490 research outputs found

    Assessment of plant growth promoting activities of bacterial isolates from the rhizophere of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum. L)

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    Plant growth promoting bacteria in the rhizosphere of plants, enhanced plant growth by exerting their beneficial effects through metabolites that directly or indirectly influence the plant growth. In the present study a total of 44 bacterial isolates were isolated from the rhizosphere of tomato grown in Cuddalore and Nagapattinam districts of Tamil Nadu, India. These bacterial isolates were grouped into Azospirillum (18 isolates) Azotobacter (9) Pseudomonas (12) and Bacillus (5) based on their morphological and biochemical characteristics. All the isolates were screened for their plant growth promoting activities viz., IAA production, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, HCN production, ACC deaminase activity and antifungal activity. The results showed that not all the isolates possessed all the PGP activities. The range of percentage of positive isolates of Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Pseudomonas and Bacillums for each of PGP activities varies greatly. Among the 44 isolates, three isolates of Azospirillum, 2 from Azotobacter, one from Bacillus and four from Pseudomonas were selected and the IAA production siderophore production, and antifungal activity against R. solani and Fusarium oxysporum were determined quantitatively. The maximum 1AA production of 3.6 g/ml siderophore production of 0.86 g/ml were recorded by TMPS-9 and TMPS-7 respectively. All the tested isolates were active against the two fungal species. The efficiency of the PGPR isolates should be tested under field conditions in the rhizosphere of tomato to obtain a suitable consortium for increasing growth and yield of tomato

    An Inclusive Report on Robust Malware Detection and Analysis for Cross-Version Binary Code Optimizations

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    Numerous practices exist for binary code similarity detection (BCSD), such as Control Flow Graph, Semantics Scrutiny, Code Obfuscation, Malware Detection and Analysis, vulnerability search, etc. On the basis of professional knowledge, existing solutions often compare particular syntactic aspects retrieved from binary code. They either have substantial performance overheads or have inaccurate detection. Furthermore, there aren't many tools available for comparing cross-version binaries, which may differ not only in programming with proper syntax but also marginally in semantics. This Binary code similarity detection is existing for past 10 years, but this research area is not yet systematically analysed. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis on existing Cross-version Binary Code Optimization techniques on four characteristics: 1. Structural analysis, 2. Semantic Analysis, 3. Syntactic Analysis, 4. Validation Metrics.  It helps the researchers to best select the suitable tool for their necessary implementation on binary code analysis. Furthermore, this paper presents scope of the area along with future directions of the research

    Fetal haemoglobin and alpha 1 microglobulin as biochemical markers in predicting preeclampsia in late first trimester and early second trimester of pregnancy

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    Background: Preeclampsia is a multi system disorder with placenta as the organ of origin and maternal endothelium being the organ of target.  According to recent studies, the cell free haemoglobin induces oxidative stress mediated damage to the blood placenta barrier with consequently elevated levels of HbF in maternal blood. Alpha 1 microglobulin is an endogenous protein with antioxidant property, present in elevated levels in maternal blood in response to oxidative stress. This fact forms the basis for our study. The objective of the present study was to establish association between high levels of fetal hemoglobin and alpha 1 microglobulin in plasma of pregnant women between 10 to 16 weeks of gestational age and subsequent development of preeclampsia.Methods: This was a prospective cohort study undertaken in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ISO -KGH, between December 2016 to November 2017. A total of 100 pregnant women were included in the study after getting informed written consent. Both primigravida and multigravida, belonging to age group of 20 to 35 years (singleton/ multiple) between 10 to 16 weeks GA and with BMI between 16 to 35 kg/m2 were included in the study. A woman with Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Renal disease, Epilepsy and Vascular disorders were excluded from the study.Results: The cut off value for alpha 1 microglobulin was 1.86ng/ml and the cut off value of fetal haemoglobin was 1.92ng/ml above which the pregnant women develop preeclampsia.Conclusions: Higher values of fetal hemoglobin and alpha 1 microglobulin in pregnant women between 10 to 16 weeks gestational age positively correlates with development of preeclampsia in those women

    A retrospective study on analyzing the role of oocyte maturation arrest as a causative factor for infertility in unexplained infertility

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    Background: Birth is often referred to as “the miracle of life” and very rightly so since successful pregnancy represents a complex, a highly coordinated succession of biological processes. In this regard, it is remarkable that pregnancy ever occurs at all. Infertility is a reproductive system disorder affecting 10.7% to 15.5% of couples. Highly heterogeneous in etiology. Investigating the cause is necessary for guiding treatment options. Aim of the study was to determine the percentage of immature oocytes retrieved at the metaphase 1 stage and germinal vesicle stage and its outcome.Methods: Total 30 cases were included for this retrospective analysis of data done at ARC fertility center, Saveetha Medical College. This study analyzed the data of patients with unexplained infertility who underwent ICSI centers (affiliated to Saveetha University) meeting inclusion criteria and willing to participate in the study.Results: The mean number of fertilized oocytes among those with more than 25% immature oocyte proportion was 1.18 while among those with less than 25% immature oocyte proportion was 4.13. The chance of fertilization of the oocyte increases when the percentage of immature oocyte was less than or equal to 25%. The association was found to be statistically significant with p-value <0.05.Conclusions: Thus, some intrinsic oocyte factor could be involved in causing maturation arrest in such couples and resulting in multiple failed IVF cycles.so this oocyte factor could be a major cause in many cases of unexplained infertility

    Studies on isolation and characterisation and its effect of seed inoculation of PGPR (Pseudomonas fluorescens) on yield of tomato

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    Soil samples of five different locations of rhizosphere of tomato.  The sample used for identification of Pseudomonas fluorescens and characterisation based on biochemical characteristics.  The best isolate PF-5 used for seed treatment of with tomato variety PKM-1.  The higher fruit yield was recorded in the triple combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens + Azotobacterchroococcum + Azospirillum brasilense @ 900g/plant-1 followed by Pseudomonas + Azotobacter

    DNA-induced conformational changes in RecA protein. Evidence for structural heterogeneity among nucleoprotein filaments and implications for homologous pairing

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    We have used circular dichroism as a probe to characterize the solution conformational changes in RecA protein upon binding to DNA. This approach revealed that RecA protein acquires significant amounts of alpha-helix upon interaction with DNA. These observations, consistent with the data from crystal structure (Story, R. M., Weber, I., and Steitz, T. (1992) Nature 355, 318-325), support the notion that some basic domains including the DNA binding motifs of RecA protein are unstructured and might contribute to the formation of alpha-helix. A comparison of nucleoprotein filaments comprised of RecA protein and a variety of DNA substrates revealed important structural heterogeneity. The most significant difference was observed with poly(dG). poly(dC) and related polymers, rich in GC sequences, which induced minimal amounts of alpha-helix in RecA protein. The magnitude of induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein, which occurred concomitant with the production of ternary complexes, was 2-fold higher with homologous than heterologous duplex DNA. Most importantly, the stimulation of ATP hydrolysis by high salt coincided with that of the induction of alpha-helix in RecA protein. These conformational differences provide a basis for thinking about the biochemical and structural transitions that RecA protein experiences during the formal steps of presynapsis, recognition, and alignment of homologous sequences

    Entrepreneurial Climate in India, China and the USA

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    Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the process of wealth creation and improving the standard of living of the people through large-scale employment generation. So this study aims to identify the critical factors among the entrepreneurial framework conditions (EFC) and entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes (EBAA) in enhancing the entrepreneurship climate in the United States of America (USA), China and India. The data for the study is collected from GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) on EBAA and EFC. Exploratory factor analysis was attempted initially to reduce the EBAA and EFC data into manageable factors. Further, confirmatory factor analysis was attempted to cross-validate the results. Key Points: • The results unveil that the Public conditions and Business Promotions (EFC) in the USA are superior to India and China. At the same time, India lags behind both the USA and China. • Indian entrepreneurs are more optimistic and audacious than their Chinese counterparts. • The future of entrepreneurship in India depends on what measures the Government adopts today to strengthen the entrepreneurship framework conditions

    Interplanetary Consequences of a Large CME

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    We analyze a coronal mass ejection (CME) which resulted from an intense flare in active region AR486 on November 4, 2003. The CME propagation and speed are studied with interplanetary scintillation images, near-Earth space mission data, and Ulysses measurements. Together, these diverse diagnostics suggest that the internal magnetic energy of the CME determines its interplanetary consequences.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figures, To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    Odd Sum Labeling of Graphs Obtained by Duplicating Any Edge of Some Graphs

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    An injective function f:V(G){0,1,2,,q}f:V(G)\rightarrow \{0,1,2,\dots,q\} is an odd sum labeling if the induced edge labeling ff^* defined by f(uv)=f(u)+f(v),f^*(uv)=f(u)+f(v), for all uvE(G),uv\in E(G), is bijective and f(E(G))={1,3,5,,2q1}.f^*(E(G))=\{1,3,5,\dots,2q-1\}. A graph is said to be an odd sum graph if it admits an odd sum labeling. In this paper we study the odd sum property of graphs obtained by duplicating any edge of some graphs

    Understanding Neuromuscular Weakness of Acute Organophosphate Poisoning: The Significance of Metabolic Energy, Muscle Protein Degradation and Amino Acids

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    Organophosphate compounds, among the largest class of pesticides manufactured and used worldwide, are common agents for intentional self-harm in agricultural communities of Asia and Africa. Organophosphates inhibit acetylcholinesterase and cause muscle weakness. Delayed paralysis that occur s 24 to 48 hours after severe organophosphate poisoning and which can last for 1 to 3 weeks is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Indian patients. The pathophysiology that underlies this delayed, persistent muscle weakness is not clear but would be useful to elucidate and improve treatment. This study examines mechanisms that contribute to skeletal muscle weakness that occurs in acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning. The study specifically explores whether low muscle acetylcholinesterase activity in conjunction with insufficient metabolic energy for contraction and increased degradation of muscle proteins contribute to muscle weakness induced by acute severe monocrotophos poisoning. Rats were subject to acute monocrotophos poisoning (0.8LD50) and the course of poisoning evaluated by cholinergic symptoms and skeletal muscle weakness was correlated to muscle acetylcholinesterase activity, metabolic energy levels and breakdown of muscle proteins. Metabolic energy available for muscle contraction was estimated by levels of plasma glucose, controlled by gluconeogenesis, insulin, the pancreas and corticosteroids, and by branched chain amino acids in the muscle. Protein degradation in the muscle , in response to metabolic acidosis as a catabolic stimulus, was determined by amino acids in muscle, blood and urine , ubiquitinylated proteins and myosin-actin stoichiometry in the muscle . Plasma creatine kinase was the index of injury to the muscle. Monocrotophos poisoning rapidly led to muscle injury and progressive muscle weakness in rats accompanied by 75% inhibition of muscle acetylcholinesterase, and hyperglycemia, because of pancreatic injury that lowered insulin secretion. Degradation of muscle proteins through the ubiquitin - proteasome pathway possibly stimulated by metabolic acidosis, with sparing of the actinomyosin complex, characterized muscle weakness in the early phase of poisoning. Rats recovered from muscle weakness within 24 hours with no treatment. Recovery of muscle strength was characterized by a) recovery of muscle acetylcholinesterase activity to 40% of normal, b) normoglycemia by recovery of the pancreas and normal insulin secretion, c) Decrease in degradation of muscle proteins, although muscle injury persisted, d) Recovery of muscle strength was associated with increase of branched chain amino acids in muscle and sustained increase of plasma glucogenic amino acids. Severe inhibition of muscle acetylcholinesterase, inadequate supply of metabolic energy substrate to the muscle and degradation of muscle proteins accompany muscle weakness of rats acutely poisoned with monocrotophos. Recovery of muscle strength in these animals required prevention of persistent inhibition of acetylcholinesterase at the neuromuscular junction, normoglycemia and protection of muscle proteins , especially the contractile proteins, from degradation. Interventions that address metabolic energy insufficiency and protein degradation in muscle may reduce the duration and adverse outcome of muscle weakness in organophosphate poisoned patients