249 research outputs found

    Mosaico e giallume del castagno: due problematiche da non sottovalutare

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    Nel corso degli ultimi anni, in seguito alle segnalazioni dei castanicoltori, l’Università Politecnica delle Marche insieme alla Fondazione Edmund Mach sta portando avanti un monitoraggio fitosanitario in alcune regioni italiane (Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana e Trentino – Alto Adige) per meglio comprendere le cause che determinano improvvise alterazioni cromatiche della chioma di castagni giovani ma anche secolari. Sono stati definiti due quadri sintomatologici, descritti rispettivamente come mosaico e giallume del castagno.In the last years, the Polytechnic University of Marche together with the Edmund Mach Foundation carried out phytosanitary monitoring in some Italian regions to study the main causes of chromatic alterations in the leaves of young and secular chestnut trees. Two main symptoms, described as chestnut mosaic disease and yellowish, have been defined. These studies currently aim to assess the presence of these symptoms in Italian chestnut orchards and old plantations to evaluate their relative spread and danger. At the same time, the potential environmental factors involved in these diseases are investigated to highlight the best plant management to limit the possible damages. The Chestnut R&D Center -Piedmont is collaborating with the research team to improve controls on raw material intended for the new chestnut voluntary nursery certification

    Status of charcoal canker on oak trees at a site of community importance: case study of the relict castelfidardo forest (Sic area it520008, castelfidardo, an, Italy)

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    Oaks are dominant and key tree species in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. However, in recent decades, oak forests have been heavily impacted by oak decline, a worldwide phenomenon exacerbated by climate change. The charcoal disease agent Biscogniauxia mediterranea is involved in the decline of Mediterranean oak formations in a variety of contexts. Here, we investigated the impact and role of B. mediterranea in the decline of oaks in Castelfidardo Forest, a relict wood of the late Holocene and a Site of Community Importance. We established five plots within which we recorded tree positions, any symptoms and signs of decline, association of B. mediterranea to declining trees, and deadwood and associated mycota. Of 471 oaks inspected, 7.0% showed brownish exudates on the stems, 46.9% showed epicormic shoots along the main trunk, and 24.4% showed black carbonaceous stromata on diseased branches and trunks. The decline was most severe for Quercus cerris, which comprised plots #4 and #5, at 50.0% (81/162 trees) and 29.0% (33/114), respectively; then for Quercus robur for plot #3, at 40.0% (38/95); and finally for Quercus pubescens for plots #1 and #2, at 13.7% (7/51) and 12.3% (6/49), respectively. Bark tissues were collected from trees with charcoal cankers and taken to the laboratory for microscopic examination and identification by mycological and molecular methods. This investigation revealed a close association between oaks with pronounced reduction of vitality and incidence of B. mediterranea. Deadwood was equally distributed among the five plots, and was heavily colonized by Basidiomycota. The high incidence of the charcoal canker pathogen B. mediterranea appeared to be related to environmental stresses. However, the absence of silvicultural management, high competition among physiologically mature trees, and the geographic isolation of this residual forest may have predisposed oaks to decline

    Metástase ocular de tumor venéreo transmissível em cão. Relato de um caso

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    Selective inhibition of genomic and non-genomic effects of thyroid hormone regulates muscle cell differentiation and metabolic behavior

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    Thyroid hormones (THs) are key regulators of different biological processes. Their action involves genomic and non-genomic mechanisms, which together mediate the final effects of TH in target tissues. However, the proportion of the two processes and their contribution to the TH-mediated effects are still poorly understood. Skeletal muscle is a classical target tissue for TH, which regulates muscle strength and contraction, as well as energetic metabolism of myofibers. Here we address the different contribution of genomic and non-genomic action of TH in skeletal muscle cells by specifically silencing the deiodinase Dio2 or the β3-Integrin expression via CRISPR/Cas9 technology. We found that myoblast proliferation is inversely regulated by integrin signal and the D2-dependent TH activation. Similarly, inhibition of the nuclear receptor action reduced myoblast proliferation, confirming that genomic action of TH attenuates proliferative rates. Contrarily, genomic and non-genomic signals promote muscle differentiation and the regulation of the redox state. Taken together, our data reveal that integration of genomic and non-genomic signal pathways finely regulates skeletal muscle physiology. These findings not only contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in TH modulation of muscle physiology but also add insight into the interplay between different mechanisms of action of TH in muscle cells

    Thyroid hormone enhances angiogenesis and the warburg effect in squamous cell carcinomas

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    Cancer angiogenesis is required to support energetic demand and metabolic stress, particu-larly during conditions of hypoxia. Coupled to neo-vasculogenesis, cancer cells rewire metabolic programs to sustain growth, survival and long-term maintenance. Thyroid hormone (TH) signaling regulates growth and differentiation in a variety of cell types and tissues, thus modulating hyper proliferative processes such as cancer. Herein, we report that TH coordinates a global program of metabolic reprogramming and induces angiogenesis through up-regulation of the VEGF-A gene, which results in the enhanced proliferation of tumor endothelial cells. In vivo conditional depletion of the TH activating enzyme in a mouse model of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) reduces the concentration of TH in the tumoral cells and results in impaired VEGF-A production and atten-uated angiogenesis. In addition, we found that TH induces the expression of the glycolytic genes and fosters lactate production, which are key traits of the Warburg effect. Taken together, our results reveal a TH–VEGF-A–HIF1α regulatory axis leading to enhanced angiogenesis and glycolytic flux, which may represent a target for SCC therapy

    Tratamento da dermatofitose felina com o Lufenuron

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    Multilocus genotyping reveals new molecular markers for differentiating distinct genetic lineages among “candidatus phytoplasma solani” strains associated with grapevine bois noir

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    Grapevine Bois noir (BN) is associated with infection by “Candidatus Phytoplasma solani” (CaPsol). In this study, an array of CaPsol strains was identified from 142 symptomatic grapevines in vineyards of northern, central, and southern Italy and North Macedonia. Molecular typing of the CaPsol strains was carried out by analysis of genes encoding 16S rRNA and translation elongation factor EF-Tu, as well as eight other previously uncharacterized genomic fragments. Strains of tuf-type a and b were found to be differentially distributed in the examined geographic regions in correlation with the prevalence of nettle and bindweed. Two sequence variants were identified in each of the four genomic segments harboring hlyC, cbiQ-glyA, trxA-truB-rsuA, and rplS-tyrS-csdB, respectively. Fifteen CaPsol lineages were identified based on distinct combinations of sequence variations within these genetic loci. Each CaPsol lineage exhibited a unique collective restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern and differed from each other in geographic distribution, probably in relation to the diverse ecological complexity of vineyards and their surroundings. This RFLP-based typing method could be a useful tool for investigating the ecology of CaPsol and the epidemiology of its associated diseases. Phylogenetic analyses highlighted that the sequence variants of the gene hlyC, which encodes a hemolysin III-like protein, separated into two clusters consistent with the separation of two distinct lineages on the basis of tufB gene sequences. Alignments of deduced full protein sequences of elongation factor-Tu (tufB gene) and hemolysin III-like protein (hlyC gene) revealed the presence of critical amino acid substitutions distinguishing CaPsol strains of tuf-type a and b. Findings from the present study provide new insights into the genetic diversity and ecology of CaPsol populations in vineyards