33 research outputs found

    Changes in vegetation composition and structure following livestock exclusion in a temperate fluvial wetland

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    Questions: Responses of wetland systems to grazing can be highly variable with both positive or negative responses. However, the sustainable use of wetlands for grazing will depend on the management implemented and the resilience of each type of them. In this context, we addressed the question: will the vegetation in the studied wetland be able to recover its structural and functional parameters in the short term after livestock exclusion?. Location: Temperate fluvial wetlands in the middle Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina, South America. Methods: We evaluated the effect of cattle ranching on vegetation composition and diversity by determining changes in species richness and evenness, biomass (green and dry vegetative, and reproductive biomass), and litter content. We also analyzed the changes in biomass of weeds and of species according to their forage quality, toxicity, and growth form. We applied a randomized block design (by topographic position) with repeated measures over time, using livestock exclusion as treatment. Results: After 16 months, livestock exclusion affected vegetation species richness, but did not have a significant effect on diversity due to a slightly compensatory effect of evenness. Species composition differed markedly among treatments over time. There was an increase in dry and green vegetative biomass and litter content after eight months of exclusion, while changes in reproductive biomass occurred later. The increase in these variables was closely related to changes in biomass of species with erect habit and good forage quality. Conclusions: Livestock exclusion increased the forage value for the studied wetland by the development of natural palatable species typical of these environments. This shift in species composition promoted a higher production in biomass in the ungrazed areas. This suggests a remarkable recovery of the structural and functional parameters of the vegetation communities in the short term (two years).Fil: Magnano, Andrea Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Krug, Cecilia Pamela. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Casa, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Quintana, Ruben Dario. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; Argentin

    O conhecimento político na atuação do enfermeiro El conocimiento político en la actuación del enfermero The political knowing in the acting of the nurse

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    O artigo tem por objetivo refletir acerca do conhecimento empírico, ético, estético e pessoal proposto por Carper e de um quinto padrão de conhecimento denominado sociopolítico segundo White. A Enfermagem, ao delimitar seu campo de atuação, necessita explicitar suas formas de conhecer, produzir e validar o conhecimento, para consolidar-se como disciplina e profissão que se organiza e expressa socialmente com identidade singular em um complexo campo de conhecimento. O padrão de conhecimento sociopolítico contribui para que o enfermeiro tenha uma visão abrangente, na qual se particulariza a responsabilidade e o compromisso como agente de mudança organizacional, social e política, investindo na inovação e sustentabilidade do processo de trabalho da enfermagem em defesa da saúde individual e coletiva.<br>El artículo tiene el objetivo de hacer una reflexión respecto al conocimiento empírico, ético, estético y personal propuesto por Carper y de un quinto patrón de conocimiento denominado socio político según White. La enfermería, al delimitar su campo de actuación necesita mostrar sus formas de conocer, producir y validar el conocimiento, para consolidarse como disciplina y profesión que se organiza y expresa socialmente con identidad particular en un complejo campo de conocimiento. El patrón de conocimiento socio político contribuye para que el enfermero tenga una visión global, en la cual se destaca la responsabilidad y el compromiso como agente de cambio orgánico, social y político invirtiendo en la innovación y mantenimiento del proceso de trabajo de enfermería en defensa de la salud individual y colectiva.<br>This article objectifies to reflect on empirical, ethical, esthetical and personal patterns of knowing proposed by Carper as well as a fifth one called sociopolitical pattern of knowing according to White. By delimiting its acting field, nursing needs to explicit its ways of knowing, producing and validating knowledge in order to consolidate as a discipline and profession which is organized and socially expressed with unique identity in a complex knowledge field. The sociopolitical pattern of knowing contributes for nurses to have a broad view, particularly the responsibility and commitment as agents of organizational, social and political change, investing on the innovation and sustainability of nursing work process in favor of individual and collective health

    Grupos de Pesquisa de Educação em Enfermagem do Brasil

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    O estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar os Grupos de Pesquisa em Educação em Enfermagem do Brasil quanto à sua organização. Pesquisa documental, descritiva, quantitativa. As informações foram coletadas no Banco de Dados e Estatísticas do Portal Online do CNPq - censo 2006. O Brasil possui 47 Grupos de Pesquisa em Educação em Enfermagem, com 412 pesquisadores, dos quais 91% apresentam título de mestrado, doutorado ou pós-doutorado. Dos 307 estudantes, 92% são graduandos de Enfermagem, porém apenas 9% são bolsistas de iniciação científica. Entre os 112 técnicos, 75% são de Enfermagem, 46% possuem titulação de mestre ou doutor. Há um número expressivo de Grupos que contribuem significativamente para a produção de conhecimento no setor de educação, em nível latino-americano. Todavia, ainda são muitos os desafios a serem superados como a frágil interdisciplinaridade, a limitada integração ensino-serviço, o baixo fomento de bolsas de iniciação científica e as significativas desigualdades no acesso e desenvolvimento de pesquisas nas diferentes regiões do país

    Advanced practice nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean: regulation, education and practice

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    Abstract Objective: to identify the current state of advanced practice nursing regulation, education and practice in Latin America and the Caribbean and the perception of nursing leaders in the region toward an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional design utilizing a web-based survey of 173 nursing leaders about their perceptions of the state of nursing practice and potential development of advanced practice nursing in their countries, including definition, work environment, regulation, education, nursing practice, nursing culture, and perceived receptiveness to an expanded role in primary health care. Result: the participants were largely familiar with the advanced practice nursing role, but most were unaware of or reported no current existing legislation for the advanced practice nursing role in their countries. Participants reported the need for increased faculty preparation and promotion of curricula reforms to emphasize primary health care programs to train advanced practice nurses. The vast majority of participants believed their countries' populations could benefit from an advanced practice nursing role in primary health care. Conclusion: strong legislative support and a solid educational framework are critical to the successful development of advanced practice nursing programs and practitioners to support Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage initiatives