33 research outputs found

    Heat shock partially dissociates the overlapping modules of the yeast protein-protein interaction network: a systems level model of adaptation

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    Network analysis became a powerful tool in recent years. Heat shock is a well-characterized model of cellular dynamics. S. cerevisiae is an appropriate model organism, since both its protein-protein interaction network (interactome) and stress response at the gene expression level have been well characterized. However, the analysis of the reorganization of the yeast interactome during stress has not been investigated yet. We calculated the changes of the interaction-weights of the yeast interactome from the changes of mRNA expression levels upon heat shock. The major finding of our study is that heat shock induced a significant decrease in both the overlaps and connections of yeast interactome modules. In agreement with this the weighted diameter of the yeast interactome had a 4.9-fold increase in heat shock. Several key proteins of the heat shock response became centers of heat shock-induced local communities, as well as bridges providing a residual connection of modules after heat shock. The observed changes resemble to a "stratus-cumulus" type transition of the interactome structure, since the unstressed yeast interactome had a globally connected organization, similar to that of stratus clouds, whereas the heat shocked interactome had a multifocal organization, similar to that of cumulus clouds. Our results showed that heat shock induces a partial disintegration of the global organization of the yeast interactome. This change may be rather general occurring in many types of stresses. Moreover, other complex systems, such as single proteins, social networks and ecosystems may also decrease their inter-modular links, thus develop more compact modules, and display a partial disintegration of their global structure in the initial phase of crisis. Thus, our work may provide a model of a general, system-level adaptation mechanism to environmental changes.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, 70 references + 22 pages 8 figures, 4 tables and 8 references in the enclosed Supplemen

    Examining the Relationship Between the Overexcitabilities and Self-Concepts of Gifted Adolescents via Multivariate Cluster Analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between gifted adolescents’ forms of overexcitabilities and selfconcepts. Clusters of adolescents were formed on the basis of their overexcitabilities, and these clusters of adolescents were then compared with regard to their self-concept scores. Gender differences were also examined. The sample consisted of 379 gifted adolescents, ranging in age from 11 to 16 years of age. Forms of overexcitabilities were measured using the Overexcitabilities Questionnaire–II, and various facets of self-concept were measured using the Self-Description Questionnaire–II. Using cluster analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and chi-square analysis, results suggested a distinct four-cluster solution, as well as differences between clusters in self-concept and gender. Within this research, four distinct clusters of adolescents were found, namely a Low Imaginational group, a High Intellectual group, a Low Imaginational/High Psychomotor group, and a Low Psychomotor group. Differences in self-concept were found to center on the Low Psychomotor group, such that this group scored significantly lower than the three other groups with regard to various facets of self-concept. Females significantly outnumbered males in the Low Psychomotor group. Thus, gifted adolescent females with a low psychomotor overexcitability score may be more prone to a lowered self-concept and may need intervention, counseling, or special activities/accommodations to buffer the potential self-concept deficits they may face

    The Honors Project Takes Shape: One Student’s Reflections on Being Gifted

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    In this article, an honors college student reflects on being gifted. In reflecting on her giftedness, she expresses her conceptions of various characteristics of giftedness that she has experienced through drawing. These drawings and associated captions are featured in this text, and the student discusses her process of experiencing the characteristics and developing the artworks. One of her honors thesis committee members provides connections to the literature for each of the issues the student discusses

    ContribuiçÔes da Teoria da Desintegração Positiva para a Área de Superdotação

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    Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) is taken as an important tool to understand the emotional development of gifted children. It is a theory of personality development which emphasizes the role of emotions in the human developmental potential. The purpose of this study is to present the central concepts of TPD and their contributions to the field of giftedness. It is emphasized the concept of overexcitabilites, which, besides being regarded as an indicator of giftedness, represents a key construct to the development of measures and to the promotion of interventions which focus is the personality and emotional characteristics of gifted children.A Teoria da Desintegração Positiva (TDP), proposta por Dabrowski, constitui importante ferramenta para a compreensĂŁo do desenvolvimento emocional de superdotados. Trata-se de uma teoria do desenvolvimento da personalidade que enfatiza o papel desempenhado pelas emoçÔes no potencial de desenvolvimento humano. O objetivo deste artigo Ă© apresentar conceitos centrais da TDP e suas contribuiçÔes para a ĂĄrea da superdotação. É enfatizado o conceito de sobre-excitabilidade, que, alĂ©m de ser considerado um indicador de superdotação, representa um construto chave para o desenvolvimento de medidas e para promoção de intervençÔes que tenham como foco as caracterĂ­sticas de personalidade e emocionais dos superdotados