303,770 research outputs found

    Hot spin spots in the laser-induced demagnetization

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    Laser-induced femtosecond magnetism or femtomagnetism simultaneously relies on two distinctive contributions: (a) the optical dipole interaction (ODI) between a laser field and a magnetic system and (b) the spin expectation value change (SEC) between two transition states. Surprisingly, up to now, no study has taken both contributions into account simultaneously. Here we do so by introducing a new concept of the optical spin generator, a product of SEC and ODI between transition states. In ferromagnetic nickel, our first-principles calculation demonstrates that the larger the value of optical spin generator is, the larger the dynamic spin moment change is. This simple generator directly links the time-dependent spin moment change {\Delta}Mk z (t) at every crystal- momentum k point to its intrinsic electronic structure and magnetic properties. Those hot spin spots are a direct manifestation of the optical spin generator, and should be the focus of future research.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, [email protected]

    Displaced vertex signatures of doubly charged scalars in the type-II seesaw and its left-right extensions

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    The type-II seesaw mechanism with an isospin-triplet scalar ΔL\Delta_L provides one of the most compelling explanations for the observed smallness of neutrino masses. The triplet contains a doubly-charged component HL±±H_L^{\pm\pm}, which dominantly decays to either same-sign dileptons or to a pair of WW bosons, depending on the size of the triplet vacuum expectation value. However, there exists a range of Yukawa couplings fLf_L of the triplet to the charged leptons, wherein a relatively light HL±±H_L^{\pm\pm} tends to be long-lived, giving rise to distinct displaced-vertex signatures at the high-energy colliders. We find that the displaced vertex signals from the leptonic decays HL±±→ℓα±ℓβ±H_L^{\pm\pm} \to \ell_\alpha^\pm \ell_\beta^\pm could probe a broad parameter space with 10−10≲∣fL∣≲10−610^{-10} \lesssim |f_L| \lesssim 10^{-6} and 45.6 GeV <MHL±±≲200< M_{H_L^{\pm\pm}} \lesssim 200 GeV at the high-luminosity LHC. Similar sensitivity can also be achieved at a future 1 TeV e+e−e^+e^- collider. The mass reach can be extended to about 500 GeV at a future 100 TeV proton-proton collider. Similar conclusions apply for the right-handed triplet HR±±H_R^{\pm\pm} in the TeV-scale left-right symmetric models, which provide a natural embedding of the type-II seesaw. We show that the displaced vertex signals are largely complementary to the prompt same-sign dilepton pair searches at the LHC and the low-energy, high-intensity/precision measurements, such as neutrinoless double beta decay, charged lepton flavor violation, electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments, muonium oscillation and M{\o}ller scattering.Comment: 49 pages, 25 figures and 2 tables, minor changes, version to appear in JHE

    Experimental and theoretical study of artificial plasma layers produced by two intersecting beams in a chamber

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    The work done on the Bragg scattering of electromagnetic waves by microwave produced plasma layers is reported. Also summarized is the work accomplished on the propagation of high power microwave pulses in an air breakdown environment. Ongoing work on the theoretical model and numerical results of pulse propagation in air is also presented as are the results of studying the decay of plasma density and temperature

    Octupole degree of freedom for the critical-point candidate nucleus 152^{152}Sm in a reflection-asymmetric relativistic mean-field approach

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    The potential energy surfaces of even-even 146−156^{146-156}Sm are investigated in the constrained reflection-asymmetric relativistic mean-field approach with parameter set PK1. It is shown that the critical-point candidate nucleus 152^{152}Sm marks the shape/phase transition not only from U(5) to SU(3) symmetry, but also from the octupole-deformed ground state in 150^{150}Sm to the quadrupole-deformed ground state in 154^{154}Sm. By including the octupole degree of freedom, an energy gap near the Fermi surface for single-particle levels in 152^{152}Sm with β2=0.14∼0.26\beta_2 = 0.14 \sim 0.26 is found, and the important role of the octupole deformation driving pair ν2f7/2\nu 2f_{7/2} and ν1i13/2\nu 1i_{13/2} is demonstrated.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    The Picard group of the loop space of the Riemann sphere

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    The loop space of the Riemann sphere consisting of all C^k or Sobolev W^{k,p} maps from the circle S^1 to the sphere is an infinite dimensional complex manifold. We compute the Picard group of holomorphic line bundles on this loop space as an infinite dimensional complex Lie group with Lie algebra the first Dolbeault group. The group of Mobius transformations G and its loop group LG act on this loop space. We prove that an element of the Picard group is LG-fixed if it is G-fixed; thus completely answer the question by Millson and Zombro about G-equivariant projective embedding of the loop space of the Riemann sphere.Comment: International Journal of Mathematic

    Controlled splitting of an atomic wave packet

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    We propose a simple scheme capable of adiabatically splitting an atomic wave packet using two independent translating traps. Implemented with optical dipole traps, our scheme allows a high degree of flexibility for atom interferometry arrangements and highlights its potential as an efficient and high fidelity atom optical beam splitter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let
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