79 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Terpadu Penanganan Pekerja Anak (Studi pada Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Bandung Barat)

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    Anak merupakan karunia yang berharga bagi orang tua, lingkungan, bangsa dan negara untuk masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Anak merupakan generasi penerus bangsa yang mempunyai hak asasi atau hak dasar. Salah satu hak dasar anak adalah adanya jaminan untuk tumbuh kembang secara optimal baik secara fisik, mental, sosial dan intelektual. Namun pada Kenyataannya tidak semua anak mempunyai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan hak dasar tersebut secara optimal. Bagi keluarga yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi akan mendorong anak-anak ini untuk bekerja. Membantu orang tuanya dalam mencari nafkah. Tidak jarang anak-anak ini bekerja pada bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan terburuk untuk anak (BPTA). Mereka bekerja pada bentuk-bentuk pekerjaan yang sifatnya dapat membahayakan keselamatan dan kesehatan anak tersebut dan tentunya akan berpengaruh pula pada tumbuh kembangnya. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah mengenai perencanaan terpadu dalam menangani pekerja anak. Dimana anak-anak yang bekerja tersebut adalah anak-anak yang putus sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis penanganan pekerja anak di Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Bandung Barat serta mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perencanaan terpadu dalam penanganan pekerja anak di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen serta menggunakan analisis data kualitatif model interaktif (Miles dan Huberman).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanganan pekerja anak di Kabupaten Bandung Barat sudah dilaksanakan melalui upaya preventif, kuratif dan represif dengan melibatkan stakeholders di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Para stakeholders sudah berpartisipasi aktif pada upaya penanganan pekerja anak melalui Program Pengurangan Pekerja Anak dalam mendukung Program Keluarga Harapan (PPA-PKH). Namun masih harus lebih meningkatkan koordinasi supaya pekerja anak yang putus sekolah ini tidak menemui kesulitan dalam memperoleh fasilitas untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya

    Uncovering Resistance to Ict Use in Language Instruction

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    This article reports a case study that explored a teacher of a high school in Situbondo who is resistant to ICT integration in language instruction. The study started from the concern of a teacher who chose to resist ICT despite the importance and potentials of it in improving learner\u27s language skill. The study found that the variable of age has influenced other variables like the motivation to learn and the capability to operate ICT for teaching which lead to the preference of resisting and thus he keeps using the conventional teaching method. This variable is not thought to be the only influence to the resistance because it was further found that the teacher\u27s failure to fulfill the demand of his profession becomes more contributing to it. Therefore, it is suggested that English teachers are aware of the demands of their profession in order to stay on the track of professional teachers.Penelitian ini memaparkan hasil studi kasus terhadap seorang guru bahasa Inggris SMA di Situbondo yang resistan untuk menggunakan TIK di kelas. Berawal dari keprihatinan terhadap guru yang memilih untuk abai terhadap penggunaan TIK, terlepas dari penting dan berpotensinya TIK tersebut dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa siswa. Ditemukan bahwa variabel usia yang lanjut menjadi penyebab munculnya variabel lain seperti kurangnya motivasi belajar TIK dan rendahnya kemampuan menggunakannya yang berujung pada pilihannya untuk tidak menggunakan TIK di kelas sehingga tetap menggunakan metode mengajar konvensional. Variabel usia tersebut ternyata bukanlah pemicu utama sikap resistan tersebut, melainkan lemahnya kemampuan guru dalam memahami dan memenuhi tuntutan profesinya sebagai guru bahasa Inggris. Oleh karenanya, saran penelitian ditujukan pada guru agar lebih siap terhadap tuntutan dan tantangan lain dalam profesinya sehingga menjadi guru profesional

    Beberapa Faktor Risiko Kejadian Campak pada Balita di Kabupaten Sarolangun

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    Background: Measles is a highly infectious disease caused by the measles virus and is still a health problem in Indonesia. Based on data the communicable disease surveillance system from 2014 to January 2016 have been reported cases of measles as many as 200 cases. This study aims to explain host and environment factors as risk factors for occurrence of measles in children under five years old.Method: A case control study, involving 56 cases children under five years old suffer from measles were registered in form C1 of health center, with 56 sex matched neighborhood controls. Studied variables were analyzed by multivariate.Result: Risk factors for measles occurrence were living at unhealthy house (OR=7.5; 95 % CI=2.64 to 21.19), low of mother's knowledge (OR=5.7; 95 % CI=2.22 to 14.85), and never received immunization (OR=3.7; 95 % CI=1.45 to 9.39). Risk factors not proved with measles occurrence were malnutrition, lack of vitamin A, never had measles, contact history, breast-fed 1 and less parenting.Conclusion: Risk factors associated with measles were living at unhealthy house, low ofmother's knowledge and never received vaccination. For elimination, measles vaccination, home inspection, communication, information and education of measles is required

    MPEG-4 video transmission using distributed TDMA MAC protocol over IEEE 802.15.4 wireless technology

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    The issues of green technology nowadays give an inspiration to the researcher to make all the future design to be energy efficient. Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is the most effective layer to provide energy efficient due to its ability to control the physical radio directly. One of the important applications in the future is a video transmission that can be transmitted with low-cost and low power consumption. MPEG-4 is one of the international standards for moving video. MPEG-4 provide better compression and primarily design at low bit rate communication. In order to achieve good quality for video application, the design at MAC layer must be strong. Therefore, to increase the performance of the MPEG-4 in IEEE 802.15.4, in this paper we propose a cross layer design between MAC layer and Application layer. A priority queue will be implemented at MAC scheduling depends on the level of frame important in MPEG-4 format frame. A distributed Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) will be used for MAC protocol to provide reliable data transmission for high priority frame

    Berbagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) (Studi di Beberapa Puskesmas Kota Makassar)

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    Background: Low-birth-weight (LBW) as community health problem have remained as the main cause of prenatal morbidity and mortality. In Indonesia, the occurrence rate of LBW has reached 10,2%. LBW has caused by multifactors such as maternal factor, fetus factor, and environmental factor. The aim of the study was to elaborate if maternal factor and environmental factor are the risk factors contributing to LBW occurrence.Method: The study was based on case control design. The number of samples was 138 respondents who were categorized into 69 cases and 69 controls fulfilling the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The cases were mothers with babies having birth weight 35 years, the spacing of pregnancy < 2 years, the of family members smoking at home, the of a food taboos culture, ANC status < 4x , low social economy status.Conclusion: Low nutritional status, illness pregnancy are risk factors contributing to LBW occurrence. The probability of LBW occurrence when those risk factors observed are 68,87%

    Biologcally-inspired optimal video streaming over unpredictable wireless channel

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    Recently there has been an alarming increase in demand for wireless video streaming and the need to provide the required quality of service (QoS) to support video applications is very crucial. It is obvious that supporting multimedia applications and services over wireless is very challenging task due to network heterogeneity and different QoS requirements. This requires low complexity and highly efficient optimization scheme to cope with the unpredictable channel condition. This paper is aimed at developing a biologically-inspired scheme using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to achieve optimal video streaming. The optimal parameters configuration selected provide the best settings to enhance the video streaming quality over wireless LAN. The scenario has been simulated in NS-2 environment, it clearly shows that the video quality has been improve by selecting best configuration to ultimately support video application. The PSO-based approach outperforms other techniques used to compare the performance of the develop scheme in terms of perceived video quality by more than 0.5dB. The experimental simulation has been used to verify the efficiency and potential application of the PSO in wireless multimedia networks

    Spectrum occupancy measurement: a case for cognitive radio network in lagos, Nigeria

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    The proliferation in technologies and with the recent introduction of new paradigm for wireless communication, the demand for wireless devices has increased drastically in recent years. This therefore, posed a major threat on the available frequency spectrum and as a result, an efficient method for the utilisation of the limited frequency spectrum is required. As the scarcity of frequency spectrum is a major problem in the telecommunication field, cognitive radio technology has been identified as a promising solution to this problem. Cognitive radio allows the opportunistic access of licensed bands by unlicensed users without causing harmful interference to the licensed user. There is a need to evaluate the utilisation level of the licensed bands in order to identify which frequency bands can be used for cognitive radio implementation. Nevertheless, spectrum measurement campaigns have been conducted mostly in USA and a few other locations around the world. In this paper, the results of the measurement campaign conducted in Ikeja, the capital city of Lagos, Nigeria covering the range of frequency 700 MHz up to 2.2 GHz is presented. The measurement results are analysed and compared to the frequency allocation table published by the Nigerian Communications Commission. The results obtained show that the frequency spectrum is underutilised and therefore a significant amount of spectrum is available for the future implementation of cognitive radio networks