20 research outputs found

    Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species

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    To enrich spatio-temporal information on the distribution of alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, a collective effort by 173 marine scientists was made to provide unpublished records and make them open access to the scientific community. Through this effort, we collected and harmonized a dataset of 12,649 records. It includes 247 taxa, of which 217 are Animalia, 25 Plantae and 5 Chromista, from 23 countries surrounding the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Chordata was the most abundant taxonomic group, followed by Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Annelida. In terms of species records, Siganus luridus, Siganus rivulatus, Saurida lessepsianus, Pterois miles, Upeneus moluccensis, Charybdis (Archias) longicollis, and Caulerpa cylindracea were the most numerous. The temporal distribution of the records ranges from 1973 to 2022, with 44% of the records in 2020–2021. Lethrinus borbonicus is reported for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea, while Pomatoschistus quagga, Caulerpa cylindracea, Grateloupia turuturu, and Misophria pallida are first records for the Black Sea; Kapraunia schneideri is recorded for the second time in the Mediterranean and for the first time in Israel; Prionospio depauperata and Pseudonereis anomala are reported for the first time from the Sea of Marmara. Many first country records are also included, namely: Amathia verticillata (Montenegro), Ampithoe valida (Italy), Antithamnion amphigeneum (Greece), Clavelina oblonga (Tunisia and Slovenia), Dendostrea cf. folium (Syria), Epinephelus fasciatus (Tunisia), Ganonema farinosum (Montenegro), Macrorhynchia philippina (Tunisia), Marenzelleria neglecta (Romania), Paratapes textilis (Tunisia), and Botrylloides diegensis (Tunisia)


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    Satu Mare County. Geodemographic Structures. Sex and Age Structures of the Population. During the past century, at the level of Satu Mare County, the ratio of the female population increased constantly, however with considerable variations between the censuses of 1977 (50.4 %) and 2011 (51.7 %). As far as the age group structures are concerned, two main tendencies are to be observed: the significant decrease of the ratio of the younger population, on the one hand, and the increase of the ratio of the elderly and adult populations, on the other hand. The population structure reveals complex qualitative aspects, differentiated by a series of criteria: sex, age, ethnicity, religion, habitual environments, socioprofessional distribution, level of education, marital status

    Since Trajan and Decebalus: online media reporting of the 2010 GayFest in Bucharest

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    The current study uses critical discourse analysis to examine how a high-profile gay pride event in Romania, the annual Bucharest GayFest, is represented by online media outlets. Same-gender relationships were only decriminalised in Romania a decade ago, and research on Romanian sexualities is scarce. In order to examine the construction of homosexualities in Romania, we employed critical discourse analysis on 23 internet news reports of a gay pride event. Three major themes emerged: the GayFest as exotic, the GayFest as a political event and the link between sexuality and national identity. Both exoticising and politicising discourses contribute to the positioning of gay people outside the nation. Pro-gay voices complement this marginalising perspective by reproducing political discourse. Only one statement in the news reports could be read against minoritising discourses: an ironic banner construed the trope of founding fathers (Trajan and Decebalus, in the case of Romania) as a potentially homoerotic motif, and thus undermined the relationship between nationalism and homophobia. The implications of these findings are discussed; the link of nationalism to homophobia and the almost unquestioned marginalisation of gay people are especially scrutinised

    The Romanian Grassland Database (RGD): historical background, current status and future perspectives

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    This report describes the Romanian Grassland Database (RGD), registered under EU-RO-008 in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD). This collaborative initiative aims at collecting all available vegetation-plot data (relevés) of grasslands and other open habitats from the territory of Romania and providing them for science, nationally and internationally, e.g. via the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and the global database “sPlot”. It mainly contains data from wet, mesic, dry, saline, alpine and rocky grasslands, but also some other vegetation types like heathlands, mires, ruderal, segetal, aquatic and cryptogam-dominated vegetation. The currently 21,685 relevés have mainly been digitised from literature sources (90%), while the rest comes from individual unpublished sources (10%). We report on the background and history of RGD, explain its “Data Property and Governance Rules” under which data are contributed and retrieved and outline how RGD can contribute to research in the fields of vegetation ecology, macroecology and conservation