663 research outputs found

    Resolving Neutrino Mass Hierarchy and CP Degeneracy by Two Identical Detectors with Different Baselines

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    We explore the possibility of simultaneous determination of neutrino mass hierarchy and the CP violating phase by using two identical detectors placed at different baseline distances. We focus on a possible experimental setup using neutrino beam from J-PARC facility in Japan with beam power of 4MW and megaton (Mton)-class water Cherenkov detectors, one placed in Kamioka and the other at somewhere in Korea. We demonstrate, under reasonable assumptions of systematic uncertainties, that the two-detector complex with each fiducial volume of 0.27 Mton has potential of resolving neutrino mass hierarchy up to sin^2 2theta_{13} > 0.03 (0.055) at 2\sigma (3\sigma) CL for any values of delta and at the same time has the sensitivity to CP violation by 4 + 4 years running of nu_e and nu_e-bar appearance measurement. The significantly enhanced sensitivity is due to clean detection of modulation of neutrino energy spectrum, which is enabled by cancellation of systematic uncertainties between two identical detectors which receive the neutrino beam with the same energy spectrum in the absence of oscillations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, version published in PR

    Parameter Degeneracies in Neutrino Oscillation Measurement of Leptonic CP and T Violation

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    The measurement of the mixing angle \theta_{13}, sign of \Delta m^2_{13} and the CP or T violating phase \delta is fraught with ambiguities in neutrino oscillation. In this paper we give an analytic treatment of the paramater degeneracies associated with measuring the \nu_\mu -> \nu_e probability and its CP and/or T conjugates. For CP violation, we give explicit solutions to allow us to obtain the regions where there exist two-fold and four-fold degeneracies. We calculate the fractional differences, \Delta \theta / \bar{\theta}, between the allowed solutions which may be used to compare with the expected sensitivities of the experiments. For T violation we show that there is always a complete degeneracy between solutions with positive and negative \Delta m^2_{13} which arises due to a symmetry and cannot be removed by observing one neutrino oscillation probability and its T conjugate. Thus, there is always a four fold parameter degeneracy apart from exceptional points. Explicit solutions are also given and the fractional differences are computed. The bi-probability CP/T trajectory diagrams are extensively used to illuminate the nature of the degeneracies.Comment: 35 pages, Latex, 11 postscript figures, minor correction

    On in situ Determination of Earth Matter Density in Neutrino Factory

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    We point out that an accurate in situ determination of the earth matter density \rho is possible in neutrino factory by placing a detector at the magic baseline, L = \sqrt{2} \pi / G_{F} N_{e} where N_{e} denotes electron number density. The accuracy of matter density determination is excellent in a region of relatively large theta_{13} with fractional uncertainty \delta \rho / \rho of about 0.43%, 1.3%, and \lsim 3% at 1 sigma CL at sin^2 2theta_{13}=0.1, 10^{-2}, and 3 x 10^{-3}, respectively. At smaller theta_{13} the uncertainty depends upon the CP phase delta, but it remains small, 3%-7% in more than 3/4 of the entire region of delta at sin^2 2theta_{13} = 10^{-4}. The results would allow us to solve the problem of obscured CP violation due to the uncertainty of earth matter density in a wide range of theta_{13} and delta. It may provide a test for the geophysical model of the earth, or it may serve as a method for stringent test of the MSW theory of neutrino propagation in matter once an accurate geophysical estimation of the matter density is available.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in PR

    Large-Theta(13) Perturbation Theory of Neutrino Oscillation for Long-Baseline Experiments

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    The Cervera et al. formula, the best known approximate formula of neutrino oscillation probability for long-baseline experiments, can be regarded as a second-order perturbative formula with small expansion parameter epsilon \equiv Delta m^2_{21} / Delta m^2_{31} \simeq 0.03 under the assumption s_{13} \simeq epsilon. If theta_{13} is large, as suggested by a candidate nu_{e} event at T2K as well as the recent global analyses, higher order corrections of s_{13} to the formula would be needed for better accuracy. We compute the corrections systematically by formulating a perturbative framework by taking theta_{13} as s_{13} \sim \sqrt{epsilon} \simeq 0.18, which guarantees its validity in a wide range of theta_{13} below the Chooz limit. We show on general ground that the correction terms must be of order epsilon^2. Yet, they nicely fill the mismatch between the approximate and the exact formulas at low energies and relatively long baselines. General theorems are derived which serve for better understanding of delta-dependence of the oscillation probability. Some interesting implications of the large theta_{13} hypothesis are discussed.Comment: Fig.2 added, 23 pages. Matches to the published versio

    The Complementarity of Eastern and Western Hemisphere Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

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    We present a general formalism for extracting information on the fundamental parameters associated with neutrino masses and mixings from two or more long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. This formalism is then applied to the current most likely experiments using neutrino beams from the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) and Fermilab's NuMI beamline. Different combinations of muon neutrino or muon anti-neutrino running are considered. To extract the type of neutrino mass hierarchy we make use of the matter effect. Contrary to naive expectation, we find that both beams using neutrinos is more suitable for determining the hierarchy provided that the neutrino energy divided by baseline (E/LE/L) for NuMI is smaller than or equal to that of JHF. Whereas to determine the small mixing angle, θ13\theta_{13}, and the CP or T violating phase δ\delta, one neutrino and the other anti-neutrino is most suitable. We make extensive use of bi-probability diagrams for both understanding and extracting the physics involved in such comparisons.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 3 postscript figure

    Unity of CP and T Violation in Neutrino Oscillations

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    In a previous work a simultaneous P- CP[P] and P- T[P] bi-probability plot was proposed as a useful tool for unified graphical description of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillation. The ``baseball diamond'' structure of the plot is understood as a consequence of the approximate CP-CP and the T-CP relations obeyed by the oscillation probabilities. In this paper, we make a step forward toward deeper understanding of the unified graphical representation by showing that these two relations are identical in its content, suggesting a truly unifying view of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillations. We suspect that the unity reflects the underlying CPT theorem. We also present calculation of corrections to the CP-CP and the T-CP relations to leading order in Delta m^2_{21} / Delta m^2_{31} and s^2_{13}.Comment: 20 references added, version to appear in "Focus Issue on Neutrino Physics" of New Journal of Physic

    Perturbation Theory of Neutrino Oscillation with Nonstandard Neutrino Interactions

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    We discuss various physics aspects of neutrino oscillation with non-standard interactions (NSI). We formulate a perturbative framework by taking \Delta m^2_{21} / \Delta m^2_{31}, s_{13}, and the NSI elements \epsilon_{\alpha \beta} (\alpha, \beta = e, \mu, \tau) as small expansion parameters of the same order \epsilon. Within the \epsilon perturbation theory we obtain the S matrix elements and the neutrino oscillation probability formula to second order (third order in \nu_e related channels) in \epsilon. The formula allows us to estimate size of the contribution of any particular NSI element \epsilon_{\alpha beta} to the oscillation probability in arbitrary channels, and gives a global bird-eye view of the neutrino oscillation phenomena with NSI. Based on the second-order formula we discuss how all the conventional lepton mixing as well as NSI parameters can be determined. Our results shows that while \theta_{13}, \delta, and the NSI elements in \nu_e sector can in principle be determined, complete measurement of the NSI parameters in the \nu_\mu - \nu_\tau sector is not possible by the rate only analysis. The discussion for parameter determination and the analysis based on the matter perturbation theory indicate that the parameter degeneracy prevails with the NSI parameters. In addition, a new solar-atmospheric variable exchange degeneracy is found. Some general properties of neutrino oscillation with and without NSI are also illuminated.Comment: manuscript restructured, discussion of new type of parameter degeneracy added. 47 page

    Clone flow analysis for a theory inspired Neutrino Experiment planning

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    The presence of several clone solutions in the simultaneous measurement of (θ13,δ\theta_{13},\delta) has been widely discussed in literature. In this letter we write the analytical formulae of the clones location in the (θ13,δ\theta_{13},\delta) plane as a function of the physical input pair (θˉ13,δˉ\bar\theta_{13},\bar\delta). We show how the clones move with changing θˉ13\bar\theta_{13}. The "clone flow" can be significantly different if computed (naively) from the oscillation probabilities or (exactly) from the probabilities integrated over the neutrino flux and cross-section. Using our complete computation we compare the clone flow of a set of possible future neutrino experiments: the CERN SuperBeam, BetaBeam and Neutrino Factory proposals. We show that the combination of these specific BetaBeam and SuperBeam does not help in solving the degeneracies. On the contrary, the combination of one of them with the Neutrino Factory Golden and Silver channel can be used, from a theoretical point of view, to solve completely the eightfold degeneracy.Comment: 23 pages, using epsfi

    Determining Neutrino Mass Hierarchy by Precision Measurements in Electron and Muon Neutrino Disappearance Experiments

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    Recently a new method for determining the neutrino mass hierarchy by comparing the effective values of the atmospheric \Delta m^2 measured in the electron neutrino disappearance channel, \Delta m^2(ee), with the one measured in the muon neutrino disappearance channel, \Delta m^2(\mu \mu), was proposed. If \Delta m^2(ee) is larger (smaller) than \Delta m^2(\mu \mu) the hierarchy is of the normal (inverted) type. We re-examine this proposition in the light of two very high precision measurements: \Delta m^2(\mu \mu) that may be accomplished by the phase II of the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment, for example, and \Delta m^2(ee) that can be envisaged using the novel Mossbauer enhanced resonant \bar\nu_e absorption technique. Under optimistic assumptions for the systematic uncertainties of both measurements, we estimate the parameter region of (\theta_13, \delta) in which the mass hierarchy can be determined. If \theta_13 is relatively large, sin^2 2\theta_13 \gsim 0.05, and both of \Delta m^2(ee) and \Delta m^2(\mu \mu) can be measured with the precision of \sim 0.5 % it is possible to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy at > 95% CL for 0.3 \pi \lsim \delta \lsim 1.7 \pi for the current best fit values of all the other oscillation parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 6 postscript figure

    Phenomenological Implications of a Class of Neutrino Mass Matrices

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    The generic predictions of two-texture zero neutrino mass matrices of class A in the flavor basis have been reexamined especially in relation to the degeneracy between mass matrices of types A_1 and A_2 and interesting constraints on the neutrino parameters have been obtained. It is shown that the octant of θ23\theta_{23} and the quadrant of the Dirac-type CP-violating phase δ\delta can be used to lift this degeneracy.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, final version with minor changes to appear in Nucl. Phys.
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