337 research outputs found

    The sensitivity of oceanic precipitation to sea surface temperature

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    Our study forms the oceanic counterpart to numerous observational studies over land concerning the sensitivity of extreme precipitation to a change in air temperature. We explore the sensitivity of oceanic precipitation to changing sea surface temperature (SST) by exploiting two novel datasets at high resolution. First, we use the Ocean Rainfall And Ice-phase precipitation measurement Network (OceanRAIN) as an observational along-track shipboard dataset at 1 min resolution. Second, we exploit the most recent European Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5) at hourly resolution on a 31 km grid. Matched with each other, ERA5 vertical velocity allows the constraint of the OceanRAIN precipitation. Despite the inhomogeneous sampling along ship tracks, OceanRAIN agrees with ERA5 on the average latitudinal distribution of precipitation with fairly good seasonal sampling. However, the 99th percentile of OceanRAIN precipitation follows a super Clausius–Clapeyron scaling with a SST that exceeds 8.5 % K−1 while ERA5 precipitation scales with 4.5 % K−1. The sensitivity decreases towards lower precipitation percentiles, while OceanRAIN keeps an almost constant offset to ERA5 due to higher spatial resolution and temporal sampling. Unlike over land, we find no evidence for a decreasing precipitation event duration with increasing SST. ERA5 precipitation reaches a local minimum at about 26 ∘C that vanishes when constraining vertical velocity to strongly rising motion and excluding areas of weak correlation between precipitation and vertical velocity. This indicates that instead of moisture limitations as over land, circulation dynamics rather limit precipitation formation over the ocean. For the strongest rising motion, precipitation scaling converges to a constant value at all precipitation percentiles. Overall, high resolutions in observations and climate models are key to understanding and predicting the sensitivity of oceanic precipitation extremes to a change in SST

    New Aspects of Geometric Phases in Experiments with polarized Neutrons

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    Geometric phase phenomena in single neutrons have been observed in polarimeter and interferometer experiments. Interacting with static and time dependent magnetic fields, the state vectors acquire a geometric phase tied to the evolution within spin subspace. In a polarimeter experiment the non-additivity of quantum phases for mixed spin input states is observed. In a Si perfect-crystal interferometer experiment appearance of geometric phases, induced by interaction with an oscillating magnetic field, is verified. The total system is characterized by an entangled state, consisting of neutron and radiation fields, governed by a Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian. In addition, the influence of the geometric phase on a Bell measurement, expressed by the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality, is studied. It is demonstrated that the effect of geometric phase can be balanced by an appropriate change of Bell angles.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Zero-field and Larmor spinor precessions in a neutron polarimeter experiment

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    We present a neutron polarimetric experiment where two kinds of spinor precessions are observed: one is induced by different total energy of neutrons (zero-field precession) and the other is induced by a stationary guide field (Larmor precession). A characteristic of the former is the dependence of the energy-difference, which is in practice tuned by the frequency of the interacting oscillating magnetic field. In contrast the latter completely depends on the strength of the guide field, namely Larmor frequency. Our neutron-polarimetric experiment exhibits individual tuning as well as specific properties of each spinor precession, which assures the use of both spin precessions for multi-entangled spinor manipulation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Simulation of ship-track versus satellite-sensor differences in oceanic precipitation using an island-based radar

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    The point-to-area problem strongly complicates the validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates, using surface-based point measurements. We simulate the limited spatial representation of light to moderate oceanic precipitation rates along ship tracks with respect to areal passive microwave satellite estimates using data from a subtropical island-based radar. The radar data serves to estimate the discrepancy between point-like and areal precipitation measurements. From the spatial discrepancy, two statistical adjustments are derived so that along-track precipitation ship data better represents areal precipitation estimates from satellite sensors. The first statistical adjustment uses the average duration of a precipitation event as seen along a ship track and the second adjustment uses the median-normalized along-track precipitation rate. Both statistical adjustments combined reduce the root mean squared error by 0.24 mm h 10 (55%) compared to the unadjusted average track of 60 radar pixels in length corresponding to a typical ship speed of 24–34 km h depending on track orientation. Beyond along-track averaging, the statistical adjustments represent an important step towards a more accurate validation of precipitation derived from passive microwave satellite sensors using point-like along-track surface precipitation reference data

    Missing North Atlantic cyclonic precipitation in ECMWF numerical weather prediction and ERA-40 data detected through the satellite climatology HOAPS II

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    Intense precipitation associated with wintertime North Atlantic cyclones occurs not only in connection with frontal zones but also, and often mainly, embedded in strong cold air outbreaks to the west of mature cold fronts. Coherent structures of cloud clusters organized in mesoscale postfrontal low-pressure systems are frequently found in satellite data. Such postfrontal lows (PFL) can develop into severe weather events within few hours and can even reach Europe causing intense convective rainfall and gale force winds. Despite predicting the major storm systems numerical weather prediction (NWP) additionally needs to account for PFLs due to their frequent occurrence connected with high impact weather. But while the major cyclone systems are mostly well predicted, the forecast of PFLs remains poor. Using North Atlantic weather observations from the 1997 Fronts and Atlantic Storm Track Experiment (FASTEX) along with the standard voluntary observing ship (VOS) data led to a high quality validation data set for this usually data sparse region. For individual case studies of FASTEX cyclones with mesoscale PFLs investigations were carried out using the well calibrated precipitation estimates from HOAPS (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and fluxes from satellite data) compared to the NWP model output of the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Preceding studies showed that the HOAPS precipitation structure and intensities are in good agreement with the VOS observations for all observed precipitation types within the cyclones, including PFLs. To assure that the results found in the 1997 data are still valid in the more recent ECMWF model system, a PFL rainfall comparison is carried out using HOAPS and ERA-40 (ECMWF Re-Analysis) data for the winter of 2001 and 2002. The results indicate that the ECMWF model is mostly well reproducing precipitation structures and intensities associated with frontal systems as observed in the VOS and HOAPS data, whereas PFL precipitation is mostly missing. Further investigations within the regions of PFL point out that the VOS observed surface pressure is systematically lower than reproduced in the models. This leads to the conclusion that the missing PFL precipitation in ECMWF may be primarily due to the absence of the corresponding mesoscale low-pressure syste

    Violation of Bell-like Inequality for spin-energy entanglement in neutron polarimetry

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    Violation of a Bell-like inequality for a spin-energy entangled neutron state has been confirmed in a polarimetric experiment. The proposed inequality, in Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) formalism, relies on correlations between the spin and energy degree of freedom in a single-neutron system. The entangled states are generated utilizing a suitable combination of two radio-frequency fields in a neutron polarimeter setup. The correlation function S is determined to be 2.333+/-0.005, which violates the Bell-like CHSH inequality by more than 66 standard deviations.Comment: 4 pages 2 figure

    Experimental demonstration of the stability of Berry's phase for a spin-1/2 particle

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    The geometric phase has been proposed as a candidate for noise resilient coherent manipulation of fragile quantum systems. Since it is determined only by the path of the quantum state, the presence of noise fluctuations affects the geometric phase in a different way than the dynamical phase. We have experimentally tested the robustness of Berry's geometric phase for spin-1/2 particles in a cyclically varying magnetic field. Using trapped polarized ultra-cold neutrons it is demonstrated that the geometric phase contributions to dephasing due to adiabatic field fluctuations vanish for long evolution times.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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