59 research outputs found

    Deja Vu: semantics-aware recording and replay of high-speed eye tracking and interaction data to support cognitive studies of software engineering tasks—methodology and analyses

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    The paper introduces a fundamental technological problem with collecting high-speed eye tracking data while studying software engineering tasks in an integrated development environment. The use of eye trackers is quickly becoming an important means to study software developers and how they comprehend source code and locate bugs. High quality eye trackers can record upwards of 120 to 300 gaze points per second. However, it is not always possible to map each of these points to a line and column position in a source code file (in the presence of scrolling and file switching) in real time at data rates over 60 gaze points per second without data loss. Unfortunately, higher data rates are more desirable as they allow for finer granularity and more accurate study analyses. To alleviate this technological problem, a novel method for eye tracking data collection is presented. Instead of performing gaze analysis in real time, all telemetry (keystrokes, mouse movements, and eye tracker output) data during a study is recorded as it happens. Sessions are then replayed at a much slower speed allowing for ample time to map gaze point positions to the appropriate file, line, and column to perform additional analysis. A description of the method and corresponding tool, Deja Vu, is presented. An evaluation of the method and tool is conducted using three different eye trackers running at four different speeds (60 Hz, 120 Hz, 150 Hz, and 300 Hz). This timing evaluation is performed in Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Atom IDEs. Results show that Deja Vu can playback 100% of the data recordings, correctly mapping the gaze to corresponding elements, making it a well-founded and suitable post processing step for future eye tracking studies in software engineering. Finally, a proof of concept replication analysis of four tasks from two previous studies is performed. Due to using the Deja Vu approach, this replication resulted in richer collected data and improved on the number of distinct syntactic categories that gaze was mapped on in the code

    Changing public service delivery: Learning in co-creation

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    Co-creation – where citizens and public organizations work together to deal with societal issues – is increasingly considered as a fertile solution for various public service delivery problems. During cocreation, citizens are not mere consumers, but are actively engaged in building resilient societies. In this study, we analyze if and how state and governance traditions influence learning and policy change within a context of co-creation. We combine insights from the co-creation and learning literature. The empirical strategy is a comparative case study of co-creation examples within the welfare domain in childcare (Estonia), education (Germany) and community work (the Netherlands). We show that state and governance traditions may form an explanation for whether co-creation, learning and policy change occurs. Our paper suggests that this seems to be related to whether there is a tradition of working together with citizens and a focus on rule following or not

    Challenging Safety Regulation – a Wake-up Call

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    New objective-based safety regulatory requirements for European air traffic services mandate the introduction of safety management systems, set a numerical target level of safety (TLS) for service provision, and specify requirements for the approval of software in safety-related systems. These requirements challenge much current “best practice ” in safety management and, though directed at air traffic management (ATM), have major implications for other application sectors. In presenting a framework for tackling these issues, the paper examines current safety practices. In particular it challenges, from a theoretical perspective, and by reference to recent research, two common misconceptions- that safety is largely a matter of equipment reliability and that process-based assurance can provide adequate evidence of system safety. It argues that failure to address these two weaknesses can lead to, wasted effort, inadequate safety assurance and, at worst, unsafe systems. Since sound safety requirements are fundamental to system safety, the paper proposes a rigorous requirements-engineering method and explains how satisfaction arguments can help ensure correctness, completeness, and consistency throughout high-level safety requirements, system specification and system design, in relation to the important (often overlooked) properties of the application domain. The paper asserts that it is all too common, in the ATM sector at least, for more than 90 % of system safety effort to be expended on less than 10 % of the problem (ie on equipment issues) and argues that a servicelevel TLS requires that the dominant cause of accidents (human factors) be given proportionate consideration, otherwise the overall system may not achieve the required level of safety. Objective-based safety regulation and effective safety management systems place the “burden of proof ” in safety assurance firmly on the “regulatee”, and demands a highly rigorous approach to system development and safety assurance. The paper outlines the principles of “human-centred engineering ” and “white-box safety ” and explains how they can make a major contribution to the achievement and assurance of safety. The paper concludes by considering whether the new regulatory regime is a good thing

    Differenz als Konstitutionsproblem der Sonderpädagogik

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    Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Funktion von Differenz in der Sonderpädagogik. Für die Sonderpädagogik gilt der Differenzbegriff „Behinderung“ funktional, d. h. inhaltlich und sozial, als systemkonstituierend, als Gestaltungselement der Differenz von Gleichheit und Anderssein. Diese Perspektive bildet hier (… die) Analysefolie. In einem einleitenden Abschnitt wird dies erläutert. Der zweite Teil beschreibt aus dieser Blickrichtung die Entwicklung der Sonderpädagogik entlang ihrer inhaltlichen Auseinandersetzung mit sonderpädagogischen Problemstellungen. Im dritten Teil wenden (…sich die Autoren) der Funktion der Sonderpädagogik unter dem Gesichtspunkt der sozialen Integration zu. Abschließend werden vor diesem Hintergrund Forderungen an die sonderpädagogische Theoriebildung formuliert. (DIPF/ Orig.
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