27 research outputs found

    Randomised social-skills training and parental training plus standard treatment versus standard treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - The SOSTRA trial protocol

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    Abstract Background Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are hyperactive and impulsive, cannot maintain attention, and have difficulties with social interactions. Medical treatment may alleviate symptoms of ADHD, but seldom solves difficulties with social interactions. Social-skills training may benefit ADHD children in their social interactions. We want to examine the effects of social-skills training on difficulties related to the children's ADHD symptoms and social interactions. Methods/Design The design is randomised two-armed, parallel group, assessor-blinded trial. Children aged 8-12 years with a diagnosis of ADHD are randomised to social-skills training and parental training plus standard treatment versus standard treatment alone. A sample size calculation estimated that at least 52 children must be included to show a 4-point difference in the primary outcome on the Conners 3rd Edition subscale for 'hyperactivity-impulsivity' between the intervention group and the control group. The outcomes will be assessed 3 and 6 months after randomisation. The primary outcome measure is ADHD symptoms. The secondary outcome is social skills. Tertiary outcomes include the relationship between social skills and symptoms of ADHD, the ability to form attachment, and parents' ADHD symptoms. Discussion We hope that the results from this trial will show that the social-skills training together with medication may have a greater general effect on ADHD symptoms and social and emotional competencies than medication alone. Trial registration ClinicalTrials (NCT): NCT00937469</p

    EEG Biofeedback as a Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: Review, Rating of Efficacy, and Recommendations for Further Research

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback has been employed in substance use disorder (SUD) over the last three decades. The SUD is a complex series of disorders with frequent comorbidities and EEG abnormalities of several types. EEG biofeedback has been employed in conjunction with other therapies and may be useful in enhancing certain outcomes of therapy. Based on published clinical studies and employing efficacy criteria adapted by the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, alpha theta training—either alone for alcoholism or in combination with beta training for stimulant and mixed substance abuse and combined with residential treatment programs, is probably efficacious. Considerations of further research design taking these factors into account are discussed and descriptions of contemporary research are given

    Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade: o que nos informa a investigação dimensional? Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: what does the dimensional research inform us?

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    Investiga-se o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) em contexto escolar adotando a perspectiva dimensional. Participaram 107 crianças com idade média de 12,37 anos. Utilizou-se a Escala de TDAH - versão para professores, uma versão adaptada para pais e tarefas computadorizadas de processamento cognitivo. A prevalência de Hiperatividade pelo relato de professores e pais foi condizente com aquela apontada pela literatura (4,7%). O Déficit de Atenção, avaliado por pais e professores, correlacionou com todas as medidas de processamento de informação. Hiperatividade e Comportamento Anti-social correlacionaram com as medidas de memória de trabalho quando a primeira foi avaliada pelos professores e a segunda pelos pais, refletindo baixa concordância entre o relato de informantes a respeito das dimensões comportamentais do TDAH. Entretanto, as respostas dos professores parecem estar mais de acordo com a literatura. Conclui-se que a perspectiva dimensional de investigação pode fornecer informações relevantes sobre as características demográficas e cognitivas do TDAH.<br>This research investigates the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a school context from a dimensional perspective. It took part of the study 107 children with mean age of 12,37 years. It was used the ADHD's Scale - teacher's version and an adapted form for parents in addition to computer tasks to measure cognitive processing. The prevalence of Hyperactivity, according to teachers and parent's report, was consistent with the literature (4,7%). Attention deficit correlated with all measures of cognitive processing. Hyperactivity and Antisocial Behavior correlated with working memory measures only when the first was assessed by teachers and the second was assessed by parents. In this sense, it was found low concordance between informants regarding ADHD behavior dimensions. However, teacher's report seems to be according with contemporary literature. It was concluded that dimensional investigation can provides relevant information related to demographic and cognitive characteristic of ADHD