942 research outputs found

    Geophysical Investigation of Some Flood Prone Areas in Ota, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Thirteen shallow vertical electrical resistivity soundings using Schlumberger array were conducted within the study area. The aim of the study was to investigate the nature of the subsurface in some flood prone areas within the study area by determining the lithology and the corresponding inverse model resistivities at the depths investigated and hence the cause of flooding in the area during the wet season. The resistivity sounding data were collected along seven traverses using a Campus Tigre terrameter. The observed data were interpreted quantitatively using curve matching and computer assisted iteration method. The results of the inversion show a lithology that comprises of the top soil and a paralic sequence of sand and lateritic clay at the depth investigated with varied resistivity and thickness. The flooding is thought to be due to the shallow lateritic clay layer at an average depth of 5.2 m with thickness ranging from 14.5m to 31.8m at the various points of investigation and the shallow depth of the water tabl

    Petrographic and Mineralisation Potentials of Precambrian Pegmatities and Associated Rock Units of Olode Area, Southwestern Nigeria

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    The geology of the Olode area, south-western Nigeria was investigatedpetrographically and geochemically in order to elucidate the mineralisationpotential of the rock units in the area. The area under study is generallychange to underlained by granite gneiss, mica schist and pegmatites.Petrographical studies indicated prevalence of anhedral quartz (30 - 50%),plagioclase (14 - 20%), orthoclase (12 - 15%), muscovite (11 - 15%),tourmaline (6 - 10) and other minerals (8 - 11%) for the pegmatite. Thehigh value of SiO2 and Al2O3 is consistent with the petrographical study.High values and wide range in Ba (34 - 737 ppm) and Zr (3.8 - 132.6 ppm)strongly support a mixture of igneous and sedimentary. The bivariant plotsof Rb vs K/Rb, Zn vs K/Rb and Th vs K/Rb indicated a partial series offractionation, suggesting that the pegmatites are of rare element classeswhile granite gneiss and mica schist belong to the barren muscovite andrare element classes. This was supported by high ratios of K/Cs and K/Babut low Th/U values indicating distinctively low rare metal mineralization.The plot of Na2O/Al2O3 vs K2O/Al2O3 revealed an igneous precursor for allthe rock units. The negative Eu anomalies especially in the pegmatitic rockunit indicates fractionation and point toward a late metasomatic effect andtheir relatively weak negative Ce anomalies, also suggest their rare metalmineralization. The pegmatites, granite gneiss and mica schist of Olodearea considered as barren as all the samples plotted below the Gordiyenkosand Beus’ line of mineralization

    Treatment of Brewery Waste Water in a Fluidized Bed Digester

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    This study examined anaerobic fluidized- bed reactor performance employed to treat brewery waste water in terms of treatment efficiency on COD and BOD5 reduction under different hydraulic retention time (HRT). It employed a fluidized-bed digester, with liquid volumetric flow rate of 1.7 x 10-6m3/s, superficial velocity of 0.0012 m/s and 0.00026m/s which achieved the velocity  required to fluidize 20g activated carbon bed of height 0.03m with 0.384 voidage. The pressure drop across the fluidized-bed was calculated to be 1.848 N/m2. The COD and BOD5 concentration reduction efficiencies were monitored .The results obtained indicate that as HRT increases, the concentration of COD and BOD5 initially at 7137.67 COD mg/l and 2177 BOD5 mg/l decreased to final concentration of 1845.92 mg COD/l and 154.17 mg BOD5/l respectively at10h. The COD and BOD5 reduction efficiencies were observed to be 74.1% and 92.9% at the 10h HRT. The experimental data obtained for COD reduction in this work was used for determination of kinetic parameters from modified mixed-flow equation based on Michaelis-Menten’s kinetics and the correlation coefficient was  0.944 .The maximum substrate utilization rate, rmax and the Michaelis-Menten’s constant, KM, were determined to be 301.5 mg COD/l. h and 1345 mg COD/l respectively. Correction factor (F) of 1.1 when applied to the data will fitted simple mixed flow Michaelis Menten kinetic model well. The deviation from typical Michaelis Menten kinetic model can be attributed to acclimatization time required for effective digestion, flow dynamics in the reactor and existence of multi-organism media which would have promoted other side reactions. Organisms identified from the anaerobic digester include clostridium spp, peptococcus anaerobus, bfidobacteriums spp, desulphoribrio spp, corynebacterium spp, lacto. Keywords: Anaerobic decomposition; Brewery wastewater; Fluidized-bed reactor; Modified Michaelis-Menten’s kinetics

    Sense perception and the problem of illusion

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    This paper is a study of the problem of illusion in sense perception, using the methods of critical exposition and content analysis as tools of engagement. For decades, post-modern epistemology was steeped in the murky waters of the brilliant, skeptic argument from illusion, according to which the senses could not be relied upon for knowledge of the external world of reality, due to problems believed to be inherent in sensory perception. Why was the argument from illusion so important to epistemologists as to elicit enormous interest for such a long time? What are the implications of the argument for science? Did the argument from illusion portend any real danger for the foundations of empirical knowledge claims, as supposed by many frontline epistemologists? Exploring the concept and science of perceptual illusion, and the implications of the argument from illusion for science and epistemology, the paper found that the argument failed as a refutation of direct realism because it views illusion as the norm rather than an exception, and portrays human knowing process as an automatic, rather than a procedural, gradual phenomenon.Keywords: argument from illusion, empiricism, epistemology, science, skepticis

    The Niger Delta wetland ecosystem: What threatens it and why should we protect it?

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    The Niger Delta wetland ecosystem is of high economic importance to the local dwellers and the nation in general. The region is rich in both aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity and serves as a main source of livelihood for rural dwellers as well as stabilizing the ecosystem. Tremendous changes have occurred recently in the Niger Delta wetlands due to anthropogenic activities, thus raising awareness on the need for effective monitoring, protection and conservation of the wetland ecosystem. A good knowledge of the services provided by wetland ecosystems is an important key for an effective ecosystem management. The aim of this paper therefore was to review the importance of wetland resources, their threats and the need to protect them. This review shows that the region is rich in biodiversity of high economic importance to national development, and has been under severe threat from human activities, especially pollution. It is recommended that effective monitoring be employed using modern techniques such as GIS and remote sensing in the conservation and management of this important ecosystem.Key words: Niger Delta, wetland, ecosystem

    Factors Affecting Biogas Production during Anaerobic Decomposition of Brewery effluent- wastewater in a Fluidized Bed Digester.

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    This  work determined the dependency of biogas and carbon (iv) oxide production on microbial concentration X (Cfu/l), hydraulic retention time (HRT), ratio of total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) and total alkalinity K, during anaerobic decomposition of brewery effluent wastewater in a fluidized-bed reactor system. The volume of biogas and carbon (iv) oxide produced were monitored as the treatment time progressed. For  brewery waste water volume of 2 litres treated in the bioreactor, the volume of biogas rich in methane, produced in this work was described as s-curve with initial volume of biogas produced as 0.003l  at 4h HRT and maximum volume of 0.0045l at 8 h HRT.Similarly,0.0033l of carbon(iv)oxide was recorded at 2 h HRT and it achieved its maximum of 0.0042l at 8 h HRT. Total microbial count was conducted on the reactor sample water. The maximum concentration of the gases recorded at 8 h HRT corresponded to the favourable operating environment and good system stability ratio  (VFA/Alkalinity)<0.5 achieved. Key words: Anaerobic decomposition, brewery wastewater, fluidized-bed reactor, Biogas, carbon (iv) oxide

    Evaluation and Performance of Path Profile Characteristics in Communication System

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    This study presents the evaluation and performance of path profile characteristics in communication system, to determine the path profile characteristics such as margin fade (dB), receiver power (dBm), 2-ray propagation model (dB), free space propagation model (dB), LOSMAX (km) and critical distance (km). Data were obtained from Network ‘A’, using three different links within a geographical location in Edo State. Receiver power is mathematic model, the sensitivity of the receiver, which depends on the bandwidth (data rate) (dBm) of antennas were considered in this analysis. All the path profile characteristics were determined, it was observed, that increase in path length distance of microwave line of sight, will necessitate the increase in transmitter power in decibel. The Path length distance and margin fade of the three basic mobile propagation links were determined. It was observed that path length distance characteristic as such the length of distance, obstacle, reflection, diffraction from ground, water bodies and atmosphere resulted to the pattern of radio margin fade signal obtained in receiver antenna. The margin fade determined are 28.83 dB, 12.95 dB and 21.24 dB for the three different links considered from Network ‘A’ in Auchi, Nigeria

    Recent Results From the EU POF-PLUS Project: Multi-Gigabit Transmission Over 1 mm Core Diameter Plastic Optical Fibers

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    Recent activity to achieve multi-gigabit transmission over 1 mm core diameter graded-index and step-index plastic optical fibers for distances up to 50 meters is reported in this paper. By employing a simple intensity-modulated direct-detection system with pulse amplitude or digital multi-tone modulation techniques, low-cost transceivers and easy to install large-core POFs, it is demonstrated that multi-gigabit transmission up to 10 Gbit/s over 1-mm core diameter POF infrastructure is feasible. The results presented in this paper were obtained in the EU FP7 POF-PLUS project, which focused on applications in different scenarios, such as in next-generation in-building residential networks and in datacom applications

    A Framework for User-Focused Electronic Health Record System Leveraging Hyperledger Fabric

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    This research study aims to examine the possibilities of Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) in the healthcare sector. The study addresses the gap in the knowledge base through developing customization techniques to enable the simplicity and efficacy of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) adoption for healthcare industry applications. The focus of this research explores methods of using blockchain technology that prioritise users. The investigation of several concepts used in developing web applications has been determined. The study identified that an open-source project, known as Hyperledger Fabric, can be utilised to construct a novel method of storing EMRs. The framework provides a test network that can be customised to satisfy the need of several projects, including storing medical records. This research additionally outlines the difficulties encountered and problems that need to be resolved before Hyperledger Fabric can be successfully implemented in healthcare systems. Considering all types of blockchains available, the needs are met by Hyperledger Fabric, which offers a distributed and secure environment for healthcare systems. Blockchain has the potential to transform healthcare by putting the patient at the centre of the system and enhancing health data protection and interoperability. Also, by using grant and revoke access mechanisms, patients have complete control over their medical information as well as authorized doctors who are allowed to view records. This functionality is made possible by the chaincode defined in the blockchain platform. The research study has both practitioner and research implications for the development of secure blockchain-based EMRs