12 research outputs found

    A Randomised Controlled Trial of Two Infusion Rates to Decrease Reactions to Antivenom

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    Background: Snake envenoming is a major clinical problem in Sri Lanka, with an estimated 40,000 bites annually. Antivenom is only available from India and there is a high rate of systemic hypersensitivity reactions. This study aimed to investigate whether the rate of infusion of antivenom reduced the frequency of severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions. Methods and findings: This was a randomized comparison trial of two infusion rates of antivenom for treatment of non-pregnant adult patients (>14 y) with snake envenoming in Sri Lanka. Snake identification was by patient or hospital examination of dead snakes when available and confirmed by enzyme-immunoassay for Russell’s viper envenoming. Patients were blindly allocated in a 11 randomisation schedule to receive antivenom either as a 20 minute infusion (rapid) or a two hour infusion (slow). The primary outcome was the proportion with severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions (grade 3 by Brown grading system) within 4 hours of commencement of antivenom. Secondary outcomes included the proportion with mild/moderate hypersensitivity reactions and repeat antivenom doses. Of 1004 patients with suspected snakebites, 247 patients received antivenom. 49 patients were excluded or not recruited leaving 104 patients allocated to the rapid antivenom infusion and 94 to the slow antivenom infusion. The median actual duration of antivenom infusion in the rapid group was 20 min (Interquartile range[IQR]:20–25 min) versus 120 min (IQR:75–120 min) in the slow group. There was no difference in severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions between those given rapid and slow infusions (32% vs. 35%; difference 3%; 95%CI:−10% to +17%;p = 0.65). The frequency of mild/moderate reactions was also similar. Similar numbers of patients in each arm received further doses of antivenom (30/104 vs. 23/94). Conclusions: A slower infusion rate would not reduce the rate of severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions from current high rates. More effort should be put into developing better quality antivenoms

    Development of a sensitive enzyme immunoassay for measuring taipan venom in serum

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    The detection and measurement of snake venom in blood is important for confirming snake identification, determining when sufficient antivenom has been given, detecting recurrence of envenoming, and in forensic investigation. Venom enzyme immunoassays (EIA) have had persistent problems with poor sensitivity and high background absorbance leading to false positive results. This is particularly problematic with Australasian snakes where small amounts of highly potent venom are injected, resulting in low concentrations being associated with severe clinical effects. We aimed to develop a venom EIA with a limit of detection (LoD) sufficient to accurately distinguish mild envenoming from background absorbance at picogram concentrations of venom in blood. Serum samples were obtained from patients with taipan bites (Oxyuranus spp.) before and after antivenom, and from rats given known venom doses. A sandwich EIA was developed using biotinylated rabbit anti-snake venom antibodies for detection. For low venom concentrations (i.e. <1 ng/mL) the assay was done before and after addition of antivenom to the sample (antivenom difference method). The LoD was 0.15 ng/mL for the standard assay and 0.1 ng/mL for the antivenom difference method. In 11 pre-antivenom samples the median venom concentration was 10 ng/mL (Range: 0.3–3212 ng/mL). In four patients with incomplete venom-induced consumption coagulopathy the median venom concentration was 2.4 ng/mL compared to 30 ng/mL in seven patients with complete venom-induced consumption coagulopathy. No venom was detected in any post-antivenom sample and the median antivenom dose prior to this first post-antivenom sample was 1.5 vials (1–3 vials), including 7 patients administered only 1 vial. In rats the assay distinguished a 3-fold difference in venom dose administered and there was small inter-individual variability. There was small but measurable cross-reactivity with black snake (Pseudechis), tiger snake (Notechis) and rough-scale snake (Tropidechis carinatus) venoms with the assay for low venom concentrations (<1 ng/mL). The use of biotinylation and the antivenom difference method in venom EIA produces a highly sensitive assay that will be useful for determining antivenom dose, forensic and clinical diagnosis