relations
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