547 research outputs found

    The polarized electron target as a new solar-neutrino detector

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    In this paper, we analyze the scattering of solar neutrinos on the polarized electron target, and predict how the effect of parity violation in weak interactions may help to distinguish neutrino signal from detector background. We indicate that the knowledge of the Sun motion across the sky is sufficient to predict the day/night asymmetry in the (νee)(\nu_ee^-) scattering on the polarized electron target. To make this detection feasible, the polarized electron target for solar neutrinos needs to be build from magnetic materials, e.g. from ferromagnetic iron foils, paramagnetic scintillator crystals or scintillating ferrofluids.Comment: 3 pages, 2 eps figures, revte

    M31 Transverse Velocity and Local Group Mass from Satellite Kinematics

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    We present several different statistical methods to determine the transverse velocity vector of M31. The underlying assumptions are that the M31 satellites on average follow the motion of M31 through space, and that the galaxies in the outer parts of the Local Group on average follow the motion of the Local Group barycenter through space. We apply the methods to the line-of-sight velocities of 17 M31 satellites, to the proper motions of the 2 satellites M33 and IC 10, and to the line-of-sight velocities of 5 galaxies near the Local Group turn around radius, respectively. This yields 4 independent but mutually consistent determinations of the heliocentric M31 transverse velocities in the West and North directions, with weighted averages = -78+/-41 km/s and = -38+/-34 km/s. The Galactocentric tangential velocity of M31 is 42 km/s, with 1-sigma confidence interval V_tan <= 56 km/s. The implied M31-Milky Way orbit is bound if the total Local Group mass M exceeds 1.72^{+0.26}_{-0.25}x10^{12} solar masses. If indeed bound, then the timing argument combined with the known age of the Universe implies that M = 5.58^{+0.85}_{-0.72}x10^{12} solar masses. This is on the high end of the allowed mass range suggested by cosmologically motivated models for the individual structure and dynamics of M31 and the Milky Way, respectively. It is therefore possible that the timing mass is an overestimate of the true mass, especially if one takes into account recent results from the Millennium Simulation that show that there is also a theoretical uncertainty of 41 percent (Gaussian dispersion) in timing mass estimates. The M31 transverse velocity implies that M33 is in a tightly bound orbit around M31. This may have led to some tidal deformation of M33. It will be worthwhile to search for observational evidence of this.Comment: ApJ in press, 14 pages, including 3 figures (has minor revisions with respect to previously posted version to address referee comments

    Space Motions of the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Draco and Sculptor based on HST Proper Motions with ~10-year Time Baseline

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    We present new proper motion (PM) measurements of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) Draco and Sculptor using multi-epoch images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC. Our PM results have uncertainties far lower than previous measurements, even made with the same instrument. The PM results for Draco and Sculptor are (mu_W,mu_N)_Dra = (-0.0562+/-0.0099,-0.1765+/-0.0100) mas/yr and (mu_W,mu_N)_Scl = (-0.0296+/-0.0209,-0.1358 +/-0.0214) mas/yr. The implied Galactocentric velocity vectors for Draco and Sculptor have radial and tangential components: (V_rad,V_tan)_Dra = (-88.6,161.4) +/- (4.4,5.6) km/s; and (V_rad,V_tan)_Scl = (72.6,200.2) +/- (1.3,10.8) km/s. We study the detailed orbital history of both Draco and Sculptor via numerical orbit integrations. Orbital periods of Draco and Sculptor are found to be 1-2 and 2-5 Gyrs, respectively, accounting for uncertainties in the MW mass. We also study the influence of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) on the orbits of Draco and Sculptor. Overall, the inclusion of the LMC increases the scatter in the orbital results. Based on our calculations, Draco shows a rather wide range of orbital parameters depending on the MW mass and inclusion/exclusion of the LMC, but Sculptor's orbit is very well constrained with its most recent pericentric approach to the MW being 0.3-0.4 Gyr ago. Our new PMs imply that the orbital trajectories of both Draco and Sculptor are confined within the Disk of Satellites (DoS), better so than implied by earlier PM measurements, and likely rule out the possibility that these two galaxies were accreted together as part of a tightly bound group.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The black hole mass distribution in early-type galaxies: cusps in HST photometry interpreted through adiabatic black hole growth

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    The surface brightness profiles of early-type galaxies have central cusps. Two characteristic profile types are observed with HST: `core' profiles have a break at a resolved radius and logarithmic cusp slope gamma < 0.3 inside that radius; `power-law' profiles have no clear break and gamma > 0.3. With few exceptions, galaxies with M_V -20.5 have power-law profiles. Both profile types occur in galaxies with -22 < M_V < -20.5. We show that these results are consistent with the hypothesis that: (i) all early-type galaxies have black holes (BHs) that grew adiabatically in homogeneous isothermal cores; and (ii) these `progenitor' cores followed scaling relations similar to those of the fundamental plane. The models studied here are the ones first proposed by Young. Models with BH masses and progenitor cores that obey established scaling relations predict (at Virgo) that galaxies with M_V < -21.2 have core profiles and galaxies with M_V > -21.2 have power-law profiles. This reproduces both the sense and the absolute magnitude of the observed transition. Intrinsic scatter in BH and galaxy properties can explain why both types of galaxies are observed around the transition magnitude. The observed bimodality in cusp slopes may be due to a bimodality in M_bh/L, with rapidly rotating disky galaxies having larger M_bh/L than slowly rotating boxy galaxies. Application to individual galaxies with HST photometry yields a roughly linear correlation between BH mass and V-band galaxy luminosity, log M_bh = -1.83 + log L (solar units). This agrees with the average relation for nearby galaxies with kinematically determined BH masses, and also with predictions from quasar statistics (shortened abstract).Comment: 41 pages, LaTeX, with 11 PostScript figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal. Postscript version also available from http://sol.stsci.edu/~marel/abstracts/abs_R23.htm

    Dynamical Models of Elliptical Galaxies in z=0.5 Clusters: II. Mass-to-Light Ratio Evolution without Fundamental Plane Assumptions

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    We study M/L evolution of early-type galaxies using dynamical modeling of resolved internal kinematics. This makes fewer assumptions than Fundamental Plane (FP) studies and provides a powerful new approach for studying galaxy evolution. We focus on the sample of 25 galaxies in clusters at z=0.5 modeled in Paper I. For comparison we compile and homogenize M/L literature data for 60 nearby galaxies that were modeled in comparable detail. The nearby sample obeys log(M/L)_B = Z + S log(sigma_eff/[200 km/s]), with Z = 0.896 +/- 0.010, S = 0.992 +/- 0.054, and sigma_eff the effective velocity dispersion. The z=0.5 sample follows a similar relation but with lower zeropoint. The implied M/L evolution is Delta log(M/L) / Delta z = -0.457 +/- 0.046(random) +/- 0.078(systematic), consistent with passive evolution following high-redshift formation. This agrees with the FP results for this sample by van Dokkum & van der Marel. This confirms that FP evolution tracks M/L evolution, which is an important verification of the assumptions that underly FP studies. However, while we find more FP evolution for galaxies of low sigma_eff (or low mass), the dynamical M/L evolution instead shows little trend with sigma_eff. We argue that this difference can be plausibly attributed to a combination of two effects: (a) evolution in structural galaxy properties other than M/L; and (b) the neglect of rotational support in studies of FP evolution. The results leave the question open whether the low-mass galaxies in the sample have younger population ages than the high-mass galaxies. This highlights the general importance in the study of population ages for complementing dynamical measurements with broad-band colors or spectroscopic population diagnostics.Comment: ApJ, submitted; 17 pages formatted with emulateap

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of NGC 6240: a Case Study of an Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxy with Obscured Activity

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    We present results from an HST study of the morphology and kinematics of NGC 6240. This merging galaxy with a double nucleus is one of the nearest and best-studied ultraluminous infrared galaxies. HST resolves both nuclei into seperate components. The distance between the northern and southern optical/near-infrared components is greater than that observed in radio and X-ray studies, arguing that even in K-band we may not be seeing all the way through the dust to the true nuclei. The ionized gas does not display rotation around either of the nuclei, or equilibrium motion in general. There is a strong velocity gradient between the nuclei, similar to what is seen in CO data. There is no such gradient in our stellar kinematics. The velocity dispersion of the gas is larger than expected for a cold disk. We also map and model the emission-line velocity field at an off-nuclear position where a steep velocity gradient was previously detected in ground-based data. Overall, the data indicate that line-of-sight projection effects, dust absorption, non-equilibrium merger dynamics, and the possible influence of a wind may be playing an important role in the observed kinematics. Chandra observations of hard X-rays have shown that both of the nuclei contain an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). The HST data show no clear sign of the two AGNs: neither continuum nor narrow-band imaging shows evidence for unresolved components in the nuclei, and there are no increased emission line widths or rapid rotation near the nuclei. This underscores the importance of X-ray data for identifying AGNs in highly dust-enshrouded environments.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (Jan 2004). Paper with high-resolution (non-compressed) color figures in gzipped postscript format available at http://www.stsci.edu/~marel/psgzdir/ngc6240v11.ps.g

    HST/STIS Spectra of Nuclear Star Clusters in Spiral Galaxies: Dependence of Age and Mass On Hubble Type

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    (Abridged) We study the nuclear star clusters in spiral galaxies of various Hubble types using spectra obtained with STIS on-board HST. We observed the nuclear clusters in 40 galaxies, selected from two previous HST/WFPC2 imaging surveys. The spectra provide a better separation of cluster light from underlying galaxy light than is possible with ground-based spectra. To infer the star formation history, metallicity and dust extinction, we fit weighted superpositions of single-age stellar population templates to the spectra. The luminosity-weighted age ranges from 10 Myrs to 10 Gyrs. The stellar populations of NCs are generally best fit as a mixture of populations of different ages. This indicates that NCs did not form in a single event, but instead they had additional star formation long after the oldest stars formed. On average, the sample clusters in late-type spirals have a younger luminosity-weighted mean age than those in early-type spirals (log(age/yr) = 8.37+/-0.25 vs. 9.23+/-0.21). The average cluster masses are smaller in late-type spirals than in early-type spirals (log(M/Msun) = 6.25+/-0.21 vs. 7.63+/-0.24), and exceed the masses typical of globular clusters. The cluster mass correlates strongly with both the Hubble type of the host galaxy and the luminosity of its bulge. The latter correlation has the same slope as the well-known correlation between supermassive black hole mass and bulge luminosity. The properties of both nuclear clusters and black holes are therefore intimately connected to the properties of the host galaxy.Comment: AJ submitted (original submission Nov 30, 2005, present version includes changes based on referee recommendations). 69 pages, 16 figures, 7 table