41 research outputs found

    Determinants of Stunting Children (0-59 Months) in Some Countries in Southeast Asia

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    Stunting is one of the main nutritional problems caused by malnutrition in children under 5 years old. Risk factors of stunting influenced by socio-economic, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), child illnesses, Water Sanitaon and Hygiene (WASH). These factors vary considerably accros the nation in southeast asia. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting in stunting of children (0-59 months) in Southeast Asia. It is needed to identified the right intervention. This systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Articles were searched by using pubMed database. The literature search outline in the methods indentified 14.790 arcles discuss stunting. We identified 60 articles potentially met all criteria using PubMed advanced search strategy. A total of 60 articles were retrieved from one database (PubMed), 11 articles met the inclusion criteria for stunting in Southeast Asia countries. In our review socio-economic status was reported as one of consistent factors associated with stunting in Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, and Malaysia. Low household income and lack education of mother influenced inappropriate IYCF practice, poor hygiene and sanitation, and care of child illnesses. Improving like income and maternal exposure to nutrition and health information especially for the topics of growth and development, appropriated IYCF, hygiene, sanitation, and child illnesses are required for continuous improvement in a specific strategy that involves many factors.&nbsp

    Analisis Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Biogas Termurnikan Pada Unjuk Kerja Motor Bakar

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    The long term purpose of this research is to obtain biogas quality renewable natural gas and can be used as fuel for internal combustion engine to drive a generator of electricity as energy diversification efforts in the area of small islands sustainable. Specific targets to be achieved is gained methods / techniques for absorbing impurities contained in biogas especially elements CO2. The study was conducted to reduce levels of CO2 in the biogas by using absorbent NaOH solution, taking into account variations in the flow rate of biogas (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 l / min) to the percentage reduction in CO2 levels. Later studies followed by testing engine peformance are to determine the effect of CO2 in the biogas on the performance of the motor fuel, seen from the engine rotation (1500, 2500, 3500 and 4500 rpm) and the smoothing of the spin machine.Results of research have shown that the torque on biogas B2 increased 21.3% to biogas yet purified, while for biogas B4 increased by 19.1%. Biogas B6, B8 biogas and biogas B10 an increase of torque respectively, amounting to 14.9%, 12.8% and 8.5%. Biogas B2 obtained SFCE decrease in the average of the biogas which has not been purified by 33.4%, which was followed by biogas obtained B4 SFCE decline on average by 22.7% next B6 biogas obtained SFCE decline on average by 17.9%. While biogas obtained B8 SFCE decline on average by 13.9% and biogas B10 decline SFCE obtained an average of 8.5%. The smaller the value SFCE shows that consumption of biogas that the less effective but gained greater power

    An international survey on the pragmatic management of epistaxis

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    Epistaxis is one of the most common ear, nose and throat emergencies. The management of epistaxis has evolved significantly in recent years, including the use of nasal cautery and packs. However, a correct treatment requires the knowledge of nasal anatomy, potential risks, and complications of treatment. Epistaxis is often a simple and readily treatable condition, even though a significant bleed may have potentially severe consequences. At present, there are very few guidelines concerning this topic. The current Survey explored the pragmatic approach in managing epistaxis. A questionnaire, including 7 practical questions has been used. The current International Survey on epistaxis management reported a relevant prevalence (21.7%), mainly during childhood and senescence, an important hospitalization rate (11.8%), the common use of anterior packing and electrocoagulation, and the popular prescription of a vitamin supplement and intranasal creams

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerapan SAK-EMKM pada UMKM Anggota CU Prima Danarta

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    This study examines the factors (age of business, education level, educational background, and socialization of SAK EMKM) that influence the implementation of SAK EMKM for members of CU Prima Danarta who have business. This study was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were obtained from questionnaires distributed to members of CU Prima Danarta who have businesses and 52 questionnaires could be processed. The theory of planned behavior is used as an approach in this study in explaining the factors that influence the implementation of SAK EMKM. The results of this study are the age of business has a negative effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM, socialization of SAK EMKM has a positive effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM, education level has no effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM, and also educational background has no effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM. Socialization from the IAI and academicians is needed to support the implementation of SAK EMKM for SME members of CU Prima Danarta

    Peran Konselor Sebaya untuk Mereduksi Kecanduan Game Online pada Anak

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    Saat ini game online menjadi permainan yang sangat digemari oleh sebagaian besar anak di Indonesia. Tidak hanya di daerah perkotaan saja, tetapi di pelosok desa pun saat ini mudah mendapatkan jaringan internet untuk kelancaran mengoperasikan game online. Handphone, notebook dan laptop menjadi piranti yang sering digunakan oleh anak untuk mengoperasikan game online. Harapannya kemudahan yang di dapatkan untuk mengoperasikan game online bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai hiburan saat anak jenuh dengan rutinitas sehari-hari tetapi Kenyataannya justru membuat anak menjadi ketergantungan, hal ini terlihat dari banyak anak yang akhirnya berperilaku kompulsif, tak acuh pada sekitar, banyak meluangkan waktu untuk game online, atau disebut dengan mengalami kecanduan game online. Teman sebaya yang memiliki kriteria menjadi konselor sebaya bisa menjadi salah satu personel yang dipandang sangat tepat sebagai tokoh yang mampu membantu mereduksi kecanduan game online. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah mengetahui peran konselor sebaya untuk mereduksi kecanduan game online. Metodologi penulisan dalam artikel ini berorientasi pada pendekatan kualitatif, dengan merujuk pada beberapa kajian pustaka, yang kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif

    Efektivitas Konseling Sebaya untuk Mereduksi Kecanduan Game Online pada Siswa SMP

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      THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PEER COUNSELING TO REDUCE ONLINE GAME ADDICTION IN MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS. The ease of using the internet is currently widely used by teenagers to operate online games. Online games are games that can be played together through a network. The high frequency of online game usage results in teens experiencing online game addiction. Friends are people outside the family who can provide comfort for teenagers. Through peer counseling, they hope to be able to exchange ideas and assess which actions are necessary or not to take. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of peer counseling to reduce online game addiction in students. The method used in this research is experimental research. The design of this study was pre-experimental design. The sampling technique in this study used porposive sampling where the sample was selected by students who were addicted to online games. Based on the sig (2-tailed) value of 0,000 which is <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest scores or effective peer counseling to reduce online game addiction in students

    Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Karies Baru Dengan Pendekatan Kariogram Pada Pasien Anak Di Klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak RSGMP Prof. Soedomo YOGYAKARTA

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    Latar belakang. Faktor risiko karies adalah faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian karies pada individu dan populasi. Faktor risiko karies berbeda antar individu. Untuk menggambarkan interaksi antara faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan karies digunakan kariogram. Tujuan. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran urutan faktor risiko karies dengan pendekatan kariogram pada pasien anak di klinik Kedokteran Gigi Anak RSGMP Prof. Soedomo. Metode. Subjek terdiri dari 26 anak dalam periode gigi-geligi bercampur. Dilakukan pemeriksaan tentang pengalaman karies, riwayat penyakit sistemik, frekuensi makan, skor plak, aktivitas Streptococcus mutans, volume sekresi saliva, pH saliva dan program fluoridasi. Hasil pemeriksaan dianalisis menggunakan program kariogram. Hasil. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata persentase faktor bakteri adalah 21,1%, faktor pola makan: 18,1%, faktor kerentanan gigi: 16,1% dan faktor lain-lain: 9,5%. Kesimpulan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa urutan faktor risiko karies dengan pendekatan kariogram adalah bakteri, pola makan, kerentanan gigi dan faktor lain-lain. Background. Caries risk factor is factor related with caries incidence in individu and population. The caries risk factor is different between individu. For illustrating the interaction between caries related factors may be used cariogram. Aim. The aim of this research was to find out the sequence of caries risk factors from cariogram on children patients at the Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry Prof. Soedomo dental hospital. Method. Subjects were comprised 26 children in the periode of mixed dentition. Examinations were included: experience of caries, the history of systemic disease, daily meal frequency, plaque scoring, activity of Streptococcus mutans, the volume of saliva secretion, pH of saliva, and the participations of fluoridation program. The examination result were analyzed with programme cariogram. Result. The result showed that the mean of percentage bacteria factor was 21,1%, meal pattern factor: 18,1%, susceptible teeth factor: 16,1% and others factors 9,5%. Conclusion. It could be concluded that the sequence of caries risk factors from cariogram were bacteria, meal pattern, susceptible teeth and others factors

    Labanotation-Based Motion Literation Teaching Materials to Diagnow Intelligent Kinestetic Students in Junior High Schools Through E-Learning

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    This study aims to produce labanotation-based motion literacy teaching materials to diagnose the kinesthetic intelligence of students in junior high schools through e-learning. This research method uses a design procedure with validation of eligibility by six experts in the learning materials of labanotation-based motion literacy through qualitative e-learning. The level of agreement (reliability) among the six assessors can be explained by calculating the reliability coefficient between the assessors using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (by using the SPSS version 16 program assistance). The results of the study suggest thnis educational approach can be utilized by arts and culture teachers in dance learning, using learning media and communication media with students to discover kinesthetic intelligence in a fun way. Keywords: teaching materials, motion literacy, labanotatio