148 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Malaria Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu

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    It is necessary to provide basic data needed for health program development in Kepulauan Seribu District. This survey has been carried out to collect figure about the people's knowledge about malaria. The data was collected through interviews using a questionnaire to 250 household respondents. Besides, a survey was also conducted by the medical team MBS to get information about the incidence and transmission of malaria. The study results showed that the levels of respondents' education were: as much as 49.2% complete primary school, 18.0% junior high school graduation, 16.8% high school graduation, then, as many as 12.8% never went to school and the remaining 3.2% completed college or university. The main job of the respondents were: housewife (43.6%), fishermen (31.6%), traders (12.8%), farmers (6.4%) and civil servants (5.6%). Respondents' knowledge and perceptions about malaria was good and right. Knowledge about preventive measures and ways of transmission of malaria was derived from clinic health workers. As many as 74.0% respondents stated that malaria can cause death. Although microscopic examination of blood slides from all specimens did not find any positive malaria, but the observations donein the environment swamps and pools of water can resulted in potential malaria vectors breeding places. It is necessary to perform counseling and surveillance of malaria larvae periodically because the mobility of the population can affect the occurrence of imported malaria cases

    Datura Metel Linnaeus sebagai Insektisida dan Larvasida Botani Serta Bahan Baku Obat Tradisional

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    Controlling dengue hemorrhagic fever vector would be better when the people could choose their own choice of method such as spraying synthetics insecticide, using abate as synthetics larvacide, using fish as biological controller, and using electrical racket as mechanical controller. Besides, using poisonous plant as alternative controlling method was being encouraged. Datura metel is a wild plant from a mountain area, which could not be eaten, easy to grow, cheap, safe and environmental friendly. Lethal concentration CL50 towards larvae is 0.600 µg, and CL 95 to control Aedes aegypti larvae is 1.250 µg. Al Using extract of "daun kecubung" in 2% or 3% or 4% concentration did not have any effect as insecticide. Datura metel could be used as botanical insecticide and larvacide, yet it could used as traditional remedy for low back pain, flatulent asthma, rheumatoid, eczema, dermatitis, bone pain, fever, and as pain killer for dysmenorrhea

    Jenis Jamur Dan Lalat Yang Ditemukan Pada Makanan Jajanan Dari Pasar Dan Warung Di Jakarta

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    Hasil penelitian terhadap makanan jajanan yang dijual di pasar dan warung, banyak yang tidak memenuhai syarat kesehatan, dan tercemar oleh bakteri serta jamur tertentu. Penelitian tentang bakteri yang mencemari makanan jajanan seperti Entamoeba coli, Staphylococcus dan Salmonella telah banyak diketahui, tetapi mengenai data jenis jamur yang mencemari makanan jajanan belum banyak diketahui. Kontaminasi tersebut disebabkan cara penanganan, sanitasi yang kurang bersih, pembungkus makanan jajanan, tempat menjajakan makanan jajanan dan lokasi menjual makanan jajanan tersebut sebaiknya jauh dari tempat pembuangan sampah. Tempat pembuangan sampah sering ditemukan lalat seperti lalat rumah (Musca domestica), Chysomia megacephala, C. safferanea dan Sarcophaga sp. Hampir semua kue basah maupun kue kering yang dijual di pasar tradisional maupun di warung umumnya tercemar oleh khamir. Kue-kue tersebut yang dijual di pasar lebih banyak tercemar khamir dibandingkan yang dijual di warung. Hal ini kemungkinan kue yang dijual di warung penanganannya lebih baik dari pada yang dijual di pasar. Begitu juga mutu kue yang dijual di pasar biasanya lebih cepat rusak. Kerusakan kue tersebut disebabkan antara lain karena tercemar spora jamur yang terbawa oleh debu maupun oleh lalat yang terkontaminasi jamur/bakteri pada kaki-kaki lalat tersebut, yang hinggap pada makanan jajanan. Sehingga jenis-jenis jamur yang terdapat di tempat sampah, udara dan tanah dapat mencemari makanan jajanan yang dijual di pasar maupun di warung

    Pengujian Model Cost Anomali Basis Data Relational Bentuk Normal Kedua Menggunakan Sas Programming

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    Denormalisasi sering dilakukan terhadap basis data relasional dengan alasan untuk peningkatan performansi. Namun keuntungan yang didapat seringkali harus dibayar dengan harga tertentu, yaitu munculnya anomali. Paper ini membahas tentang penghitungan ekspektasi cost untuk basis data yang telah di-denormalisasi dari bentuk normal ketiga menjadi bentuk normal kedua. Cost dihitung berdasarkan effort yang harus dikeluarkan oleh sistem basis data untuk mencegah terjadinya anomali jika dilakukan operasi update, insert, dan delete. Pengujian model cost anomali dilakukan terhadap skema basis data relasional dengan kardinalitas N:1. Pengujian menggunakan aplikasi pemrograman SAS untuk melihat kecenderungan kurva probabilitas cost anomali. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan bisa disimpulkan bahwa kurva cost anomali menunjukkan angka yang semakin besar dengan meningkatnya volume denormalisasi suatu tabel

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani Karet yang Menggunakan Bibit Unggul dan Bibit Tradisional di Kecamatan Batang Cenaku Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    This research was conducted in the District of Batang Cenaku Indragiri Hulu. This is because the District of Batang Cenaku an area that makes rubber commodity as one commodity and in meeting their needs. The purpose of this study was to determine how the income of farmers in the district rubber rod upstream and Indragiri district Cenaku To know that used descriptive analysis, the data obtained are tabulated and then described by existing theories.The survey results revealed that the rubber plantation is vital to the income of the people in the District of Batang Cenaku Thus it can be seen that the average income of farmers quality seeds rubber plant samples with an area of 1 hectare of Rp. 8,241,724, - per year, while the average income of farmers\u27 traditional seed samples rubber plant with an area of 2 hectares of Rp. 8,463,739, - per year. A comparison of income between farmers using traditional quality seeds and that happened 2 times where income 1 hectare equals income prefetch queue seeds 2 acres of farmers using traditional seeds.Businesses manage rubber plantation is a tradition for the people of District of Batang Cenaku Indragiri Hulu. Many efforts have been done by the government in the development of rubber plantations, such as by providing quality seeds and adequate capital for rubber farmers

    Analisis Willingness To Pay (WTP) Sampah Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus Perumnas Kelurahan Simpang Baru Panam Pekanbaru)

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    This research was conducted in the Village of New Intersection Panam Pekanbaru. to find out how much WTP paid household garbage and how much garbage levy comparison of government and that there is a large field and know the elasticity of variables that influence WTP household waste in Simpang New Village Housing Panam Pekanbaru. In this study, the population is the entire group Perumnas the levy garbage collected by the Department of Health Village New Intersection Panam Pekanbaru. Total population sample drawn as many as 368 and as many as 45 or 12% of the population, data analysis methods used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Simultaneous testing (F test) showed that income, education and number of family members together significantly influence WTP of household waste in the Village of New Simpang Panam. With 19.750 F count value is greater than the value of the F table 3,200. Based on the results of the calculation are known R2 value of 0.561 means that income, education and number of family members simultaneously affecting WTP of household waste by 56.10%, while 43.90% are influenced by other factors not analyzed. WTP households in Housing New Simpang village Panam larger than the existing levies and charges specified field by PERDA. The elasticity of income independent variable changes (X1) was 0.78, meaning that if income (X1) increased by 1% then willingnes To Pay (WTP) will increase by 0.78%

    The Online Sales Application of Black and White Print Based on Yii Framework on Higher Education E-Commerce Website

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       Raharja Internet Cafe as a facility in Raharja College which is provided for Personal Raharja in helping provide the need for lecture activities. Raharja Internet Cafe has a problem that the system of selling black and white print products that apply consumers must come directly to the RIC room at LV-002 at Raharja College, but Raharja Internet Cafe cannot accommodate many consumers because of the limited area. These problems are the background for the establishment of an electronic sales system (e-commerce) based on Yii framework with the aim of facilitating the sale of black and white print products for consumers and staff of Raharja Internet Cafe. E-commerce website at Raharja Internet Cafe is a web-based application with a structured programming concept. The e-commerce application development Shop Copy Nicky uses 4 (four) stages according to the steps that exist in software development, including the stages of observation, analysis, literature study consisting of 10 (ten) literature and implementation. The conclusion of the e-commerce website development on Raharja Internet Cafe is that the website built can make it easy for consumers to make transactions, and Raharja Internet Cafe can get comprehensive and real time reports about sales data, and payment systems for consumers that are easier because they use payment system that is done online.     Keywords: E-Commerce, Black and White Print, Raharja Internet Caf
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