971 research outputs found

    Measuring Cognitive Reflection without Maths: Development and Validation fo the Verbal Cognitive Reflection Test

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    The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) became popular for its impressive power to predict how well people reason and make decisions. Despite the popularity of the CRT, a major issue complicates its interpretation: the numerical nature of the CRT confounds reflection ability with mathematical ability. We have addressed this issue by developing the Verbal CRT (CRT-V), a novel 10-item measure of cognitive reflection (https://osf.io/xehbv/), using non-mathematical problems with good statistical and psychometric properties and with low familiarity. First, we selected suitable items with relatively low familiarity and optimal difficulty as identified in two different populations (Studies 1 and 2) and with high content validity as judged by an expert panel (Study 3). Second, we demonstrated good criterion and construct validity for the test in different populations with a wide range of variables (Studies 4-6, 8) and a good internal consistency and test-retest reliability (Study 7). The Verbal CRT was less associated with math anxiety, objective and subjective numeracy than the original CRT and it was test equivalent across gender, age groups and administration setting. In contrast with the original CRT (Hedge’s g = 0.29, 95% CI[0.17, 0.40]), the Verbal CRT showed no gender differences (Hedge’s g = -0.06, 95% CI[-0.18, 0.06]). The Verbal CRT can complement existing, numerical, tests of cognitive reflection


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    The analysis of the national seed market state really showed the high dependence of Russian food security on imported seeds. The government means for supporting the national seed production program undertaken in 2015 by Ministry of Agriculture of RF were very effective and took action as showed the data from ‘Roselkhozcentre’. Thus, the total land area used for seed production in vegetables, melons and gourds was increased by 48% that amounted to 2104.3 ha in 2016, and that was more than in 2015. Moreover, the vegetable and melon seed producers and breeders are worried about the facts of falsification and low quality. The main reason of occurrence of such seeds that are not meeting the variety requirements in the market is an insufficient legislative system and its lack of correspondence to the current seed production, conditions and up-to-date requirements. It is necessary to take urgent measures to revise the current state of legislative system in national seed production program. Анализ состояния отечественного рынка семян данных культур показывает действительно высокую зависимость продовольственной безопасности России от импорта семян. Меры государственной поддержки семеноводства, предпринятые МСХ РФ в 2015 году, оказались актуальными, и как показывают данные ФГБУ «Россельхозцентр», начали давать свои первые результаты: в 2016 году, по сравнению с 2015 годом, отмечено увеличение площадей под семеноводством овощебахчевых культур на 48%, и они составили 2104,3 га. Вместе с тем, авторов сортов, производителей семян, имеющих отношение не только к семенам овощебахчевых культур, все больше беспокоят факты фальсификации семян и, прежде всего, их сортовых качеств. Причиной появления на рынке семян, не отвечающих сортовым требованиям, является несовершенство законодательства и его несоответствие требованиям отрасли и времени. Необходимо принятие безотлагательных мер по исправлению создавшейся ситуации в семеноводстве.


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    A brief description  of weather  conditions  in 2012 is shown in the areas of pea production.  The reaction  of pea varieties of VNIIS, SOK breeding   at growing  in  different  regions   of  Russia  and Belarus is described.  The results of the meetings and the work, shops  with the leaders  of a number of canning plants are summa, rized.Показана реакция сортов гороха овощного селекции ВНИИССОК при выращивании в различных регионах России и Республике Беларусь. Обобщены результаты встреч и переговоров с руководителями ряда консервных заводов.


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    There is collaboration between VNIISSOK and Mongolian Ministry of Agriculture in field of vegetable growing and seed production supported by the Swiss Agency of development and cooperation (SDC). Based on the preliminary results of variety trials, Mongolian researchers and breeders have found the promising cultivars of vegetable crops of VNIISSOK breeding suitable for growing in condition of Mongolia.В Монголии при поддержке Швейцарского Агентства по развитию и сотрудничеству (SDC) осуществляется Программа развития картофелеводства, по которой организовано производство семян картофеля на безвирусной основе и продовольственного картофеля. В настоящее время потребность страны в картофеле полностью удовлетворена. Начиная с 2012 года, SDC финансирует Программу развития овощеводства в Монголии. В рамках Программы предусмотрено налаживание системы сортоиспытания овощных культур, организация их семеноводства и восстановление товарного производства овощей. Для решения этих задач монгольская сторона и SDC сотрудничает со Всероссийским НИИ селекции и семеноводства овощных культур. По предварительным итогам испытаний Государственная комиссия по сортоиспытанию признала перспективными для использования на территории Монголии сорта овощных культур селекции ВНИИССОК


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    The success in the development of the Institute is associated with seed production and marketing of vegetable varieties of VNIISSOK’s breeding. The affiliated organization, the North-Caucasian experimental station is a structural subdivision of the All- Russian research institute of vegetable breeding and seed production. The stuff of this experimental station work on the problem of seed production of onion, root, cucurbitaceae and leguminous crops in condition of the North-Caucasus.Перспектива развития института напрямую связана с размножением и реализацией семян своих сортов. Большую помощь в этом оказывает организованный на базе Северо-Кавказской опытной станции Северо-Кавказский филиал ФГБНУ «Всероссийский НИИ селекции и семеноводства овощных культур», являющийся структурным подразделением института. Научная и производственная деятельность Филиала осуществляется в соответствии с тематическим и производственным планом. За последние годы проведены исследования и получены ответы на актуальные вопросы в семеноводстве овощных культур в условиях Северного Кавказа: тыквенных, луковых, корнеплодных, бобовых культур


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    Main achievements and progress of VNIISSOK’s scientists in field of vegetable breeding and seed production are presented in the article. More than 900 varieties of vegetable and flower crops were developed, among them 561 varieties were included into the State Register of selection inventions of Russia. The seed production of main vegetable and flower crops is carried out. Presales pretreatment of seeds and its sale are improved.Cоздание селекционного учреждения ВНИИССОК в 1920 году был ответом молодой республики на экономическое эмбарго, наложенное странами Европы во главе США. Коллектив достойно справился с поставленной задачей: создано более 900 сортов овощных и цветочных культур, из них 561 сортообразец включен в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений РФ. Активно ведется товарное семеноводство сортов овощных культур и цветов. Совершенствуется предпродажная подготовка семян и их реализация

    Non-Gaussian generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model

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    We consider a natural generalization of the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model for small-scale turbulent dynamo. This generalization takes account of statistical time asymmetry of a turbulent flow, and, thus, allows to describe velocity fields with energy cascade. For three-dimensional velocity field, generalized Kazantsev equation is derived, and evolution of the second order magnetic field correlator is investigated for large but finite magnetic Prandtl numbers. It is shown that as PrmPr_m \to \infty, the growth increment tends to the limit known from the T-exponential (Lagrangian deformation) method. Magnetic field generation is shown to be weaker than that in the Gaussian velocity field for any direction of the energy cascade, and depends essentially on the Prandtl number.Comment: 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Temperamental Constellations and School Readiness: A MultiVariate Approach

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    This study uses canonical correlation analyses to explore the relationship between mul- tiple predictors of school readiness (i.e., academic readiness, social readiness, and teacher-child relationship) and multiple temperamental traits using data from the second wave (age 54 months, n = 1226) of the longitudinal Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD; NICHD ECCRN 1993). This longitudinal study collected data on a large cohort of children and their families from birth through age 15. For academic readiness, only one temperamental constellation emerged, representing the construct of effortful control (i.e., high attentional focusing, high inhibitory con- trol). For peer interactions, two significant constellations emerged: “dysregulated” (low inhibitory control, low shyness, and high activity), and “withdrawn” (high shyness, low inhibitory control, low attentional focusing). Finally, the analyses exploring child-teacher relationships revealed two significant constellations: “highly surgent” (high activity, low inhibitory control, low shyness) and “emotionally controlled” (low anger/frustration and high inhibitory control). Results of this study form a more nuanced exploration of relationships between temperamental traits and indicators of school readiness than can be found in the extant literature, and will provide the groundwork for future research to test specific hypotheses related to the effect temperamental constellations have on children’s school readiness

    Generation of small-scale structures in the developed turbulence

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    The Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible liquid is considered in the limit of infinitely large Reynolds number. It is assumed that the flow instability leads to generation of steady-state large-scale pulsations. The excitation and evolution of the small-scale turbulence is investigated. It is shown that the developed small-scale pulsations are intermittent. The maximal amplitude of the vorticity fluctuations is reached along the vortex filaments. Basing on the obtained solution, the pair correlation function in the limit r0r\to 0 is calculated. It is shown that the function obeys the Kolmogorov law r2/3r^{2/3}.Comment: 18 page