5,279 research outputs found

    A useful tool to identify recessions in the euro area

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    This paper investigates the identification and dating of the European business cycle, using different methods. We concentrate on methods and statistical series that provide timely and accurate information about the contemporaneous state of the economy in order to provide the reader with a useful tool that allows him or her to analyze current business conditions and make predictions about the future state of the economy. In this spirit, we find that the European Commission industrial confidence indicator (ICI) is useful in providing that information.business cycle, confidence indicators, markov switching, turning points, recession, tool to identify recessions in the euro area, Bengoechea, P�rez Quir�s,

    The Fate of the Initial State Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions. III The Second Act of Hydrodynamics

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    Hydrodynamical description of the "Little Bang" in heavy ion collisions is surprisingly successful, mostly due to the very small viscosity of the Quark-Gluon plasma. In this paper we systematically study the propagation of small perturbations, also treated hydrodynamically. We start with a number of known techniques allowing for analytic calculation of the propagation of small perturbations on top of the expanding fireball. The simplest approximation is the "geometric acoustics", which substitutes the wave equation by mechanical equations for the propagating "phonons". Next we turn to the case in which variables can be separated, in which case one can obtain not only the eikonal phases but also amplitudes of the perturbation. Finally, we focus on the so called Gubser flow, a particular conformal analytic solution for the fireball expansion, on top of which one can derive closed equations for small perturbations. Perfect hydrodynamics allows all variables to be separated and all equations to be solved in terms of known special functions. We can thus collect the analytical expression for all the harmonics and reconstruct the complete Green function of the problem. In the viscous case the equations still allow for variable separation, but one of the equations has to be solved numerically. We still can collect all the harmonics and show real-time perturbation evolution, observing viscosity-induced changes in the spectra and the correlation functions of secondaries. We end up by comparing the calculated angular shape of the correlation function to the STAR experimental data, and find, for sufficiently large viscosity, a surprisingly good agreement.Comment: The paper was changed after PRC referee report. It was resubmitted in this for

    Perceptions of student loan debt: a phenomenological study exploring black undergraduate students\u27 experiences.

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    The rising cost of higher education concerns many families in the United States, especially those from historically underrepresented backgrounds. The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of Black students\u27 perception of their student loan debt and how their financial knowledge influences their decisions at a public institution. This qualitative research provides space to empower individuals to share their stories through semi-structured interviews to get an account of their experiences. Grounded in Yosso\u27s (2005) Community Cultural Wealth Theory, the study seeks to capture the unique ways Black students make financial decisions. The dissertation is divided into five chapters: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion. Chapter one introduces the historical context, problem statement, purpose, relevant context, research questions, and significance of the study. Chapter two reviews the literature that focuses on existing literature about student loan debt among Black students and their financial decisions. Chapter three outlines the research design, including the justification for the qualitative phenomenological method. Chapter four shows the results from the participants\u27 interviews which comprised five themes, and the interconnection of the interpretive framework and themes. Six themes emerged in this study: the affordability of higher education, the burden of debt, striving for financial stability, cultural finance comprehension, a pathway to equity, and a racial/ethnic journey. Chapter five begins with an overview, a discussion of the interpretation of the findings, and examines the results from chapter four compared to the extant literature. Finally, chapter five concludes with the limitations and implications for research, policy, and practice

    Condom Controversy in the Public Schools: Respecting a Minor\u27s Right of Privacy

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    A Stylistic Analysis of a Philippine Essay, "The Will of the River"

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    Bipartite all-versus-nothing proofs of Bell's theorem with single-qubit measurements

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    If we distribute n qubits between two parties, which quantum pure states and distributions of qubits would allow all-versus-nothing (or Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-like) proofs of Bell's theorem using only single-qubit measurements? We show a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of these proofs for any number of qubits, and provide all distinct proofs up to n=7 qubits. Remarkably, there is only one distribution of a state of n=4 qubits, and six distributions, each for a different state of n=6 qubits, which allow these proofs.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 2 figure


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    We estimate an econometric model of coca production in Colombia. Our results indicate that coca eradication is an ineffective means of supply control as farmers compensate by cultivating the crop more extensively. The evidence further suggests that incentives to produce legal substitute crops may have greater supply-reducing potential than eradication.Political Economy,

    Tycho Brahe's supernova: light from centuries past

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    The light curve of SN 1572 is described in the terms used nowadays to characterize SNeIa. By assembling the records of the observations done in 1572--74 and evaluating their uncertainties, it is possible to recover the light curve and the color evolution of this supernova. It is found that, within the SNe Ia family, the event should have been a SNIa with a normal rate of decline, its stretch factor being {\it s} \sim 0.9. Visual light curve near maximum, late--time decline and the color evolution sustain this conclusion. After correcting for extinction, the luminosity of this supernova is found to be MV_{V} == --19.58 --5 log (D/3.5 kpc) ±\pm 0.42.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. submitted to ApJ (Main Journal

    La l?dica como estrategia fundamental para fortalecer la psicomotricidad en los ni?os y ni?as del nivel preescolar de la instituci?n educativa San Francisco

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    107 P?ginasTomando como base los lineamientos dados por el Programa de Licenciatura en Pedagog?a Infantil de la Universidad del Tolima, el presente documento sistematiza el desarrollo del proceso de investigaci?n formativa desarrollado en la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco, Sede Cural La Tigrera del municipio de Ibagu?. A trav?s de un proceso de investigaci?n formativa y aplicando la metodolog?a cualitativa de corte etnogr?fico, se realiz? la caracterizaci?n de los discursos y pr?cticas pedag?gicas que circulan en la instituci?n, que reflejaron la realidad de la educaci?n impartida a los ni?os del nivel preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco, sede Cural la Tigrera. En este proceso se utilizaron t?cnicas e instrumentos inherentes a la investigaci?n cualitativa, como es la observaci?n (participante y no participante), entrevistas (no estructuradas), Diario de Campo, revisiones documentales (PEI, Leyes y Decretos Reglamentarios) e interacci?n con los diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa. Mediante la ejecuci?n de este proceso se logr? reconocer la importancia de implementar la l?dica como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la formaci?n psicomotriz en la educaci?n inicial y de la responsabilidad compartida entre familia y escuela, dirigida a favorecer el desarrollo de los ni?os menores de siete a?os. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que el desarrollo psicomotriz influye directamente en el fortalecimiento de todas las dimensiones del ser humano. El proyecto pretende ofrecer alternativas pedag?gicas para el desarrollo psicomotriz de los ni?os preescolares, como un trabajo conjunto entre la escuela y la familia.ABSTRACT. Based on the guidelines given by the Bachelor Programme in Infant Education at the University of Tolima The present document systematizes the development of formative research process developed at the Educational Institution San Francisco, Cural the Tigrera of Ibague headquarters. Through a process of formative research and applying qualitative ethnographic methodology, was performed characterization of the discourses and pedagogical practices that circulate in the institution that reflected the reality of the education provided to children at the preschool level of the institution educational San Francisco,Cural the Tigrera headquarters In this process were used inherent technical and instruments as is the observation (participant and non-participant), interviews(unstructured), Journal of Field, document reviews (PEI Law and Regulatory Decrees) and interaction with different members of the educational community. By executing this process was achieved to recognize the importance of implementing the ludic as a strategy for the strengthening of the psychomotor formation initial educationand shared responsibility between home and school, aimed at promoting the integraldevelopment of children under seven years. This takes into account that the psychomotor development directly influences the strengthening of all human dimensions. The project aims to provide alternatives pedagogical for psychomotor development of preschool children as a joint work between school and family.INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 18 2. OBJETIVOS 19 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 19 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 20 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL 22 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 22 4.2 MARCO TE?RICO 24 4.2.1 La Psicomotricidad. 25 4.2.2 La Psicomotricidad y el Aprendizaje. 26 4.2.3 Aspectos que Trabaja la Psicomotricidad. 28 El esquema corporal. 28 Actividad t?nica. 28 Equilibrio. 29 Lateralidad. 29 Estructuraci?n espacial. 29 Tiempo y ritmo. 30 Coordinaci?n. 30 Motricidad. 31 4.2.4 La Actividad L?dica. 31 4.2.5 La Formaci?n Integral. 32 4.3 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 33 4.4 MARCO LEGAL 36 4.4.1 A Nivel Internacional. 37 4.4.2 A Nivel Nacional. 38 4.4.3 A Nivel Local Institucional. 40 5. METODOLOG?A 42 5.1 ESTRUCTURA METODOL?GICA 42 5.2 DISE?O METOD?LOGICO 44 5.2.1 Descripci?n del Proceso de Investigaci?n. 44 5.2.2 T?cnicas e Instrumentos para la Recolecci?n de la Informaci?n. 45 5.3 FASES DEL PROYECTO 46 5.3.1 Descripci?n Fase I. 46 5.3.2 Descripci?n Fase II. 48 5.4 AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 51 5.4.1 Validez Interna. 51 5.4.2 Validez Externa. 52 5.4.3 Confiabilidad 53 5.5 EVALUACI?N Y SEGUIMIENTO 53 5.5.1 Fase 1: Caracterizaci?n de las pr?cticas que se ejercen y de los discursos que circulan sobre la educaci?n de los ni?os y ni?as menores de siete a?os 54 5.3.2 Fase 2: Los sentidos Pedag?gicos de los Proyectos de Intervenci?n 56 6. EL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCI?N 60 6.1 ESQUEMA GENERAL 61 6.2 ACTIVIDADES INTEGRADORAS DEL PPA 62 6.2.1 Actividades Integradoras para Directivos y Docentes 62 6.2.2 Actividades Integradoras para Padres de Familia 64 6.2.3 Actividades Integradoras para Ni?os 65 6.3 EXPERIENCIA PEDAGOGICA 69 7. CONCLUSIONES 72 RECOMENDACIONES 74 REFERENCIAS 7