1,881 research outputs found

    Electrochemical control of quantum interference in anthraquinone-based molecular switches

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    Using first-principles calculations we analyze the electronic transport properties of a recently proposed anthraquinone based electrochemical switch. Robust conductance on/off ratios of several orders of magnitude are observed due to destructive quantum interference present in the anthraquinone, but absent in the hydroquinone molecular bridge. A simple explanation of the interference effect is achieved by transforming the frontier molecular orbitals into localized molecular orbitals thereby obtaining a minimal tight-binding model describing the transport in the relevant energy range in terms of hopping via the localized orbitals. The topology of the tight-binding model, which is dictated by the symmetries of the molecular orbitals, determines the amount of quantum interference.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Edge-dependent reflection and inherited fine structure of higher-order plasmons in graphene nanoribbons

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    We investigate higher-order plasmons in graphene nanoribbons, and present how electronic edge states and wavefunction fine structure influence the graphene plasmons. Based on nearest-neighbor tight-binding calculations, we find that a standing-wave model based on nonlocal bulk plasmon dispersion is surprisingly accurate for armchair ribbons of widths even down to a few nanometers, and we determine the corresponding phase shift upon edge reflection and an effective ribbon width. Wider zigzag ribbons exhibit a similar phase shift, whereas the standing-wave model describes few-nanometer zigzag ribbons less satisfactorily, to a large extent because of their edge states. We directly confirm that also the larger broadening of plasmons for zigzag ribbons is due to their edge states. Furthermore, we report a prominent fine structure in the induced charges of the ribbon plasmons, which for armchair ribbons follows the electronic wavefunction oscillations induced by inter-valley coupling. Interestingly, the wavefunction fine structure is also found in our analogous density-functional theory calculations, and both these and tight-binding numerical calculations are explained quite well with analytical Dirac theory for graphene ribbons

    Emergent scale invariance of non-classical plasmons in graphene nanoribbons

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    Using a nearest-neighbor tight-binding model we investigate quantum effects of plasmons on few-nanometer wide graphene nanoribbons, both for zigzag and armchair edge terminations. With insight from the Dirac description we find an emerging scale-invariant behavior that deviates from the classical model both for zigzag and armchair structures. The onset of the deviation can be related to the position of the lowest parabolic band in the band structure. Dirac theory is only valid in the parameter subspace where the scale invariance holds that relates narrow ribbons with high doping to wide ribbons with low doping. We also find that the edge states present in zigzag ribbons give rise to a blueshift of the plasmon, in contrast to earlier findings for graphene nanodisks and nanotriangles

    Plasmonic eigenmodes in individual and bow-tie graphene nanotriangles

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    Serving as a new two-dimensional plasmonic material, graphene has stimulated an intensive study of its optical properties which benefit from the unique electronic band structure of the underlying honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. In classical electrodynamics, nanostructured graphene is commonly modeled by the computationally demanding problem of a three-dimensional conducting film of atomic-scale thickness. Here, we propose an efficient alternative two-dimensional electrostatic approach where all the calculation procedures are restricted to the plane of the graphene sheet. To explore possible quantum effects, we perform tight-binding calculations, adopting a random-phase approximation. We investigate the multiple plasmon modes in triangles of graphene, treating the optical response classically as well as quantum mechanically in the case of both armchair and zigzag edge termination of the underlying atomic lattice. Compared to the classical plasmonic spectrum which is "blind" to the edge termination, we find that the quantum plasmon frequencies exhibit blueshifts in the case of armchair edge termination, while redshifts are found for zigzag edges. Furthermore, we find spectral features in the zigzag case which are associated with electronic edge states not present for armchair termination. Merging pairs of such triangles into dimers, the plasmon hybridization leads to energy splitting in accordance with plasmon-hybridization theory, with a lower energy for the antisymmetric modes and a smaller splitting for modes with less confinement to the gap region. The hybridization appears strongest in classical calculations while the splitting is lower for armchair edges and even more reduced for zigzag edges. Our various results illustrate a surprising phenomenon: Even 20 nm large graphene structures clearly exhibit quantum plasmonic features due to atomic-scale details in the edge termination.Comment: 27 pages including 7 figures. Supplementary information available upon request to author

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menulis Laporan Penelitian Berbasis Pengayaan Skemata Bacaan

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    The purpose of this development research is to produce learning material which consist of writing research reports for junior high school students. This developing gives result achieving proper of content, presentation, language, display and create learning material effectivitically for learning. In order to achieve the purpose, the researcher used Borg and Gall (1979). The result developing learning material is achieving proper of content, presentation, language, display and create learning material effectivitically for learning.Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan produk bahan ajar menulis laporan penelitian untuk siswa kelas VII SMP/MTs. Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan isi, sajian, bahasa, dan kegrafikaan bahan ajar yang layak serta menghasilkan bahan ajar yang efektif untuk pembelajaran.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakanlah desain pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Borg and Gall (1979). Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan bahan ajar ini berupa produk yang isi, sajian, bahasa, dan kegrafikaannya layak untuk pembelajaran serta efektif untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran

    Strong plasmon-phonon splitting and hybridization in 2D materials revealed through a self-energy approach

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    We reveal new aspects of the interaction between plasmons and phonons in 2D materials that go beyond a mere shift and increase in plasmon width due to coupling to either intrinsic vibrational modes of the material or phonons in a supporting substrate. More precisely, we predict strong plasmon splitting due to this coupling, resulting in a characteristic avoided crossing scheme. We base our results on a computationally efficient approach consisting in including many-body interactions through the electron self-energy. We specify this formalism for a description of plasmons based upon a tight-binding electron Hamiltonian combined with the random-phase approximation. This approach is accurate provided vertex corrections can be neglected, as is is the case in conventional plasmon-supporting metals and Dirac-fermion systems. We illustrate our method by evaluating plasmonic spectra of doped graphene nanotriangles with varied size, where we predict remarkable peak splittings and other radical modifications in the spectra due to plasmons interactions with intrinsic optical phonons. Our method is equally applicable to other 2D materials and provides a simple approach for investigating coupling of plasmons to phonons, excitons, and other excitations in hybrid thin nanostructures

    Anomalous Non-Hydrogenic Exciton Series in 2D Materials on High-κ\kappa Dielectric Substrates

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    Engineering of the dielectric environment represents a powerful strategy to control the electronic and optical properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials without compromising their structural integrity. Here we show that the recent development of high-κ\kappa 2D materials present new opportunities for dielectric engineering. By solving a 2D Mott-Wannier exciton model for WSe2_2 on different substrates using a screened electron-hole interaction obtained from first principles, we demonstrate that the exciton Rydberg series changes qualitatively when the dielectric screening within the 2D semiconductor becomes dominated by the substrate. In this regime, the distance dependence of the screening is reversed and the effective screening increases with exciton radius, which is opposite to the conventional 2D screening regime. Consequently, higher excitonic states become underbound rather than overbound as compared to the Hydrogenic Rydberg series. Finally, we derive a general analytical expression for the exciton binding energy of the entire 2D Rydberg serie

    Evolution of Plant P-Type ATPases

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    Five organisms having completely sequenced genomes and belonging to all major branches of green plants (Viridiplantae) were analyzed with respect to their content of P-type ATPases encoding genes. These were the chlorophytes Ostreococcus tauri and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and the streptophytes Physcomitrella patens (a non-vascular moss), Selaginella moellendorffii (a primitive vascular plant), and Arabidopsis thaliana (a model flowering plant). Each organism contained sequences for all five subfamilies of P-type ATPases. Whereas Na+ and H+ pumps seem to mutually exclude each other in flowering plants and animals, they co-exist in chlorophytes, which show representatives for two kinds of Na+ pumps (P2C and P2D ATPases) as well as a primitive H+-ATPase. Both Na+ and H+ pumps also co-exist in the moss P. patens, which has a P2D Na+-ATPase. In contrast to the primitive H+-ATPases in chlorophytes and P. patens, the H+-ATPases from vascular plants all have a large C-terminal regulatory domain as well as a conserved Arg in transmembrane segment 5 that is predicted to function as part of a backflow protection mechanism. Together these features are predicted to enable H+ pumps in vascular plants to create large electrochemical gradients that can be modulated in response to diverse physiological cues. The complete inventory of P-type ATPases in the major branches of Viridiplantae is an important starting point for elucidating the evolution in plants of these important pumps

    Partially incoherent optical vortices in self-focusing nonlinear media

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    We observe stable propagation of spatially localized single- and double-charge optical vortices in a self-focusing nonlinear medium. The vortices are created by self-trapping of partially incoherent light carrying a phase dislocation, and they are stabilized when the spatial incoherence of light exceeds a certain threshold. We confirm the vortex stabilization effect by numerical simulations and also show that the similar mechanism of stabilization applies to higher-order vortices.Comment: 4 pages and 6 figures (including 3 experimental figures

    Influence of Ply Stacking Sequences on the Impact Response of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Laminates

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    © 2019 The Author(s). This an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.In recent years, there has been a growing demand for high strength-to-weight ratio and lightweight structures in several applications, such as wind energy, automotive, aerospace, telecommunication and construction industries. Carbon fibre reinforced polymeric (CFRP) composite is one of the promising materials with aforementioned inherent properties and applications. These properties vary with different techniques of their manufacturing, such as stacking sequence. Hence, it is germane and important to conduct an extensive study to investigate the effect of stacking sequences on the properties of CFRP composites. Consequently, this paper experimentally investigated the influence of different ply stacking sequences on quasi-static low-velocity impact behaviour of approximately 150 x 130 x 2 mm CFR epoxy composite laminates, manufactured by hand lay-up technique. Five different stacking sequences, denoted as samples A, B, C, E and F were tested under impact loads of 2.00, 2.25 and 2.50 kN. The results showed that the Sample A with stacking sequence of [90/±45/0]s exhibited the highest impact resistance under a maximum load of 2.50 kN before it finally fractured at a maximum displacement of nearly 10.20 mm, prior to an inter-ply delamination occurrence at displacement of approximately 5.50 mm. Similarly stacked sample B recorded the lowest inter-ply delamination damage, while sample C exhibited highest delamination damage. Both samples E and F exhibited similar impact properties. Moreover, samples A, B and C absorbed impact energies of 17.50, 6.25 and 14.13 J, respectively. Conclusively, sample A with highest impact resistance and absorbed energy is hereby recommended, been a promising material for engineering application within the test conditions and parameters, especially under a low-velocity impact load.Peer reviewe