88 research outputs found

    Win-stay, lose-switch and public information strategies for patch fidelity of songbirds with rare extra-pair paternity

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    Determining where organisms breed and understanding why they breed in particular locations are fundamental biological questions with conservation implications. Breeding-site fidelity is common in migratory, territorial songbirds and is typically thought to occur following reproductive success with a social mate and success of nearby conspecifics. It is currently unknown if frequency of extra-pair paternity in a population influences use of information about reproductive success of nearby conspecifics for site fidelity decisions. We investigated patch fidelity of white-eyed vireos (Vireo griseus) based on reproductive success and quantified frequency of extra-pair paternity. We found support only for females making patch fidelity decisions following reproductive success with a social mate. Patch fidelity of males was not associated with reproductive success of nearby conspecifics, suggesting males may not use this information when extra-pair paternity is infrequent or the association is non-existent in this species

    Die Lernfaehigkeit von Organisationen in modernen Industriegesellschaften: Gesellschaftliche Antworten auf oekologische Herausforderungen am Beispiel der Kernenergiedebatte Abschlussbericht

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    We developped a concept for the analysis of the institutionalisation of ecological standpoints in modern societies in order to apply a content analysis on the discourse on nuclear energy over the last 20 years (1973-1993). The world-views concerning the relationship between nature and society of collective actors in the Federal Republic of Germany were the focus. Starting out from the hypothesis that social movements are ''forces of definition'' in modern society, we analysed the BBU (Federal Association of Citizen Action Groups for Environmental Protection) and the Green Party. These groups have had a strong impact on established environmental organisations in Germany. There is also a clear impact of the ecology movement on parts of the Social Democrats (SPD) and trade unions. The impact on the Liberal and Conservative parties is much weaker. However, these actors as well, integrated ecological world-views into their productionist outlooks. With the help of the Greens, the ecological discourse entered into parliament where it was later supported by factions of the SPD. In the area of the productionist sector of society, trade unions challenged employer associations on the grounds of environmental issues. Yet, the German unification retarded the institutionalisation of ecological standpoints. This concerns the ecological movement as well as established actors. However, it needs to be mentioned that this decay started already in the late 1980s. (orig.)Es wurde ein theoretisch-analytisches Konzept der gesellschaftlichen Institutionalisierung oekologischer Standpunkte entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe die inhaltsanalytische Erfassung des Kernenergiediskurses der letzten 20 Jahre (1973-1993) durchgefuehrt wurde. Im Mittelpunkt lagen die gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklungskonzepte im Bereich der Beziehung Natur-Gesellschaft von kellektiven politischen Akteuren der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ausgehend von der These, dass soziale Bewegungen als ''Definitionskraefte'' in modernen Gesellschaften aufzufassen sind, wurde der BBU und die Gruene Partei untersucht. Diese hatten einen starken Einfluss auf traditionelle (DNR) und vor allem konventionelle Umweltverbaende (BUND und Greenpeace). Der Einfluss der Oekologiebewegung auf die SPD und einen Teil der Gewerkschaften des DGB ist unuebersehbar. Der Einfluss auf die Unionsparteien und die FDP fiel eher indirekt aus. Diese Akteure loesten sich nicht von ihren produktionistischen Weltbildern, sondern formulierten diese um und integrierten oekologische Positionen darin. Ueber die GRUeNEN trat der politische Oekologiediskurs auch in den Deutschen Bundestag ein, der spaeter von der SPD mitgetragen wurde. Auch im Bereich des produktionistischen Kernbereiches haben manche DGB-Gewerkschaften oekologische Positionen eingebracht, die zu einer weiteren Konfliktdimension mit den Arbeitgebern, die weiterhin unberuehrt von alternativ-oekologischen Weltbildern sind, fuehrte. Die deutsche Vereinigung hat den Trend einer Durchdringung alternativ-oekologischer Weltbilder erst einmal augehalten. Dies betrifft die Akteure des oekologischen Milieus und die etablierten Akteure. Jedoch hat schon zuvor der Radikalismus der spaeten 70er Jahre stark an Profil verloren. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F95B1316+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Kawasaki Syndrom in Deutschland - Neue Therapiestrategie?

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    A newborn with severe liver failure, cardiomyopathy and transaldolase deficiency

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    This paper describes the second patient found to be affected with a deficiency of transaldolase (TALDO1; EC Clinically, this patient presented in the neonatal period with several signs of severe liver failure: severe coagulopathy, low serum protein, elevated blood ammonia, and hypoglycaemia. She had generalized oedema, moderate muscular hypotonia, and dysmorphic signs. Liver size was decreased, and the spleen was moderately enlarged. There was severe cardiomegaly. The clinical course was characterized by intractable liver failure and progressive myocardial hypertrophy. The child died at the age of 18 days from respiratory failure. In urine, elevations of erythritol, arabitol and ribitol were found, suggesting a deficiency of transaldolase. Enzyme studies in cultured fibroblasts showed undetectable transaldolase activity. DNA sequence analysis of the TALDO1 gene showed a homozygous missense mutation (575G>A), resulting in an amino acid alteration at position 192 (arginine to histidine, R192H). This amino acid is part of the catalytic site of the transaldolase protein. Discovery of this second patient affected with transaldolase deficiency and liver failure suggests that this disorder has a heterogeneous clinical presentation with highly variable severit
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