7 research outputs found

    Inter-flock differences in small ruminant productivity in the central Mali agropastoral system

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    This study identifies the causes of the observed differences in flock productivity in a central Malian village, in a rainfed millet agropastoral subsystem. Small ruminant productivity, management factors and socio-economic characteristics are analysed. The causes leading to the observed differences in small ruminant productivity are related to the owner's socioeconomic characteristics, to his management strategies or to preferences for one or the other small ruminant species

    Evaluation de la productivité des ovins périurbains à Maroua dans l'extrême-nord du Cameroun

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    Evaluation of the Productivity of the Periurban Sheep at Maroua in the Far North of Cameroon. From 1995 to 1998, 1019 sheep belonging to about forty flocks within a radius of 0.5 - 10 km from Maroua centre were followed up. The main results show that in the various flocks females represent 70-80% of the population. The average litter size and annual reproduction rate are respectively 1.3 and 1.8 . The age at the first lambing is 16.5 ± 2.5 months. The average interval between two lambings is 251 ± 98 days. The average weight at the first lambing is 25 ± 3 kg and the average daily weight gain is equal to 66 ± 39 g. The flocks productivity calculated from a global index is equal to 702 ± 293 g of weaned lambs per kilogram of ewe per year. It varies inversely with the size of the flock. The high exploitation rate shows that the capitalisation is not the main objective of the periurban sheep owners and brings out the great importance of the sacrifice of tabaski or feast of the ram

    Differences de productivite entre troupeaux de petits ruminants dans le systeme agropastoral du Mali central

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    Etude mettant en evidence des facteurs socio-economique et de gestion, causes responsables des differences de productivite observees entre troupeaux de petits ruminants dans un village du Mali central appartenant au sous-systeme agropastoral associe a la culture pluviale du mil

    Etude épidémiologique des nématodes gastro-intestinaux chez les ovins en milieux urbain et périurbain à Maroua, Extrême Nord du Cameroun

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    An epidemiological study was carried out on gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in urban and suburban areas, in Marua, located in the Extreme North province of Cameroon, where the climate is of the Sudano-Sahelian type with a short rainy season and a long dry season. Four animal husbandry systems were identified. From November 1996 to October 1997, 111 sheep belonging to 21 flocks were monitored monthly for coprological and hematological evaluations. Results showed the presence of infective larvae (L3) of five genera/species of nematodes: Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum, Trichostrongylus and Strongyloides papillosus. The season and animal husbandry system had a significant influence on the eggs per gram of feces count (EPG) (P < 0.05). EPGs increased during the rainy season in all animal husbandry systems, but were higher in flocks that grazed on pastures at the periphery of the town and in those kept permanently confined. The packed cell volume showed a negative correlation with EPG and significantly decreased during the rainy season. Prophylactic schemes are suggested in relation with the animal husbandry system and seasonal variation of parasite activity