143 research outputs found

    Verification of distributed dataspace architectures

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    Refinement of Kripke Models for Dynamics

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    We propose a property-preserving refinement/abstraction theory for Kripke Modal Labelled Transition Systems incorporating not only state mapping but also label and proposition lumping, in order to have a compact but informative abstraction. We develop a 3-valued version of Public Announcement Logic (PAL) which has a dynamic operator that changes the model in the spirit of public broadcasting. We prove that the refinement relation on static models assures us to safely reason about any dynamic properties in terms of PAL-formulas on the abstraction of a model. The theory is in particular interesting and applicable for an epistemic setting as the example of the Muddy Children puzzle shows, especially in the view of the growing interest for epistemic modelling and (automatic) verification of communication protocols

    Distributed Branching Bisimulation Minimization by Inductive Signatures

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    We present a new distributed algorithm for state space minimization modulo branching bisimulation. Like its predecessor it uses signatures for refinement, but the refinement process and the signatures have been optimized to exploit the fact that the input graph contains no tau-loops. The optimization in the refinement process is meant to reduce both the number of iterations needed and the memory requirements. In the former case we cannot prove that there is an improvement, but our experiments show that in many cases the number of iterations is smaller. In the latter case, we can prove that the worst case memory use of the new algorithm is linear in the size of the state space, whereas the old algorithm has a quadratic upper bound. The paper includes a proof of correctness of the new algorithm and the results of a number of experiments that compare the performance of the old and the new algorithms

    Attention to speech and music in young children with bilateral cochlear implants: a pupillometry study

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    Early bilateral cochlear implants (CIs) may enhance attention to speech, and reduce cognitive load in noisy environments. However, it is sometimes difficult to measure speech perception and listening effort, especially in very young children. Behavioral measures cannot always be obtained in young/uncooperative children, whereas objective measures are either difficult to assess or do not reliably correlate with behavioral measures. Recent studies have thus explored pupillometry as a possible objective measure. Here, pupillometry is introduced to assess attention to speech and music in noise in very young children with bilateral CIs (N = 14, age: 17–47 months), and in the age-matched group of normally-hearing (NH) children (N = 14, age: 22–48 months). The results show that the response to speech was affected by the presence of background noise only in children with CIs, but not NH children. Conversely, the presence of background noise altered pupil response to music only in in NH children. We conclude that whereas speech and music may receive comparable attention in comparable listening conditions, in young children with CIs, controlling for background noise affects attention to speech and speech processing more than in NH children. Potential implementations of the results for rehabilitation procedures are discussed

    Adattamento precoce dell’impianto cocleare in età pediatrica

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    L’impianto cocleare costituisce una valida opportunità per fornire l’accesso alla stimolazione uditiva nei casi di ipoacusia severa o profonda di origine cocleare. E’ stato ampiamente dimostrato che l’impianto cocleare è una soluzione sicura ed efficace e che la precocità nell’attivazione è associata a risultati migliori. E’ importante studiare le variabili e gli aspetti che possono interferire con un adattamento precoce e un adeguato accesso al mondo sonoro: caratteristiche del bambino, alleanza terapeutica con la famiglia, aspetti tecnici, medici e organizzativi. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di proporre raccomandazioni utili per gli aspetti organizzativi-pratici relativi alle attivazioni precoci di impianto cocleare, attraverso un particolare modello di analisi SWOT e TOWS

    CaloCube: a novel calorimeter for high-energy cosmic rays in space

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    In order to extend the direct observation of high-energy cosmic rays up to the PeV region, highly performing calorimeters with large geometrical acceptance and high energy resolution are required. Within the constraint of the total mass of the apparatus, crucial for a space mission, the calorimeters must be optimized with respect to their geometrical acceptance, granularity and absorption depth. CaloCube is a homogeneous calorimeter with cubic geometry, to maximise the acceptance being sensitive to particles from every direction in space; granularity is obtained by relying on small cubic scintillating crystals as active elements. Different scintillating materials have been studied. The crystal sizes and spacing among them have been optimized with respect to the energy resolution. A prototype, based on CsI(Tl) cubic crystals, has been constructed and tested with particle beams. Some results of tests with different beams at CERN are presented.Comment: Seven pages, seven pictures. Proceedings of INSTR17 Novosibirs

    EZH2 is a sensitive marker of malignancy in salivary gland tumors

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    BACKGROUND: The immunohistochemical detection of Enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) proved to be a useful tool to recognize the malignant nature of tumors in a wide variety of neoplasms. The histological diagnostics of salivary gland tumors is a challenging task, and a reliable marker of malignancy would be extremely helpful. METHODS: EZH2 expression was investigated in 54 malignant and 40 benign salivary gland tumors of various histological types by standard immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The majority (n = 52) of the malignant tumors stained positively, while all the investigated benign tumors were negative for EZH2. CONCLUSIONS: EZH2 expression in salivary gland tumors, similarly to the tumors of other organs is not characteristic for any tumor type, but is a solid marker of the malignant nature of the tumors

    CaloCube: an innovative homogeneous calorimeter for the next-generation space experiments

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    The direct measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum, up to the knee region, is one of the instrumental challenges for next generation space experiments. The main issue for these measurements is a steeply falling spectrum with increasing energy, so the physics performance of the space calorimeters are primarily determined by their geometrical acceptance and energy resolution. CaloCube is a three-year R&D project, approved and financed by INFN in 2014, aiming to optimize the design of a space-born calorimeter. The peculiarity of the design of CaloCube is its capability of detecting particles coming from any direction, and not only those on its upper surface. To ensure that the quality of the measurement does not depend on the arrival direction of the particles, the calorimeter will be designed as homogeneous and isotropic as possible. In addition, to achieve a high discrimination power for hadrons and nuclei with respect to electrons, the sensitive elements of the calorimeter need to have a fine 3-D sampling capability. In order to optimize the detector performances with respect to the total mass of the apparatus, which is the most important constraint for a space launch, a comparative study of different scintillating materials has been performed using detailed Monte Carlo simulation based on the FLUKA package. In parallel to simulation studies, a prototype consisting in 14 layers of 3 x 3 CsI(Tl) crystals per layer has been assembled and tested with particle beams. An overview of the obtained results during the first two years of the project will be presented and the future of the detector will be discussed too
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