6 research outputs found

    Performance, academic context and self-reported health in psychology students before and after of the EHEA

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    [EN] The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has involved a number of structural and methodological changes whose results on academic performance and student health have not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance, perceived context and self-reported health of a sample of undergraduate and graduate Psychology students to see how these variables relate to and influence their academic achievement and welfare. Methodology. The sample consisted of 811 students (487 pre-Bologna system and 324 bacherlor ́s degree). For the evaluation of the indicated variables, the following instruments were used: the Academic Context questionnaire, to evaluate the educational environment; the GHQ-28 questionnaire to evaluate the self-reported health; and the CHAS (Cuestionario de HĂĄbitos de Sueño, in Spanish, Sleeping Habits Questionnaire), in addition, the academic performance was collected. Results. EHEA students perform better than students pre-Bologna, although the difference is not very high. They are also more dissatisfied with the results obtained, they have worse psychological health, worse quality of sleep, greater anxiety and insomnia, greater social dysfunction, in addition, they need more medical leave due to stress and anxiety. Conclusions. Adaptation to the EHEA does not seem to achieve its objectives of improving the quality of education and having a negative impact on the health and physical and psychological well-being of students.[ES] El Espacio Europeo de EducaciĂłn Superior (EEES) ha implicado una serie de modificaciones a nivel estructural y metodolĂłgico cuyos resultados sobre el rendimiento acadĂ©mico y la salud de los estudiantes no se han estudiado suficientemente. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el rendimiento, el contexto percibido y la salud auto informada de una muestra de estudiantes de PsicologĂ­a de licenciatura y grado, para ver cĂłmo se relacionan estas variables e influyen en sus resultados acadĂ©micos y bienestar. MetodologĂ­a. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 811 estudiantes (487 de licenciatura y 324 de grado). Para la evaluaciĂłn de las variables indicadas se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: cuestionario de Contexto AcadĂ©mico, el cuestionario GHQ-28 para evaluar la salud percibida, y el Cuestionario de hĂĄbitos de sueño CHAS, ademĂĄs se recabĂł el rendimiento acadĂ©mico. Resultados. Los estudiantes del EEES obtienen un mejor rendimiento que los de licenciatura, aunque la diferencia no es muy elevada. AsĂ­ mismo muestran estar mĂĄs insatisfechos con los resultados obtenidos, tienen peor salud psicolĂłgica, peor calidad de sueño, mayor ansiedad e insomnio, mayor disfunciĂłn social y mĂĄs bajas mĂ©dicas por estrĂ©s y ansiedad. Conclusiones. La adaptaciĂłn al EEES parece que no cumple con sus objetivos de mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza ademĂĄs de tener un impacto negativo en la salud y bienestar fĂ­sico y psicolĂłgico de los estudiantes.LĂłpez-NĂșñez, M.; Rubio-Valdehita, S.; DĂ­az Ramiro, E. (2018). Rendimiento, contexto acadĂ©mico y salud percibida en estudiantes de psicologĂ­a antes y despuĂ©s del EEES. 211-226. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.8961SWORD21122

    Differentiation between Normal Cognition and Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Adults Using Discrepancy Scores Derived from Neuropsychological Tests

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    Several studies have reported subtle differences in cognition between individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) compared to those with normal cognition. This study aimed to (i) identify these differences using discrepancy scores (e.g., categorial–phonemic verbal fluency performance) derived from neuropsychological tests in three cognitive domains (memory: Wechsler’s Word List and Digits; executive functions: Stroop and verbal fluency; and language: BNT and ECCO_Senior) and (ii) determine which discrepancy scores are significant for classification. Seventy-five older adults were included: 32 who were labeled SCD+ (age 71.50 ± 5.29), meeting Jessen et al.’s criteria, and 43 in the normal cognition group (SCD−; age 69.81 ± 4.62). Both groups completed a protocol including screening and the specified neuropsychological tests. No differences were found between the groups in their age, education, episodic memory, global cognitive state, or mood. Significant differences between the groups were observed regarding the discrepancy scores derived from BNT (naming) and ECCO_Senior (sentence comprehension). These scores accurately classified participants (71.6%), with ECCO_Senior having a primary role. ROC curves indicated a poor-to-fair model quality or diagnostic accuracy (AUC_BNT = 0.690; AUC_ECCO = 0.722). In conclusion, discrepancy scores in the language domain are important for distinguishing between individuals with SCD and normal cognition, complementing previous findings in this domain. However, given their relatively poor diagnostic accuracy, they should be used with caution as part of a more detailed neuro-psychological assessment

    HĂ€ngen die ECTS-Punkte von Lehrveranstaltungen mit dem studentischen Workload zusammen?

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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht erstmalig fĂŒr eine Schweizer UniversitĂ€t auf Basis prozessproduzierter Daten aus Lehrveranstaltungsevaluationen den studentischen Workload. Die Messung des Workloads auf Ebene der Lehrveranstaltungen ermöglicht es folgende – fĂŒr die Studiengangsplanung relevante – Fragen zu beantworten: Entsprechen die den Lehrveranstaltungen zugeordneten ECTS-Punkte dem tatsĂ€chlich geleisteten Arbeitspensum? VerĂ€ndern sich ĂŒber die Zeit hinweg die DisparitĂ€ten von vorgegebenen Arbeitsbelastungen und den geleisteten Arbeitspensen? Wovon hĂ€ngen aus Sicht der Studierenden die subjektiven EinschĂ€tzungen ihres Workloads ab? Wir konnten nachweisen, dass es lediglich einen schwachen Zusammenhang zwischen ECTS-Punkten und studentischen Arbeitspensen gibt. Weiterhin konnten wir zeigen, dass der studentische Workload im Zeitverlauf kaum schwankt und deutlich hinter den institutionellen Vorgaben zurĂŒckbleibt. Schliesslich ist ersichtlich, dass die subjektive Wahrnehmung der Arbeitsbelastung mit dem Umfang und Schwierigkeitsgrad der Lehrveranstaltung korreliert. Insgesamt ist die Vergleichbarkeit von ECTS-Punkten ĂŒber Lehrveranstaltungen stark anzuzweifeln

    Para além dos estudos de uso da informação arquivística: a questão da acessibilidade

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