1,590 research outputs found

    Third-harmonic generation of a continuous-wave Ti : Sapphire laser in external resonant cavities

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    An all-solid-state tunable continuous-wave (cw) laser operating near 272 nm with a bandwidth Gamma approximate to 3 MHz has been developed. The third harmonic of light from a single-cw Ti:Sapphire laser has been generated using two external enhancement cavities. An output power of 175 mW has been produced, corresponding to an overall conversion efficiency of 8%. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics

    Measurement of electron screening in muonic lead

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    Energies of the transitions between high-lying (n≥6) states of muonic lead were accurately determined. The results are interpreted as a ∼2% test of the electron screening. The agreement between experiment and theory is good if it is assumed that the refilling of the electron K shell is fast. The present results furthermore severely restrict possible ionization of the electron L shell

    Stability of composite plates under varying axial forces

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    The aim of this contribution is to show how the known theories of elastic plates can be extended in order to describe property arbitrary inhomogeneous of the plates materiał for dynamics stability. Each layer being the composite components is taken to be inhomogeneous and anisotropic. The perfect contact between the components of the plate is assumed

    Parallel Gaussian Process Optimization with Upper Confidence Bound and Pure Exploration

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    In this paper, we consider the challenge of maximizing an unknown function f for which evaluations are noisy and are acquired with high cost. An iterative procedure uses the previous measures to actively select the next estimation of f which is predicted to be the most useful. We focus on the case where the function can be evaluated in parallel with batches of fixed size and analyze the benefit compared to the purely sequential procedure in terms of cumulative regret. We introduce the Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound and Pure Exploration algorithm (GP-UCB-PE) which combines the UCB strategy and Pure Exploration in the same batch of evaluations along the parallel iterations. We prove theoretical upper bounds on the regret with batches of size K for this procedure which show the improvement of the order of sqrt{K} for fixed iteration cost over purely sequential versions. Moreover, the multiplicative constants involved have the property of being dimension-free. We also confirm empirically the efficiency of GP-UCB-PE on real and synthetic problems compared to state-of-the-art competitors

    Literatuurstudie naar de moleculaire kennis rond de balans tussen vegetatieve-generatieve groei van aardbeiplanten

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    De situatie waarbij de aanleg van blad en bloem in goed evenwicht is, zodat de gewenste fysiologische en productieve stadia van de plant bereikt worden, is van groot belang voor de aardbeien sector. In opdracht van het Productschap Tuinbouw en onder begeleiding en advies van Plantum is een literatuurstudie uitgevoerd naar de moleculaire kennis op dit gebied bij planten in het algemeen en de vertaling ervan naar meerjarige aardbei planten. Recent onderzoek op dit gebied heeft geleid tot de identificatie van een aantal sleutelgenen die de regulatie van bloemaanleg en ontwikkeling bepalen

    Ecological policy in oil-gas complexes, HSE MS implementation in oil and gas company

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    The paper considers the following issues: HSE MS international standard implementation in oil and gas industry, taking into account international practices; implementation of standards in oil and gas companies; policy in the field of environmental protection and occupational health and safety; achievement of planned indicators and targets in environmental protection and occupational health and safety

    Neo-Anal Sphincter Fabrication in the Rat

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    Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116119/1/Neo_Anal_SphincterFabrication_Rats.pd

    Patient involvement in questionnaire design: tackling response error and burden.

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    Questionnaires capture patient perspectives succinctly and at relatively low cost, making them a popular data collection tool for health researchers. However, questionnaire data can be affected by response error and response burden. Patient involvement during questionnaire design can help reduce the effect of response error and burden. This paper describes a novel approach for patient involvement during questionnaire design, combining methods from cognitive interviewing (Think Aloud Tasks) with an open-ended follow-up discussion to collate and act on patient feedback, while also taking account of the common challenges in questionnaire design (i.e. response error and burden). The strengths and limitations of this approach are discussed, and recommendations are made for future use