390 research outputs found

    Reproduction and early life history of Lottia asmi at Pigeon Point, California

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    Radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary sediments using fossil gastropod shells

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    Terrestrial gastropods are one of the most successful groups of organisms on Earth. Their distribution includes all continents except Antarctica, and they occupy exceptionally diverse habitats, from marshes and wet meadows to alpine forests and Arctic tundra. Their shells are also commonly preserved in Quaternary deposits and potentially could be used for 14C dating. However, terrestrial gastropods are known to ingest limestone and incorporate the old carbon in their shells, resulting in apparent ages that are often too old. Recent studies have shown that many small (\u3c1 cm diameter) terrestrial gastropods avoid this “limestone problem” even when living in areas in which carbonate rocks are readily available. However, the shells must also behave as closed systems with respect to carbon if their ages are to be considered reliable. Our latest work has been aimed at testing if small gastropod shells do, in fact, remain closed systems in late Quaternary deposits over a wide array of climate conditions across North America. Our results demonstrate that ages derived from Succineidae shells are identical to wood and charcoal ages in loess in Alaska, glacial deposits in the upper Midwest, loess in the Great Plains, and paleowetlands in the desert southwest. Moreover, Succineidae shell ages routinely fall within permitted limits set by stratigraphic boundaries, require less interpretation than humic acid ages that are commonly used in loess studies, can provide additional stratigraphic coverage to previous dating efforts, and maintain stratigraphic order more often than luminescence ages from the same stratigraphic intervals. Thus, we conclude that fossil Succineidae shells, and shells of a few other small gastropods, can be used for 14C dating regardless of the local lithology, past climate, or environmental conditions

    Late Quaternary sea-level history of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA: A test of tectonic uplift and glacial isostatic adjustment models

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    In 1979, S. Uyeda and H. Kanamori proposed a tectonic model with two end members of a subduction-boundary continuum: the “Chilean” type (shallow dip of the subducting plate, great thrust events, compression, and uplift of the overriding plate) and a “Mariana” type (steep dip of the subducting plate, no great thrust events, tension, and no uplift). This concept has been used to explain variable rates of Quaternary uplift around the Pacific Rim, yet no uplift rates have been determined for the Mariana Islands themselves, one of the end members in this model. We studied the late Quaternary Tanapag Limestone, which rims much of the eastern and southern coasts of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, with elevations of ∼13 m to ∼30 m. Samples from 12 well-preserved corals (Acropora, Porites, and Goniastrea) yielded U-series ages ranging from ca. 134 ka to ca. 126 ka. These ages correlate the emergent reef of the Tanapag Limestone with the last interglacial period, when sea level was several meters above present. Ages and measured reef elevations from the Tanapag Limestone, along with paleo–sea-level data, yield relatively low late Quaternary uplift rates of 0.002–0.19 m/k.y., consistent with the Uyeda-Kanamori model. A review of data from other localities near subduction zones around the Pacific Basin, however, indicates that many coastlines do not fit the model. Uplift rates along the Chilean coast are predicted to be relatively high, but field studies indicate they are low. On some coastlines, relatively high uplift rates are better explained by subduction of seamounts or submarine ridges rather than subduction zone geometry. Despite the low long-term uplift rate on Saipan, the island also hosts an emergent, low-elevation (+3.9–4.0 m) reef with corals in growth position below a notch (+4.2 m). The corals are dated to 3.9–3.1 ka. The occurrence of this young, emergent reef is likely not due to tectonic uplift; instead, it is interpreted to be the result of glacial isostatic adjustment processes after the end of the last glacial period. Our findings are consistent with similar observations on tectonically stable or slowly uplifting islands elsewhere in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and agree with numerical models of a higher-than-present Holocene sea level in this region due to glacial isostatic adjustment processes

    On the importance of stratigraphic control for vertebrate fossil sites in Channel Islands National Park, California, USA: Examples from new Mammuthus finds on San Miguel Island

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    Quaternary vertebrate fossils, most notably mammoth remains, are relatively common on the northern Channel Islands of California. Well-preserved cranial, dental, and appendicular elements of Mammuthus exilis (pygmy mammoth) and Mammuthus columbi (Columbian mammoth) have been recovered from hundreds of localities on the islands during the past half-century or more. Despite this paleontological wealth, the geologic context of the fossils is described in the published literature only briefly or not at all, which has hampered the interpretation of associated 14C ages and reconstruction of past environmental conditions. We recently discovered a partial tusk, several large bones, and a tooth enamel plate (all likely mammoth) at two sites on the northwest flank of San Miguel Island, California. At both localities, we documented the stratigraphic context of the fossils, described the host sediments in detail, and collected charcoal and terrestrial gastropod shells for radiocarbon dating. The resulting 14C ages indicate that the mammoths were present on San Miguel Island between ~20 and 17 ka as well as between ~14 and 13 ka (thousands of calibrated 14C years before present), similar to other mammoth sites on San Miguel, Santa Cruz, and Santa Rosa Islands. In addition to documenting the geologic context and ages of the fossils, we present a series of protocols for documenting and reporting geologic and stratigraphic information at fossil sites on the California Channel Islands in general, and in Channel Islands National Park in particular, so that pertinent information is collected prior to excavation of vertebrate materials, thus maximizing their scientific value

    Überlebenszeit und Nachsorgebedarf von teleskopierend verankertem partiellen Zahnersatz

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    In der vorliegenden Langzeitstudie wurden bei 102 Patienten 130 teleskopierend verankerte partielle Prothesen mit insgesamt 364 Teleskopkronen während der klinischen Studentenkurse in der Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik der Universität Münster in den Jahren 1983-1994 hergestellt und in jährlichen Abständen nachuntersucht. Es konnten prothesenbezogene und teleskopzahnbezogene Nachsorgemaßnahmen seit Eingliederung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeiten nach Kaplan-Meier festgestellt werden. Während des Beobachtungszeitraumes wurden 44 Teleskopzähne extrahiert. Unter Zugrundelegung des Logrank Tests erwiesen sich folgende Risikofaktoren für den Verlust eines Teleskopzahnes als statistisch signifikant: Vitalität, Lockerungsgrad, Zahngruppe, Altersgruppe. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie bestätigen die guten Langzeiterfolge bei kalkulierbarem Nachsorgebedarf von jährlich überwachtem teleskopierend verankertem partiellen Zahnersatz

    Interval gangrene complicating superficial femoral artery stent placement

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    Interval gangrene—necrosis of tissue proximal to a successful distal revascularization procedure—is an exceeding rare complication. To date, only nine cases have been reported in the literature, and all were secondary to traditional open bypass procedures. We report the first case, to our knowledge, of interval gangrene after endovascular stent placement in the superficial femoral artery. We believe that with the increasing utilization of endovascular techniques to treat limb ischemia, the serious complication of interval gangrene must be revisited. Assessment of collateral circulation, precise stent placement, and the appropriate choice of stents and stent grafts will become increasing important as more and more of these lesions are treated with endovascular techniques

    Late Quaternary uplift along the North America-Caribbean plate boundary: Evidence from the sea level record of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

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    The tectonic setting of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary has been studied intensively, but some aspects are still poorly understood, particularly along the Oriente fault zone. Guantanamo Bay, southern Cuba, is considered to be on a coastline that is under a transpressive tectonic regime along this zone, and is hypothesized to have a low uplift rate. We tested this by studying emergent reef terrace deposits around the bay. Reef elevations in the protected, inner part of the bay are ~11e12 m and outercoast, wave-cut benches are as high as ~14 m. Uranium-series analyses of corals yield ages ranging from ~133 ka to ~119 ka, correlating this reef to the peak of the last interglacial period, marine isotope stage (MIS) 5.5. Assuming a span of possible paleo-sea levels at the time of the last interglacial period yields long-term tectonic uplift rates of 0.02e0.11 m/ka, supporting the hypothesis that the tectonic uplift rate is low. Nevertheless, on the eastern and southern coasts of Cuba, east and west of Guantanamo Bay, there are flights of multiple marine terraces, at higher elevations, that could record a higher rate of uplift, implying that Guantanamo Bay may be anomalous. Southern Cuba is considered to have experienced a measurable but modest effect from glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) processes. Thus, with a low uplift rate, Guantanamo Bay should show no evidence of emergent marine terraces dating to the ~100 ka (MIS 5.3) or ~80 ka (MIS 5.1) sea stands and results of the present study support this

    Late Quaternary uplift along the North America-Caribbean plate boundary: Evidence from the sea level record of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

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    The tectonic setting of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary has been studied intensively, but some aspects are still poorly understood, particularly along the Oriente fault zone. Guantanamo Bay, southern Cuba, is considered to be on a coastline that is under a transpressive tectonic regime along this zone, and is hypothesized to have a low uplift rate. We tested this by studying emergent reef terrace deposits around the bay. Reef elevations in the protected, inner part of the bay are ~11e12 m and outercoast, wave-cut benches are as high as ~14 m. Uranium-series analyses of corals yield ages ranging from ~133 ka to ~119 ka, correlating this reef to the peak of the last interglacial period, marine isotope stage (MIS) 5.5. Assuming a span of possible paleo-sea levels at the time of the last interglacial period yields long-term tectonic uplift rates of 0.02e0.11 m/ka, supporting the hypothesis that the tectonic uplift rate is low. Nevertheless, on the eastern and southern coasts of Cuba, east and west of Guantanamo Bay, there are flights of multiple marine terraces, at higher elevations, that could record a higher rate of uplift, implying that Guantanamo Bay may be anomalous. Southern Cuba is considered to have experienced a measurable but modest effect from glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) processes. Thus, with a low uplift rate, Guantanamo Bay should show no evidence of emergent marine terraces dating to the ~100 ka (MIS 5.3) or ~80 ka (MIS 5.1) sea stands and results of the present study support this