22 research outputs found

    Genomic regions associated with resistance to peanut bud necrosis disease (PBND) in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population

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    Parents and 318 F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross, TAG 24 × ICGV 86031 were evaluated for peanut bud necrosis disease (PBND) resistance and agronomic traits under natural infestation of thrips at a disease hotspot location for 2 years. Significant genotype, environment and genotype × environment interaction effects suggested role of environment in development and spread of the disease. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using QTL Cartographer identified a total of 14 QTL for six traits of which five QTL were for disease incidence. One quantitative trait locus q60DI located on LG_AhII was identified using both QTL Cartographer and QTL Network. Another QTL q90DI was detected with a high PVE of 12.57 using QTL Cartographer. A total of nine significant additive × additive (AA) interactions were detected for PBND disease incidence and yield traits with two and seven interactions displaying effects in favour of the parental and recombinant genotype combinations, respectively. This is the first attempt on QTL discovery associated with PBND resistance in peanut. Superior RILs identified in the study can be recycled or released as variety following further evaluations

    Cold-related symptoms and performance degradation among Thai poultry industry workers with reference to vulnerable groups:a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background: Few studies have examined cold-related symptoms among cold workplace workers in Thailand. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of cold-related cardiorespiratory, circulatory, and general symptoms and performance degradation among Thai chicken industry workers and identify vulnerable groups. Methods: Overall, 422 workers aged from 18 to 57 years at four chicken meat factories in Thailand were interviewed for cold-related symptoms and complaints. The results were expressed in terms of model-based adjusted prevalence and prevalence differences (PDs) in percentage points (pp) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: In total, 76.1% of the respondents reported cold-related respiratory symptoms, 24.6% reported cardiac symptoms, 68.6% reported circulatory symptoms, and 72.1% reported general symptoms. In addition, 82.7% of the respondents reported performance degradation. Cold-related respiratory symptoms increased by PD 29.0 pp. (95% CI 23.4–34.6) from the lowest to the highest educational group, with a similar pattern observed in performance degradation. Forklift drivers and storage and manufacturing workers complained of cold-related respiratory symptoms more than office staff (PD 22.1 pp., 95% CI 12.8–31.3; 12.0 pp., 95% CI 2.4–21.6; and 17.5 pp., 95% CI 11.5–23.6, respectively); they also reported more performance degradation (PD 24.1 pp., 95% CI 17.0–31.2; 19.8 pp., 95% CI 14.1–25.6; and 14.8 pp., 95% CI 8.0–22.6, respectively). Weekly alcohol consumers reported more performance problems owing to cold (PD 18.2 pp., 95% CI 13.9–22.6) than non-consumers of alcohol. Cardiac and circulation symptoms were more common in women than men (PD 10.0 pp., 95% CI 1.1–18.9; and 8.4 pp., 95% CI 0.5–16.4, respectively). The age trend in performance issues was curved, with the highest prevalence among those aged 35–44 years, while the oldest workers (45–57 years) perceived less cold-related symptoms, particularly thirst. Conclusions: Cold-related symptoms and performance degradation were found to be common in this industry, with vulnerable groups comprising of highly educated workers, forklift drivers, storage and manufacturing workers, weekly alcohol consumers, aging workers, and women. The results demonstrate a need for further research on the adequacy of protection provided against the cold, particularly given that global warming will increase the contrast between cold workplaces and outdoor heat

    Prevalence of cold-related symptoms among Thai chicken meat industry workers:association with workplace temperature and thermal insulation of clothing

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    Abstract This study determined the association of cold-related symptoms with workplace temperature and thermal insulation of clothing among Thai chicken industry workers. Three hundred workers were interviewed regarding cold-related symptoms, which were regressed on worksite temperature and protective clothing. In total, 80% of workers reported respiratory symptoms; 23%, cardiac symptoms; 62%, circulation disturbances; 42%, thirst; 56%, drying of the mouth; and 82%, degradation of their performance. When adjusted for personal characteristics, respiratory symptoms were 1.1‒2.2 times more prevalent at −22‒10°C than at 10‒23°C. At −22‒10°C, cardiac symptoms increased by 45%, chest pain by 91%, peripheral circulation disturbances by 25%, and drying of the mouth by 57%. Wearing protective clothing with at least 1.1 clo units was associated with marked reductions in symptom prevalence. Therefore, temperatures lower than 10°C increased prevalence of cold-related symptoms, which are largely preventable by appropriate clothing use

    Biodegradable Nanocomposite Antimicrobials for the Eradication of Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Biofilms without Accumulated Resistance

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    Infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria are a rapidly growing threat to human health, in many cases exacerbated by their presence in biofilms. We report here a biocompatible oil-in-water cross-linked polymeric nanocomposite that degrades in the presence of physiologically relevant biomolecules. These degradable nanocomposites demonstrated broad-spectrum penetration and elimination of MDR bacteria, eliminating biofilms with no toxicity to cocultured mammalian fibroblast cells. Notably, serial passaging revealed that bacteria were unable to develop resistance toward these nanocomposites, highlighting the therapeutic promise of this platform