389 research outputs found

    A Fiber Optic Probe for the Detection of Cataracts

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    A compact fiber optic probe developed for on-orbit science experiments was used to detect the onset of cataracts, a capability that could eliminate physicians' guesswork and result in new drugs to 'dissolve' or slow down the cataract formation before surgery is necessary. The probe is based upon dynamic light scattering (DLS) principles. It has no moving parts, no apertures, and requires no optical alignment. It is flexible and easy to use. Results are presented for excised but intact human eye lenses. In a clinical setting, the device can be easily incorporated into a slit-lamp apparatus (ophthalmoscope) for complete eye diagnostics. In this set-up, the integrated fiber optic probe, the size of a pencil, delivers a low power cone of laser light into the eye of a patient and guides the light which is backscattered by the protein molecules of the lens through a receiving optical fiber to a photo detector. The non-invasive DLS measurements provide rapid determination of protein crystalline size and its size distribution in the eye lens

    Prevalence and factors associated with postpartum vaginal infection in the Khyber agency federally administered tribal areas, Pakistan

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence and to identify the factors associated with vaginal infection among the married women between the ages of 15-49 years residing in the Khyber Agency (FATA), Pakistan.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the month of July 2005 on 1084 mothers by using random sampling strategy in Khyber Agency Pakistan by trained nurses. The descriptive and multivariate statistics were computed.Results: The multivariate analysis showed that the associated factors with vaginal infection were the use of unhygienic material to soak up the lochia [aOR=3.45, 95% CI (1.36, 8.75)], bathing after 40 days [aOR=2.10, 95% CI (1.55, 3.14)], and women who did not receive antenatal care [OR=3.87, 95% CI (1.93, 7.75)]. Also women who did not have medical facilities available [OR=2.45, 95% CI (1.23, 5.06)] reported of vaginal infection.Conclusions: This study concluded that there is considerable need for health education among women and the entire community for the maintenance of hygiene, safe delivery through medical personnel and improvement in the mobility of mothers and female education (JPMA 57:363:2007)

    Flocculation and aggregation in a microgravity environment (FAME)

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    An experiment to study flocculation phenomena in the constrained microgravity environment of a space shuttle or space station is described. The small size and light weight experiment easily fits in a Spacelab Glovebox. Using an integrated fiber optic dynamic light scattering (DLS) system we obtain high precision particle size measurements from dispersions of colloidal particles within seconds, needs no onboard optical alignment, no index matching fluid, and offers sample mixing and shear melting capabilities to study aggregation (flocculation and coagulation) phenomena under both quiescent and controlled agitation conditions. The experimental system can easily be adapted for other microgravity experiments requiring the use of DLS. Preliminary results of ground-based study are reported

    Microemulsion Characterization by the Use of a Noninvasive Backscatter Fiber Optic Probe

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    This paper demonstrates the utility of a noninvasive backscatter fiber optic probe for dynamic light-scattering characterization of a microemulsion comprising sodium dodecyl sulfate/1-butanol/brine/heptane. The fiber probe, comprising two optical fibers precisely positioned in a stainless steel body, is a miniaturized and efficient self-beating dynamic light-scattering system. Accuracy of particle size estimation is better than +/- 2%

    Effect of Lupin (Lupinus albifrons) Flour on Microbial and sensory properties of local Yoghurt

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    This study conducted and implicated in the General State Company for Dairy Products, Abu-Ghraib/ Baghdad/Iraq in February to April /2014. Two different sweet lupin seed (Jordanian, Egyptian) origin were used for this study which been imported from the local markets. Soaking and boiling process (de- bittering process) of lupin seeds was used to destroy thermo-labile anti-nutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid and to soften the seed. It was been found that, the concentration (2, 4, 6)% of lupin seed supplementation for each origin (Jordan and Egypt) are the best in dairy product supplementation after conducting many different tests to see the best degree of agreement by the specialized panelists in the dairy company. The physicochemical analysis of the supplemented yogurt with different concentration (2, 4, and 6) % of Jordanian and Egyptian lupin flour showed that, it does not affect the percent of fat content statistically. But, there were clear positive statistical significant differences in the total solid. Also, there were statistically positive correlation between lupin flour concentration addition and total solid of the yogurt product which does affect directly the texture of the yogurt. There were statistically positive correlation between lupin flour concentration supplement and the pH of the yogurt product which does affect directly the flavor and taste of the yogurt product by the consumers. Thus, increasing the concentration of the supplementation with lupin flour lead to decrease the acidity and increase the pH in yogurt products significantly. Sensory evaluation of the supplemented yogurt product were showed that the 2 and 4% of lupin flour for both origin were the highest positive effect on physicochemical and sensory scores (flavor, taste, acidity, texture and consistency, appearance, and the total properties). Also, it was found that, the period of storage (1-14 days) did not affect the physicochemical and sensory evaluation clearly of the supplemented lupin dairy product. Therefore, we recommended the possibility of supplementation of yogurt with sweet lupin flour for its healthier and structural effect on human health to these kind of products. Keywords: Dairy product, Supplementation, Lupin flour, Physicochemical properties, Sensory evaluation, microbial content. 

    Effects of environmental factors on growth traits in Makuie sheep

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    The Makuie sheep is a fat-tailed sheep breed which can be found in the Azerbaijan province of Iran. non- genetic parameters obtained from data collected from 1993 to 2012 Makuie sheep research station of West Azerbaijan province in Iran were evaluated in the present study. The non- genetic parameters for birth weight, weaning weight (3 months), 6-month, 9-month and yearling weight traits were estimated based on 19 years of data using SAS software. Least squares means were 4.11± 0.88, 21.50±3.50, 27.18±3.53, 28.57±4.44 and 34.21±3.88 kg for weight at birth, 3, 6, 9 and 12 month, respectively. The birth year had a significant effect on all traits while the effect of birth type significantly affected all traits (p<0.05). The lamb's sex had a significant effect on all traits (p<0.05). The effect of dam's age had a significant effect on all traits except 9- month (p<0.05). Results showed that non- genetic factors have an important role in expressing of genetic potential in the lambs

    Implication of diabetes mellitus in telomere length and alteration in some age related cell senescence markers of aged men in Kurdistan region-Iraq

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    Indications of cell maturing including telomere length and mitochondrial work, just as oxidative pressure and incendiary markers affect one another and structure a complicated organization, which all influenced in age related sicknesses, for example, diabetes mellitus. For this cause, this current investigation was designed to study and compare of some oxidative and molecular markers in healthy aged and diabetic aged men older adults. The study design was the setting of a medium private laboratory with participants being common people, which was classified into three groups according to age and health complication, control young, healthy aged, and diabetic aged groups. Blood sera was obtained for oxidative status including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), Total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), and malondialdehyde (MDA)) and molecular markers (including telomere length (T/S) and mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA)). The findings highlighted that oxidative and molecular markers have significant changes with ageing and high changes significantly associated with diabetes mellitus of aged group. In conclusion, various oxidative stress, cell and mitochondrial biomarkers have been affected by normal ageing and the effects of ageing were complicated significantly in diabetic aged elderly.

    Implication of diabetes mellitus in telomere length and alteration in some age related cell senescence markers of aged men in Kurdistan region-Iraq

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    Indications of cell maturing including telomere length and mitochondrial work, just as oxidative pressure and incendiary markers affect one another and structure a complicated organization, which all influenced in age related sicknesses, for example, diabetes mellitus. For this cause, this current investigation was designed to study and compare of some oxidative and molecular markers in healthy aged and diabetic aged men older adults. The study design was the setting of a medium private laboratory with participants being common people, which was classified into three groups according to age and health complication, control young, healthy aged, and diabetic aged groups. Blood sera was obtained for oxidative status including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), Total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), and malondialdehyde (MDA)) and molecular markers (including telomere length (T/S) and mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA)). The findings highlighted that oxidative and molecular markers have significant changes with ageing and high changes significantly associated with diabetes mellitus of aged group. In conclusion, various oxidative stress, cell and mitochondrial biomarkers have been affected by normal ageing and the effects of ageing were complicated significantly in diabetic aged elderly.

    Calculating economic weights for growth, reproduction and wool traits in Makui sheep breed by Ecoweight software

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    Production, reproduction, management and economical parameters obtained from data collected from 1993 to 2012 Makui sheep research station of West Azerbaijan province in Iran were evaluated in the present study. Traits included of fertility, pregnancy rate, lamb weights from birth to the end of period, survival rate of lambs, wool production weight, average daily gain and milk production. The present value of profit computed as the difference between total revenues and total costs per ewe per year. The numeric derivation of each considered trait is calculated by increasing and decreasing the average value of the trait while was kept the other characters in the average. First all costs, revenues, profits and flock structure determined then interned input files and running the software ECOWEIGHT. The results showed that economic values per unit increase in the traits of birth weight, daily gain from birth until weaning, daily gain from weaning until end of period, conception rates ewes, little size, lamb survival, lifetime for ewes, milk yield and wool yield were 0.66, 0.51, 0.03, 0.66, 0.25, 0.85, 0.93, 0.53 and 1, respectively. Breeding objective in Makui sheep breed were productive wool yield, lifetime, lamb survival at weaning, conception rates ewes, birth weight, milk yield, daily gain from birth until weaning, little size, daily gain from weaning until end of period
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