85 research outputs found

    Inhibited carrier transfer in ensembles of isolated quantum dots

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    We report significant differences in the temperature-dependent and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) from low and high surface density InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). QD's in high densities are found to exhibit an Arrhenius dependence of the PL intensity, while low-density (isolated) QD's display more complex temperature-dependent behavior. The PL temperature dependence of high density QD samples is attributed to carrier thermal emission and recapture into neighboring QD's. Conversely, in low density QD samples, thermal transfer of carriers between neighboring QD's plays no significant role in the PL temperature dependence. The efficiency of carrier transfer into isolated dots is found to be limited by the rate of carrier transport in the InxGa1-xAs wetting layer. These interpretations are consistent with time-resolved PL measurements of carrier transfer times in low and high density QD's. [S0163-1829(99)04748-7]

    Dislocation-induced spatial ordering of InAs quantum dots: Effects on optical properties

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    Misfit dislocations were used to modify the surface morphology and to attain spatial ordering of quantum dots (QDs) by molecular beam epitaxy. Effects of anneal time and temperature on strain-relaxed InxGa1-xAs/GaAs layers and subsequent spatial ordering of InAs QDs were investigated. Photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL was used to study the effects of increased QD positional ordering, increased QD uniformity, and their proximity to dislocation arrays on their optical properties. Narrower inhomogeneous PL broadening from the QDs ordered on dislocation arrays were observed, and differences in PL dynamics were found. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics

    Linearly polarized photoluminescence of InGaN quantum disks embedded in GaN nanorods

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    We have investigated the emission from InGaN/GaN quantum disks grown on the tip of GaN nanorods. The emission at 3.21 eV from the InGaN quantum disk doesn't show a Stark shift, and it is linearly polarized when excited perpendicular to the growth direction. The degree of linear polarization is about 39.3% due to the anisotropy of the nanostructures. In order to characterize a single nanostructure, the quantum disks were dispersed on a SiO2 substrate patterned with a metal reference grid. By rotating the excitation polarization angle from parallel to perpendicular relative to the nanorods, the variation of overall PL for the 3.21 eV peak was recorded and it clearly showed the degree of linear polarization (DLP) of 51.5%

    Ensemble interactions in strained semiconductor quantum dots

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    Large variations in InxGa1-xAs quantum dot concentrations were obtained with simultaneous growths on vicinal GaAs [001] substrates with different surface step densities. It was found that decreasing dot-dot separation blueshifts all levels, narrows intersublevel transition energies, shortens luminescence decay times for excited states, and increases inhomogeneous photoluminescence broadening. These changes in optical properties are attributed to a progressive strain deformation of the confining potentials and to the increasing effects of positional disorder in denser dot ensembles

    Dynamic microtubules produce an asymmetric E-cadherin-Bazooka complex to maintain segment boundaries.

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    Distributing junctional components around the cell periphery is key for epithelial tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. We discovered that positioning of dynamic microtubules controls the asymmetric accumulation of E-cadherin. Microtubules are oriented preferentially along the dorso-ventral axis in Drosophila melanogaster embryonic epidermal cells, and thus more frequently contact E-cadherin at dorso-ventral cell-cell borders. This inhibits RhoGEF2, reducing membrane recruitment of Rho-kinase, and increasing a specific E-cadherin pool that is mobile when assayed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. This mobile E-cadherin is complexed with Bazooka/Par-3, which in turn is required for normal levels of mobile E-cadherin. Mobile E-cadherin-Bazooka prevents formation of multicellular rosette structures and cell motility across the segment border in Drosophila embryos. Altogether, the combined action of dynamic microtubules and Rho signaling determines the level and asymmetric distribution of a mobile E-cadherin-Bazooka complex, which regulates cell behavior during the generation of a patterned epithelium

    FoxO and Stress Responses in the Cnidarian Hydra vulgaris

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    Background: In the face of changing environmental conditions, the mechanisms underlying stress responses in diverse organisms are of increasing interest. In vertebrates, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans, FoxO transcription factors mediate cellular responses to stress, including oxidative stress and dietary restriction. Although FoxO genes have been identified in early-arising animal lineages including sponges and cnidarians, little is known about their roles in these organisms. Methods/Principal Findings: We have examined the regulation of FoxO activity in members of the well-studied cnidarian genus Hydra. We find that Hydra FoxO is expressed at high levels in cells of the interstitial lineage, a cell lineage that includes multipotent stem cells that give rise to neurons, stinging cells, secretory cells and gametes. Using transgenic Hydra that express a FoxO-GFP fusion protein in cells of the interstitial lineage, we have determined that heat shock causes localization of the fusion protein to the nucleus. Our results also provide evidence that, as in bilaterian animals, Hydra FoxO activity is regulated by both Akt and JNK kinases. Conclusions: These findings imply that basic mechanisms of FoxO regulation arose before the evolution of bilaterians an