22 research outputs found

    Role of Surface Area, Primary Particle Size, and Crystal Phase on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Dispersion Properties

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    Characterizing nanoparticle dispersions and understanding the effect of parameters that alter dispersion properties are important for both environmental applications and toxicity investigations. The role of particle surface area, primary particle size, and crystal phase on TiO2 nanoparticle dispersion properties is reported. Hydrodynamic size, zeta potential, and isoelectric point (IEP) of ten laboratory synthesized TiO2 samples, and one commercial Degussa TiO2 sample (P25) dispersed in different solutions were characterized. Solution ionic strength and pH affect titania dispersion properties. The effect of monovalent (NaCl) and divalent (MgCl2) inert electrolytes on dispersion properties was quantified through their contribution to ionic strength. Increasing titania particle surface area resulted in a decrease in solution pH. At fixed pH, increasing the particle surface area enhanced the collision frequency between particles and led to a higher degree of agglomeration. In addition to the synthesis method, TiO2 isoelectric point was found to be dependent on particle size. As anatase TiO2 primary particle size increased from 6 nm to 104 nm, its IEP decreased from 6.0 to 3.8 that also results in changes in dispersion zeta potential and hydrodynamic size. In contrast to particle size, TiO2 nanoparticle IEP was found to be insensitive to particle crystal structure

    Emprego do reagente de fenton como agente coagulante na remoção de substâncias húmicas de água por meio da flotação por ar dissolvido e filtração Fenton's reagent as coagulant agent on removing humic substances from water through dissolved air flotation and filtration

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    O reagente de Fenton foi empregado como agente coagulante no tratamento de água com cor verdadeira elevada (100 ± 5 uH) causada pela introdução de substâncias húmicas extraídas de turfa, empregando-se a flotação por ar dissolvido. Otimizou-se o par de valores dosagem de coagulante x pH de coagulação para posterior construção dos diagramas de coagulação, obtendo-se eficiências de remoção de cor aparente pouco superiores a 60%. Procurou-se simular um tratamento em ciclo completo, realizando-se ensaio de filtração em areia após flotação, obtendo-se efluente de excelente qualidade, apresentando cor aparente, turbidez e absorvância a 253,7 nm remanescentes menores ou iguais a 2 uH, 0,40 uT e 0,009 cm-1, respectivamente, e ferro total residual < 0,005 mg/L e COD < 0,001 mg/L.<br>Fenton's reagent was used as coagulant agent to treat water with high true color (100 ± 5 HU) caused by the introduction of humic substances extracted from peat, using dissolved air flotation. The pair value of coagulant dosage x coagulation pH was optimized to posterior construction of coagulation diagrams, reaching apparent color removal efficiency slightly superior to 60%. It was tried to simulate a treatment with complete cycle, carrying out an experiment with sand filtration after flotation, obtaining an effluent with excellent quality, presenting remnant apparent color, turbidity and absorbance of 253.7 nm less or equal to 2 HU, 0.40 TU and 0.009 cm-1, respectively, and residual total iron< 0.005 mg/L and DOC < 0.001 mg/L