41 research outputs found

    Research of effects by donators nitrogen of oxygen in complex therapy during experimental peritonitis

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    The research was conducted on 175 white rats of reproductive age (3 months), weight of animals - 180-220 g. Animals were divided into 4 groups:Group 1 - 20 intact animals. Group 2 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis.Group 3 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction and debridement by chlorhexidine solution. Group 4 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction, chlorhexidine debridement and endothelial dysfunction  correction with the use of a nitric oxide donor.Fecal peritonitis was modeled using injection of 10% fecal suspension in a dose of 0.5 ml per100 gof animal weight in the abdominal cavity of laboratory animals by puncture method (Lazarenko V.A., et al., 2016, patent No. 233826).The following results were obtained.Histologically confirmed the development of experimental peritonitis in all groups of the experiment. In the group №2 on the third day the deterioration of the studied structures was established. In the group in which the experimental peritonitis was corrected by antibiotic therapy and chlorhexidine remediation, the effectiveness of the correction was morphologically proven. In group 4, macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the intestine, liver, and abdomen did not reveal significant differences from the histological picture we observed in rats of the intact group

    Vasoconsrictive and vasodilatative imbalance at experimental fecal peritonitis

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    Peritonitis problem today one of the most urgent issues in the field of clinical pathological physiology and abdominal surgery. According to various data, mortality in peritonitis is 18.3 - 62.8%. Endothelial dysfunction is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in patients after postponed peritonitis. The aim of the study – investigation of vasoconstrictive and vasodilatative potential in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis and its correction. It has been proved that experimental fecal peritonitis development pathologically affects the vessels functional state at each of the research stages. It's established weakening of the vasodilatative process on the background of peritonitis development, as evidenced by a decrease in the content of S-nitrosothiols. Result of this work has been proved that in peritonitis pathogenesis the vasoconstrictor potential of the vessels is significantly increased, as evidenced by a significant increase in endothelin-1 in animals that have been modeled by fecal peritonitis. Nitric oxide donor efficiency has been proved as part of complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication. The most pronounced positive effect was detected at the 21st day, which indicates the expediency of long-term use of L-arginine as a remedy for correction

    Vasoconsrictive and vasodilatative imbalance at experimental fecal peritonitis

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    Peritonitis problem today one of the most urgent issues in the field of clinical pathological physiology and abdominal surgery. According to various data, mortality in peritonitis is 18.3 - 62.8%. Endothelial dysfunction is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in patients after postponed peritonitis. The aim of the study – investigation of vasoconstrictive and vasodilatative potential in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis and its correction. It has been proved that experimental fecal peritonitis development pathologically affects the vessels functional state at each of the research stages. It's established weakening of the vasodilatative process on the background of peritonitis development, as evidenced by a decrease in the content of S-nitrosothiols. Result of this work has been proved that in peritonitis pathogenesis the vasoconstrictor potential of the vessels is significantly increased, as evidenced by a significant increase in endothelin-1 in animals that have been modeled by fecal peritonitis. Nitric oxide donor efficiency has been proved as part of complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication. The most pronounced positive effect was detected at the 21st day, which indicates the expediency of long-term use of Larginine as a remedy for correction

    Interdependence investigation of dynamic between the von Willebrand factor and erythrocyte and leukocyte intoxication indices in experimental peritonitis

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    The research was conducted on 175 white rats of reproductive age (3 months), weight of animals - 180-220 g. Animals were divided into 4 groups: Group 1 - 20 intact animals. Group 2 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis. Group 3 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction and debridement by chlorhexidine solution. Group 4 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction, chlorhexidine debridement and endothelial dysfunction correction with the use of a nitric oxide donor. Fecal peritonitis was modeled using injection of 10% fecal suspension in a dose of 0.5 ml per 100 g of animal weight in the abdominal cavity of laboratory animals by puncture method (Lazarenko V.A., et al., 2016, patent No. 233826). The following results were obtained. Endothelial dysfunction is the trigger mechanism of vascular catastrophes after experiencing experimental peritonitis. Evidence of endothelial functional status impairment during experimental peritonitis is a significant increase in the level of Willebrand factor in the animals blood flow (p <0.001). It was revealed significant increase in erythrocyte intoxication index (EII). It has been proved increase in leukocyte intoxication index (LII) in experimental animals during simulated peritonitis. It has been confirmed effectiveness of nitric oxide donor use in the complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication is confirmed

    Investigation of hematological indices in experimental peritonitis

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    Цель. Исследовать гематологические показатели на 1, 3–и и 7–е сутки развития экспериментального перитонита. Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено на 180 крысах линии Вистар массой тела 180 – 200 г. Животные были разделены на четыре группы: группа 1 – 20 интактных животных; группа 2 – 80 животных, которым моделировали желчный перитонит (ЖП) без дальнейшей коррекции; группа 3 – 40 животных, которым смоделированный ЖП коррегировали с помощью санации брюшной полости раствором хлоргексидина с дальнейшим применением стандартной антибиотикотерапии; группа 4 – 40 животных, которым смоделированный ЖП коррегировали по комбинированной схеме детоксикации. Результаты. При исследовании гематологических маркеров у животных группы 4, которым применяли комплексное лечение, положительную динамику показателей количества эритроцитов, концентрации гемоглобина, гематокрита и СОЭ наблюдали на 3–и сут, и она сохранялась к 7–м сут. Показатели количества лейкоцитов более выраженно нормализовались на 1–е и 3–и сут. Лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации (ЛИИ) снижался на 3–и сут. Наиболее выраженную положительную динамику активности аспартатаминотрансферазы (АСТ) наблюдали на 7–е сут, аланинаминотрансферазы (АЛТ) – на 3–и. На 1–е и 3–и сут эксперимента отмечали наименее выраженное снижение концентрации общего белка, на 7–е сут – его повышение. Концентрация общего билирубина максимально приближалась к показателям у интактных животных на 3–и сутки. Выводы. Исследование гематологических маркеров доказало эффективность предложенного нами способа санации брюшной полости.Objective. To investigate hematological indices on the first, third and seventh day of the experimental peritonitis development. Маterials and methods. The investigation was conducted on 180 Wistar line rats with a body mass 180 – 200 g. The animals were divided into four Groups: Group I – 20 intact animals; Group II – 80 animals, in whom a biliary peritonitis was simulated without further correction; Group III – 40 animals, in whom the biliary peritonitis simulated was corrected, using abdominal cavity sanation with chlorhexidine solution and further application of standard antibioticotherapy; Group IV – 40 animals, in whom a simulated biliary peritonitis was corrected in accordance to combined scheme of detoxication. Results. While investigation of hematological markers in animals of Group IV, to whom complex treatment was applied, a positive dynamics of indices of the erythrocytes quantity, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and ERS were observed on the third day and preserved up to the seventh day. The indices of the leucocytes quantity more significantly had normalized on the first and third days. The leucocytic index of intoxication had lowered on the third day. Most pronounced positive dynamics of the AST activity was observed on the seventh day, and of the ALT – on the third. On the first and third day of experiment the least pronounced lowering of the general protein concentration was noted, and on the seventh day – its raise. Concentration of general bilirubin maximally approached the indices of intact animals on the third day. Conclusion. Investigation of hematological markers have proved the efficacy of our proposed method of the abdominal cavity sanation

    Прогностическая модель развития эндотелиальной дисфункции при экспериментальном перитоните

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    Для прогнозування виникнення ендотеліальної дисфункції (ЕД) використовувався метод логістичної регресії. У якості факторів-предикторів були використані лейкоцитарний та еритроцитарний індекси інтоксикації і фактор Віллебранда. В результаті дослідження було встановлено, що розроблена модель в 91,30% випадків вірно передбачає виникнення ЕД. Відсоток хибних передбачень складає 8,70%. При цьому в 92,59% випадків модель вірно передбачає відсутність виникнення ЕД, частка хибних передбачень складає відповідно 7,41%. Можемо стверджувати, що така якість прогнозу дозволяє використання даної моделі у практиці. Ключові слова: перитоніт, експеримент, прогностична модель, ендогенна інтоксикація, ендотеліальна дисфункціяWe used logistic regression method to predict occurrence on endothelial dysfunction (ED).The following factors were used as predictors: leukocyte index on intoxication (LII), erythrocyte index on intoxication (EII) and von Willebrand Factor (VWF). It was found that the prognostic model developed by us in 91.30% on cases correctly suggests the emergence on ED. In 92.59% on cases the model correctly assumes the absence on ED, the proportion on false predictionsis is 7.41%. This prognosis quality allows us use this model in practice.Для прогнозирования возникновения эндотелиальной дисфункции использовался метод логистической регрессии. В качестве факторов-предикторов были использованы лейкоцитарный и эритроцитарный индексы интоксикации и фактор Виллебранда. В результате исследования было установлено, что разработанная модель в 91,30% случаев верно предполагает возникновение эндотелиальной дисфункции.Процент ложных предсказаний составляет 8,70%. При этом в 92,59% случаев модель верно предполагает отсутствие возникновения ЭД, доля ошибочных предсказаний составляет соответственно 7,41%. Можем утверждать, что такое качество прогноза позволяет использование данной модели на практике

    Modeling of friction reluctanse to certain conditions redrawing, clinching and extrude processes

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    Do opracowania modelu numerycznego procesu zastosowano metodą elementów skończonych. Budowanie analizowanego procesu uwarunkowane jest koniecznością szczegółowego opisania warunków współpracy zmodelowanym obiektom. Model tarcia przyjęty w tym przypadku będzie miał istotne znaczenie dla wyników uzyskiwanych w obliczeniach numerycznych. Ważnym aspektem zastosowania modelowanych obiektów jest możliwość ich współpracy z Metodą Elementów Skończonych. Wykonanie analizy numerycznej pozwala na indywidualne rozpatrywanie badanego zjawiska jednak w tym przypadku wykorzystanie tej metody wymaga porównania i ewentualnych korekt warunków brzegowych. Zastosowanie tej metody traktowane jest jako wykorzystanie jej do badania zjawisk tarcia ślizgowego w procesie obróbki plastycznej. Zaletą takiego modelowania jest możliwość wielokrotnego eksperymentowania z różnymi warunkami procesu. Mimo faktu tworzenia uproszczonego modelu wybór parametrów obliczeń związany jest ze stworzeniem warunków jak najbardziej odpowiadających warunkom doświadczalnym. Metoda MES może być wykorzystywana do teoretycznego określenia wielkości przewidywanych odkształceń w warunkach obróbki plastycznej z uwzględnieniem zachowanych praw tarcia ślizgowego.Finie element metod was applied in elaboration of the numerical model of the extrusion process. The completion of the analyzed process depends on the necessity of detailed description of cooperation conditions with the modeled object. In the presented case the assumed frictional model is of great importance for the obtained calculation results. The important aspect of the modeled object applications is the possibility to use Finite Element Method. The numerical analysis provides individual consideration of investigated phenomena but at the same time requires some verification of boundary conditions. The application of this method can be treated as the use for the examination of slide friction phenomena during plastic working. The advantage of this modeling is the possibility to perform numerous experiments at different process conditions. Despite the fact that the constructed model is simplified, the choice of computational parameters is connected to the creation of conditions which are very close to the experimental ones. The Finite Element Method can be successfully used for theoretical determination of expected strain in conditions of plastic working with the consideration of slide friction laws

    Określenie oporów tarcia metodą elementów skończonych w modelowym procesie wytłaczania

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    This article presents the results of measurements on friction forces carried out in the model forming process (MFP). The description of this process takes into consideration the presence of plastic strain at the interface between the test specimen and tool due to the material flow. The experimental forming process was performer with a laboratory unit constructed and manufactured at the Fundamentals of Technology Faculty of the Lublin University of Technology [L. 1, 2]. This unit was used to carry out the measurements on friction force Turing model forming of shaped test specimens at a pressure of 0 to 100kN acting on a continuous basis during the research process. The results of experimental measurements of friction forces were compared to those of numerical calculations obtained with the finite element method (FEM). Experimental results of friction for ces were compared with the results obtained using the model forming process (MFP). In order to document the effects of plastic strain in the structure of shaped test specimens subjected to experimental model forming, metallographic examinations were carried out using a light microscope. Structure observations were conducted in a bright field and polarised light with a magnification of up to 2000x.W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty badań sił tarcia w modelowym procesie wytłaczania (MPW). Uwzględniono także występowanie odkształcenia plastycznego zachodzącego wskutek płynięcia materiału przy styku próbki z narzędziem. Modelowy proces wytłaczania przeprowadzono na urządzeniu laboratoryjnym skonstruowanym i wykonanym na Wydziale Podstaw Techniki Politechniki Lubelskiej. Urządzenie pozwalało na prowadzenie badań wytłaczania próbek kształtowych dla siły nacisku (od 0 do 100 N) działającej w sposób ciągły, w trakcie procesu badawczego. Efekty doświadczalne pomiarów sił tarcia porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi metodą obliczeniową przy zastosowaniu MES w modelowym procesie wytłaczania (MPW). Użycie metod numerycznych pozwoliło również na obliczenie rozkładu odkształceń w badanych próbkach. Dla udokumentowania efektów odkształcenia plastycznego w strukturze kształtowników poddanych doświadczalnemu, modelowemu wytłaczaniu przeprowadzono badania metalograficzne przy wykorzystaniu mikroskopu świetlnego. Obserwacje struktury prowadzono w polu jasnym i świetle spolaryzowanym przy powiększeniu do 2000x

    Odporność na zużycie stali konstrukcyjnych w efekcie operacji borowania

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    This paper presents the results of investigations on the effect of thermochemical treatment, boronising and chemical composition of selected structural steels on their wear in sliding friction process. The operation of boronising on C45, 37CrNiMo, 42CrMo6, 41Cr4, 50CrSi4-4 steels was performed by powder method at 950°C for 8 h. Following this operation, rod sections of the test steels were subjected to quench hardening from 850°C with isothermal holding at 300°C for 1h. The assessment of the construction, thickness and microhardness of boronised layers depending on the level of carbon and alloying elements in chemical composition of analysed steels was made. The testing for wear resistance of steels after boronising was carried out with the sliding friction method by applying a load of 150 N, counter-sample rotational speed of 1000 rpm and using aqueous solution of potassium chromate as a cooling medium. The metallographic observations of the structure and thickness measurement of the boronised layers were carried out using a light microscope, while the identification of phases was made by the X-ray qualitative analysis method. The hardness and microhardness measurements were taken by the Vickers method.W publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu obróbki cieplno-chemicznej, borowania i składu chemicznego wybranych stali konstrukcyjnych na zużycie w procesie tarcia ślizgowego. Operację borowania stali gatunku C45, 37CrNiMo, 42CrMo6, 41Cr4, 50CrSi4-4, przeprowadzono metodą proszkową w temperaturze 950ºC w czasie 8 godz. Po tej operacji odcinki prętów z badanych stali poddano hartowaniu z 850ºC z wytrzymaniem izotermicznym w temperaturze 300ºC w czasie 1 godz. Przeprowadzono ocenę budowy, grubości i mikrotwardości warstw naborowanych w zależności od stężenia węgla i pierwiastków stopowych w składzie chemicznym analizowanych stali. Badanie odporności na zużycie stali po borowaniu przeprowadzono metodą tarcia ślizgowego, stosując obciążenie 150 N, prędkość obrotową przeciwpróbki wynoszącą 1000 obr./min i roztwór wodny chromianu potasu jako środek chłodzący. Obserwacje metalograficzne struktury i pomiar grubości warstw naborowanych zrealizowano z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu świetlnego, a identyfikacji faz dokonano metodą rentgenowskie analizy jakościowej. Pomiary twardości i mikrotwardości zrealizowano metodą Vickersa