122 research outputs found

    Local Wisdom and Natural Disaster in West Sumatra

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    Community-based disaster management is an attempt to optimize the potential of social and local values in communities to facilitate the handling of natural disasters. West Sumatra as one of the disaster-prone areas in Indonesia has a number of local wisdom values—a value combining religion and local culture—rooted in traditional philosophy; “Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah”. The examples of those local wisdoms are customary ideas or proverbs in the form of legend and expressions, architectural design of the traditional house—“Rumah Gadang”—and the structure of the environment as well as the social systems of kinship and traditional administration in the form of Nagari. This research employed qualitative method by using ethnography approach. The data were collected through observations, participation in social events, and in-depth interviews. Those techniques were applied to obtain the valid information and the meaning of events and behaviors comprehensively. The local values applied by the indigenous communities as the victims of natural disasters in some regions of West Sumatra include “Badoncek” tradition in Nagari Tandikat Padang Pariaman, the architecture of “Rumah Gadang” in Nagari Sungayang, Tanah Datar and disaster mitigation based on district in Nagari Kubang Putiah Agam.Managemen bencana berbasis masyarakat merupakan upaya untuk mengoptimalkan potensi sosial dan nilai-nilai lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk memudahkan proses penanganan bencana alam. Sumatera Barat sebagai salah satu daerah rawan bencana di Indonesia, memiliki sejumlah nilai kearifan lokal, sebuah nilai yang memadukan antara agama dan budaya lokal yang termaktub dalam filosofi adat; Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah. Di antara kearifan lokal itu adalah ide atau pepatah adat dalam bentuk tambo dan ungkapan-ungkapan, tata ruang rumah adat dari segi arsitektur rumah gadang dan penataan lingkungannya serta sistem sosial kekerabatan dan pemerintahan adat dalam bentuk nagari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, keterlibatan dalam kegiatan masyarakat dan wawancara mendalam. Teknik-teknik ini dilakukan untuk mendapat informasi yang valid dan mendalam serta menghayati makna atau arti peristiwa dan tingkah laku secara komprehensif. Adapun nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang diterapkan komunitas adat di Sumatera Barat meliputi tradisi badoncek di Nagari Tandikat Padang Pariaman, arsitektur dan tata kelola rumah gadang di Nagari Sungayang Tanah Datar serta mitigasi bencana berbasis nagari di Nagari Kubang Putiah Kabupaten Agam

    Negosiasi Islam Kultur Dalam Gerakan Paderi Rao Di Sumatera Tengah (1820-1833)

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    Gerakan Paderi di Sumatera Tengah adalah revolusi intelektual dan sebuah batas sejarah yang menentukan perkembangan Minangkabau. Di dalamnya ada elemen-elemen fanatisme, kesalehan, resistensi terhadap kolonialisme, dan juga negosiasi budaya. Tulisan ini mengkaji tipologi gerakan keagamaan dalam gerakan Paderi melalui pendekatan sejarah sosial. Pembahasan difokuskan pada sejarah gerakan Paderi, dialektika agama dan budaya lokal, serta negosiasi kaum adat dan kaum agama dalam gerakan Paderi di tanah Rao. Negosiasi adat dan Islam tersebut terjadi pada tahun 1833. Golongan adat dan golongan Paderi bersatu bahu-membahu melawan Belanda. Persatuan bukan hanya dalam bentuk kekuatan saja tapi juga dalam bentuk visi yang kemudian dikenal dengan konsensus Plakat Puncak Pato di Tabek Patah Tanah Datar yang berbunyi “Adat basandi Syarak, Syarak basandi Kitabullah dan syarak mangato adat mamakai”. Ikrar ini mengikat golongan adat dan golongan Paderi yang mengakui eksistensi adat dan eksistensi agama Islam dalam pranata sosial. Kesepakatan tersebut kemudian memperkokoh posisi kelembagaan agama dalam masyarakat Minang

    Prevalence and predictors of smokeless tobacco use among high-school males in Karachi, Pakistan

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted in 3 towns in Karachi, Pakistan to investigate the prevalence of and factors associated with the use of smokeless tobacco among 772 high-school adolescent males. A structured questionnaire collected data on sociodemographic factors and history of cigarette and smokeless tobacco use. Prevalence of smokeless tobacco use (gutka, snuff, niswar) was 16.1% (95% CI: 13.5%-18.9%). On multiple logistic regression analysis, the factors significantly related to smokeless tobacco use among the sample were: attending government school [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 6.3], smoking cigarettes (OR 3.2), not seeing anti-tobacco advertisements (OR 1.5), family history of tobacco use (OR 3.9), use of betel quid (OR 2.9) and use of areca nut (OR 3.2)

    Simulasi Pompa Banjir untuk Mengatasi Banjir di Jalan Sei Masang Kota Dumai

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    Flood is a frequent disaster in Dumai City and become problems from year to year so that require special attention to handle this matter. This study tries to solve the problem by using a pump. Pumping method can be able to function with optimally, it is necessary to be given temporary pond reservoirs. The pump is used to help accelerate drainage water collected in ponds. Case study area observed is Sei Masang street. this study conducted a pumps simulation with ponds reservoirs by water balance method. The discharge had been calculated by Rational method and IDF curve by Mononobe method. Ponds reservoirs sized (65m x 65m x 2m) requires pumping capacity of 0,5 m3 / sec to handle the floodwaters. So a pump 0,5m3 / sec can be to pump of water from ponds reservoirs to the sea as channel waster

    Vegetative description of three Aquilaria (Thymelaeaceae) saplings in Malaysia

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    Plants` reproductive parts are most important for species identification. However, trees such as Aquilaria species take many years to mature and produce flowers and fruits. Inconsistent and infrequent flowering periods may cause additional hindrance to classical identification. In this study, descriptions were made based on vegetative parts such as leaf, branch and bark for saplings of three Aquilaria species found in Malaysia. It was found that A. hirta sapling can be recognized through the densely hairy twigs, young shoots and axillary buds, undersurface of leaf, margin, petiole and midrib besides the strongly raised midrib, and usually unbranched habit; A. malaccensis through the many branches and white spots along main axis, entire leaf margin, slightly hairy leaf undersurface and midrib, and glabrous petiole; Aquilaria sp.1 from the lower branches that are nearly perpendicular to the stem and wavy leaf margin. These vegetative characters can serve as a basis for the correct identification of Aquilaria saplings when growers need to confirm their planting materials

    Fungal diversity in wounded stems of Aquilaria malaccensis.

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    Aquilaria malaccensis is a tropical tree which produces agarwood in its trunk often after being wounded and attacked by pathogens or insects. Fungi are generally viewed as the main microbial component responsible for agarwood formation. In this study, isolation of fungi from agarwood in damaged trees was carried out. Culture morphology and microscopic characteristics plus PCR amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region from the fungal isolates as well as wood samples, were used to identify the fungal community composition of wounded A. malaccensis trees from a natural forest in West Malaysia. Conventional culture methodology revealed Cunninghamella, Curvularia, Fusarium and Trichoderma species as members of the agarwood community. Analysis of genomic DNA confirmed the identifications. When wood samples were used directly in PCR, an additional Lasiodiplodia species was identified. Neighbor-joining trees were constructed to examine the relationships between the isolates sequence data and reference sequences in GenBank. Five distinct clades resulted, supported with high bootstrap values, indicating the presence of five distinct taxa. The wounded trunks of A. malaccensis in the natural environment harbor multiple fungal taxa that exist in a complex system as a whole or in succession leading to agarwood production in the tree trunk