479 research outputs found

    The Maximum Lq-Likelihood Method: an Application to Extreme Quantile Estimation in Finance

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    Estimating financial risk is a critical issue for banks and insurance companies. Recently, quantile estimation based on Extreme Value Theory (EVT) has found a successful domain of application in such a context, outperforming other approaches. Given a parametric model provided by EVT, a natural approach is Maximum Likelihood estimation. Although the resulting estimator is asymptotically efficient, often the number of observations available to estimate the parameters of the EVT models is too small in order to make the large sample property trustworthy. In this paper, we study a new estimator of the parameters, the Maximum Lq-Likelihood estimator (MLqE), introduced by Ferrari and Yang (2007). We show that the MLqE can outperform the standard MLE, when estimating tail probabilities and quantiles of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and the Generalized Pareto (GP) distributions. First, we assess the relative efficiency between the the MLqE and the MLE for various sample sizes, using Monte Carlo simulations. Second, we analyze the performance of the MLqE for extreme quantile estimation using real-world financial data. The MLqE is characterized by a distortion parameter q and extends the traditional log-likelihood maximization procedure. When q → 1, the new estimator approaches the traditional Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE), recovering its desirable asymptotic properties; when q 6= 1 and the sample size is moderate or small, the MLqE successfully trades bias for variance, resulting in an overall gain in terms of accuracy (Mean Squared Error)

    Differential Evolution and Combinatorial Search for Constrained Index Traking

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    Index tracking is a valuable low-cost alternative to active portfolio management. The implementation of a quantitative approach, however, is a major challenge from an optimization perspective. The optimal selection of a group of assets that can replicate the index of a much larger portfolio requires both to find the optimal subset of assets and to fine-tune their weights. The former is a combinatorial, the latter a continuous numerical problem. Both problems need to be addressed simultaneously, because whether or not a selection of assets is promising depends on the allocation weights and vice versa. Moreover, the problem is usually of high dimension. Typically, an optimal subset of 30-150 positions out of 100-600 need to be selected and their weights determined. Search heuristics can be a viable and valuable alternative to traditional methods, which often cannot deal with the problem. In this paper, we propose a new optimization method, which is partly based on Differential Evolution (DE) and on combinatorial search. The main advantage of our method is that it can tackle index tracking problem as complex as it is, generating accurate and robust results
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