27 research outputs found

    Archaeological Perspectives on the French in the New World

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    Spatially controllable surface chirality at the nanoscale

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    We demonstrate a mechanical approach for manipulating surface chirality at nanoscopic length scales. We use an atomic-force microscope to scribe a step pattern, which is chiral in two dimensions, into a polymer-coated substrate, and control chiral strength by varying the steps’ length-to-width ratio R. We determine the chiral strength by coating the surface with a liquid crystal and measuring its rotation on applying an electric field. The chiral strength vs. R is nonmonotonic: zero for R=1, then reaching a maximum, and tending to zero as R→∞. Our results demonstrate that chiral handedness and strength can be precisely controlled mechanically on nanoscopic length scales

    Oligomers as Triggers for Responsive Liquid Crystals

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    We report an investigation of the influence of aqueous solutions of amphiphilic oligomers on the ordering of micrometer-thick films of thermotropic liquid crystals (LCs), thus addressing the gap in knowledge arising from previous studies of the interactions of monomeric and polymeric amphiphiles with LCs. Specifically, we synthesized amphiphilic oligomers (with decyl hydrophobic and pentaethylene glycol hydrophilic domains) in monomer, dimer, and trimer forms, and incubated aqueous solutions of the oligomers against nematic films of 4'-pentyl-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5CB). All amphiphilic oligomers caused sequential surface-driven orientational (planar to homeotropic) and then bulk phase transitions (nematic to isotropic) with dynamics depending strongly on the degree of oligomerization. The dynamics of the orientational transitions accelerated from monomer to trimer, consistent with the effects of an increase in adsorption free energy. The mechanism underlying the orientational transition, however, involved a decrease in anchoring energy and not change in the easy axis of the LC. In contrast, the rate of the phase transition induced by absorption of oligomers into the LC decreased from monomer to trimer, suggesting that constraints on configurational degrees of freedom influence the absorption free energies of the oligomers. Interestingly, the oligomer-induced transition from the nematic to isotropic phase of 5CB was observed to nucleate at the aqueous-5CB interface, consistent with surface-induced disorder underlying the above-reported decrease in anchoring energy caused by the oligomers. Finally, we provided proof-of-concept experiments of the triggering of LCs using a trimeric amphiphile that is photocleaved by UV illumination into monomeric fragments. Overall, our results provide insight into the rational design of oligomers that can be used as triggers to create responsive LCs.11Nsciescopu

    Impacts of climate change on multiple use management of Bureau of Land Management land in the Intermountain West, USA

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    Although natural resource managers are concerned about climate change, many are unable to adequately incorporate climate change science into their adaptation strategies or management plans, and are not always aware of or do not employ the most current scientific knowledge. One of the most prominent natural resource management agencies in the United States is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which is tasked with managing over 248 million acres (\u3e1 million km2) of public lands for multiple, often conflicting, uses. Climate change will affect the sustainability of many of these land uses and could further increase conflicts between them. As such, the purpose of our study was to determine the extent to which climate change will affect public land uses, and whether the BLM is managing for such predicted effects. To do so, we first conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature that discussed potential impacts of climate change on the multiple land uses the BLM manages in the Intermountain West, USA, and then expanded these results with a synthesis of projected vegetation changes. Finally, we conducted a content analysis of BLM Resource Management Plans in order to determine how climate change is explicitly addressed by BLM managers, and whether such plans reflect changes predicted by the scientific literature. We found that active resource use generally threatens intrinsic values such as conservation and ecosystem services on BLM land, and climate change is expected to exacerbate these threats in numerous ways. Additionally, our synthesis of vegetation modeling suggests substantial changes in vegetation due to climate change. However, BLM plans rarely referred to climate change explicitly and did not reflect the results of the literature review or vegetation model synthesis. Our results suggest there is a disconnect between management of BLM lands and the best available science on climate change. We recommend that the BLM actively integrates such research into on-the-ground management plans and activities, and that researchers studying the effects of climate change make a more robust effort to understand the practices and policies of public land management in order to effectively communicate the management significance of their findings