1,157 research outputs found

    nuMSM--Predictions for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    We give the prediction on the effective Majorana mass for neutrinoless double β\beta decay in a simple extension of the Standard Model (nuMSM). The model adds three right-handed neutrinos with masses smaller than the electroweak scale, and explains dark matter of the Universe. This leads to constraints 1.3meV<m_{bb}^{NH}<3.4meV in normal neutrino mass hierarchy and 13meV<m_{bb}^{IH}<50meV in inverted hierarchy.Comment: 5 page

    Sensitivity to neutrino mixing parameters with atmospheric neutrinos

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    We have analyzed the atmospheric neutrino data to study the octant of θ23\theta_{23} and the precision of the oscillation parameters for a large Iron CALorimeter (ICAL) detector. The ICAL being a tracking detector has the ability to measure the energy and the direction of the muon with high resolution. From bending of the track in magnetic field it can also distinguish its charge. We have generated events by Nuance and then considered only the muons (directly measurable quantities) produced in charge current interactions in our analysis. This encounters the main problem of wide resolutions of energy and baseline. The energy-angle correlated two dimensional resolution functions are used to migrate the energy and the zenith angle of the neutrino to those of the muon. A new type of binning has been introduced to get better reflection of the oscillation pattern in chi-square analysis. Then the marginalization of the χ2\chi^2 over all parameters has been carried out for neutrinos and anti-neutrinos separately. We find that the measurement of θ13\theta_{13} is possible at a significant precision with atmospheric neutrinos. The precisions of Δm322\Delta m_{32}^2 and sin2θ23\sin^2\theta_{23} are found \sim 8% and 38%, respectively, at 90% CL. The discrimination of the octant as well as the deviation from maximal mixing of atmospheric neutrinos are also possible for some combinations of (θ23, θ13\theta_{23}, ~\theta_{13}). We also discuss the impact of the events at near horizon on the precision studies.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, new results added; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Linearized flavor-stability analysis of dense neutrino streams

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    Neutrino-neutrino interactions in dense neutrino streams, like those emitted by a core-collapse supernova, can lead to self-induced neutrino flavor conversions. While this is a nonlinear phenomenon, the onset of these conversions can be examined through a standard stability analysis of the linearized equations of motion. The problem is reduced to a linear eigenvalue equation that involves the neutrino density, energy spectrum, angular distribution, and matter density. In the single-angle case, we reproduce previous results and use them to identify two generic instabilities: The system is stable above a cutoff density ("cutoff mode"), or can approach an asymptotic instability for increasing density ("saturation mode"). We analyze multi-angle effects on these generic types of instabilities and find that even the saturation mode is suppressed at large densities. For both types of modes, a given multi-angle spectrum typically is unstable when the neutrino and electron densities are comparable, but stable when the neutrino density is much smaller or much larger than the electron density. The role of an instability in the SN context depends on the available growth time and on the range of affected modes. At large matter density, most modes are off-resonance even when the system is unstable.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, revtex4 forma

    The diffuse neutrino flux from supernovae: upper limit on the electron neutrino component from the non-observation of antineutrinos at SuperKamiokande

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    I derive an upper bound on the electron neutrino component of the diffuse supernova neutrino flux from the constraint on the antineutrino component at SuperKamiokande. The connection between antineutrino and neutrino channels is due to the similarity of the muon and tau neutrino and antineutrino fluxes produced in a supernova, and to the conversion of these species into electron neutrinos and antineutrinos inside the star. The limit on the electron neutrino flux is 5.5 cm^-2 s^-1 above 19.3 MeV of neutrino energy, and is stronger than the direct limit from Mont Blanc by three orders of magnitude. It represents the minimal sensitivity required at future direct searches, and is intriguingly close to the reach of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) and of the ICARUS experiment. The electron neutrino flux will have a lower bound if the electron antineutrino flux is measured. Indicatively, the first can be smaller than the second at most by a factor of 2-3 depending on the details of the neutrino spectra at production.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 1 figure. Paper is modified in the presentation (Fig. 1 was replaced with a different plot and Table 1 was expanded), with unchanged results. References added and correcte

    Flavor stability analysis of dense supernova neutrinos with flavor-dependent angular distributions

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    Numerical simulations of the supernova (SN) neutrino self-induced flavor conversions, associated with the neutrino-neutrino interactions in the deepest stellar regions, have been typically carried out assuming the "bulb-model". In this approximation, neutrinos are taken to be emitted half-isotropically by a common neutrinosphere. In the recent Ref. \cite{Mirizzi:2011tu} we have removed this assumption by introducing flavor-dependent angular distributions for SN neutrinos, as suggested by core-collapse simulations. We have found that in this case a novel multi-angle instability in the self-induced flavor transitions can arise. In this work we perform an extensive study of this effect, carrying out a linearized flavor stability analysis for different SN neutrino energy fluxes and angular distributions, in both normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchy. We confirm that spectra of different nu species which cross in angular space (where F_{\nu_e}=F_{\nu_x} and F_{\bar\nu_e}=F_{\bar\nu_x}) present a significant enhancement of the flavor instability, and a shift of the onset of the flavor conversions at smaller radii with respect to the case of an isotropic neutrino emission. We also illustrate how a qualitative (and sometimes quantitative) understanding of the dynamics of these systems follows from a stability analysis.Comment: (v2: revised version. 10 pages, 10 eps figures. References updated. Figures imrproved. Matches the version published in PRD.

    Phase effects in neutrino conversions during a supernova shock wave

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    Neutrinos escaping from a core collapse supernova a few seconds after bounce pass through the shock wave, where they may encounter one or more resonances corresponding to Δmatm2\Delta m^2_{\rm atm}. The neutrino mass eigenstates in matter may stay coherent between these multiple resonances, giving rise to oscillations in the survival probabilities of neutrino species. We provide an analytical approximation to these inevitable phase effects, that relates the density profile of the shock wave to the oscillation pattern. The phase effects are present only if the multiple resonances encountered by neutrinos are semi-adiabatic, which typically happens for 10^{-5} \lsim \sin^2 \theta_{13} \lsim 10^{-3}. The observability of these oscillations is severely limited by the inability of the detectors to reconstruct the neutrino energy faithfully. For typical shock wave profiles, the detection of these phase effects seems rather unlikely. However, if the effects are indeed identified in the \nuebar spectra, they would establish inverted hierarchy and a nonzero value of θ13\theta_{13}.Comment: 10 pages, 9 eps figures. Major changes made. Final version to be published in PR

    On detecting CP violation in a single neutrino oscillation channel at very long baselines

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    We propose a way of detecting CP violation in a single neutrino oscillation channel at very long baselines (on the order of several thousands of kilometers), given precise knowledge of the smallest mass-squared difference. It is shown that CP violation can be characterized by a shift in L/EL/E of the peak oscillation in the νe\nu_e--νμ\nu_\mu appearance channel, both in vacuum and in matter. In fact, matter effects enhance the shift at a fixed energy. We consider the case in which sub-GeV neutrinos are measured with varying baseline and also the case of a fixed baseline. For the varied baseline, accurate knowledge of the absolute neutrino flux would not be necessary; however, neutrinos must be distinguishable from antineutrinos. For the fixed baseline, it is shown that CP violation can be distinguished if the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} were known.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures; minor typos correcte

    Adiabatic Faraday effect in a two-level Hamiltonian formalism

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    The helicity of a photon traversing a magnetized plasma can flip when the B-field along the trajectory slowly reverses. Broderick and Blandford have recently shown that this intriguing effect can profoundly change the usual Faraday effect for radio waves. We study this phenomenon in a formalism analogous to neutrino flavor oscillations: the evolution is governed by a Schroedinger equation for a two-level system consisting of the two photon helicities. Our treatment allows for a transparent physical understanding of this system and its dynamics. In particular, it allows us to investigate the nature of transitions at intermediate adiabaticities.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figures, and a note added. Title changed. Matches published versio

    A test of tau neutrino interactions with atmospheric neutrinos and K2K

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    The presence of a tau component in the flux of atmospheric neutrinos inside the Earth, due to flavor oscillations, makes these neutrinos a valuable probe of interactions of the tau neutrino with matter. We study -- analytically and numerically -- the effects of nonstandard interactions in the nu_e-nu_tau sector on atmospheric neutrino oscillations, and calculate the bounds on the exotic couplings that follow from combining the atmospheric neutrino and K2K data. We find very good agreement between numerical results and analytical predictions derived from the underlying oscillation physics. While improving on existing accelerator bounds, our bounds still allow couplings of the size comparable to the standard weak interaction. The inclusion of new interactions expands the allowed region of the vacuum oscillation parameters towards smaller mixing angles, 0.2 ~< sin^2 theta_{23} ~< 0.7, and slightly larger mass squared splitting, 1.5 * 10^{-3} eV^2 ~< |\Delta m^2_{23}| ~< 4.0 * 10^{-3} eV^2, compared to the standard case. The impact of the K2K data on all these results is significant; further important tests of the nu_e-nu_tau exotic couplings will come from neutrino beams experiments such as MINOS and long baseline projects.Comment: 8 figures, some typos corrected, minor editing in the reference