4,350 research outputs found

    A class of well-posed parabolic final value problems

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    This paper focuses on parabolic final value problems, and well-posedness is proved for a large class of these. The clarification is obtained from Hilbert spaces that characterise data that give existence, uniqueness and stability of the solutions. The data space is the graph normed domain of an unbounded operator that maps final states to the corresponding initial states. It induces a new compatibility condition, depending crucially on the fact that analytic semigroups always are invertible in the class of closed operators. Lax--Milgram operators in vector distribution spaces constitute the main framework. The final value heat conduction problem on a smooth open set is also proved to be well posed, and non-zero Dirichlet data are shown to require an extended compatibility condition obtained by adding an improper Bochner integral.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in "Applied and numerical harmonic analysis"; a reference update. Conference contribution, based on arXiv:1707.02136, with some further development

    Selective cooling of the brain in reindeer

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    Selective cooling of the brain during hyper-thermia has been demonstrated in several species of mammals (Baker 1979, 1982). Such cooling is achieved by heat exchange between the cooled venous blood returning from the nasal mucosa and the warmer arterial blood entering the brain via the carotid rete. Spot measurements of brain temperature (Tbr) and carotid blood temperature (TCar) were made within 1 min. of death in 40 wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). At Tear lower than 40.5°C Tbr was higher than T c a r. With increasing Tear above 40.5°C Tbr remained at approxima-tely 40.5°C, indicating that selective cooling of the brain had occurred

    A Formal, Resource Consumption-Preserving Translation of Actors to Haskell

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    We present a formal translation of an actor-based language with cooperative scheduling to the functional language Haskell. The translation is proven correct with respect to a formal semantics of the source language and a high-level operational semantics of the target, i.e. a subset of Haskell. The main correctness theorem is expressed in terms of a simulation relation between the operational semantics of actor programs and their translation. This allows us to then prove that the resource consumption is preserved over this translation, as we establish an equivalence of the cost of the original and Haskell-translated execution traces.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 26th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland UK, 6-8 September 2016 (arXiv:1608.02534

    No alignment of cattle along geomagnetic field lines found

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    This paper presents a study of the body orientation of domestic cattle on free pastures in several European states, based on Google satellite photographs. In sum, 232 herds with 3412 individuals were evaluated. Two independent groups participated in our study and came to the same conclusion that, in contradiction to the recent findings of other researchers, no alignment of the animals and of their herds along geomagnetic field lines could be found. Several possible reasons for this discrepancy should be taken into account: poor quality of Google satellite photographs, difficulties in determining the body axis, selection of herds or animals within herds, lack of blinding in the evaluation, possible subconscious bias, and, most importantly, high sensitivity of the calculated main directions of the Rayleigh vectors to some kind of bias or to some overlooked or ignored confounder. This factor could easily have led to an unsubstantiated positive conclusion about the existence of magnetoreception.Comment: Added electronic supplement with source dat

    Spin-dynamic field coupling in strongly THz driven semiconductors : local inversion symmetry breaking

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    We study theoretically the optics in undoped direct gap semiconductors which are strongly driven in the THz regime. We calculate the optical sideband generation due to nonlinear mixing of the THz field and the near infrared probe. Starting with an inversion symmetric microscopic Hamiltonian we include the THz field nonperturbatively using non-equilibrium Green function techniques. We find that a self induced relativistic spin-THz field coupling locally breaks the inversion symmetry, resulting in the formation of odd sidebands which otherwise are absent.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Retrospective evidence for a biological cost of vancomycin resistance determinants in the absence of glycopeptide selective pressures

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    To estimate the relative fitness differences between glycopeptide-resistant Enterococcus faecium (GREF) and glycopeptide-susceptible E. faecium (GSEF) from yearly surveillance data on the occurrence of GREF in Danish poultry farm environments. A population genetic model was adapted to retrospectively estimate the biological fitness cost of acquired resistance. Maximization of a likelihood function was used to predict the longitudinal persistence of acquired resistance. Our analysis suggests strong selection against GREF following the 1995 ban on the glycopeptide growth promoter avoparcin. However, parameterizing the model with two selection coefficients suggesting a reduced negative effect of the acquired resistance on bacterial fitness over time significantly improved the fit of the model. Our analyses suggest that the acquired glycopeptide resistance will persist for >25 years. Conclusions Acquired resistance determinants in commensal E. faecium populations in Danish farm environments are likely to persist for decades, even in the absence of glycopeptide use

    Quasienergy Spectroscopy of Excitons

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    We theoretically study nonlinear optics of excitons under intense THz irradiation. In particular, the linear near infrared absorption and resonantly enhanced nonlinear sideband generation are described. We predict a rich structure in the spectra which can be interpreted in terms of the quasienergy spectrum of the exciton, via a remarkably transparent expression for the susceptibility, and show that the effects of strongly avoided quasienergy crossings manifest themselves directly, both in the absorption and transmitted sidebands.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 3 eps figs included, as publishe

    Tough nanoparticle-modified polymers

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    A crosslinked epoxy polymer has been modified by the addition of nano-silica particles. The particles were introduced via a sol-gel technique which gave a very well dispersed phase of nano-silica particles which were about 20 nm in diameter. The glass transition temperature was unchanged by the addition of the nanoparticles, but both the modulus and toughness were increased. The fracture energy, GIc, increased from 100 J/m 2 for the unmodified epoxy to 460 J/m2 for the epoxy with 20 wt. % of nano-silica. The microscopy studies showed evidence of debonding of the nanoparticles and subsequent plastic void growth of the epoxy polymer. A theoretical model of plastic void growth was used to confirm this mechanism. The cyclic-fatigue behaviour of the epoxy polymers has also been studied and the fatigue properties were clearly enhanced by the presence of the nano-silica particles. Indeed, it was found that the values of the strain-energy release rate at threshold, Gth, from the cyclic-fatigue tests increased steadily as the toughness, GIc, also increased, i.e. as the concentration of nano-silica particles was increased

    Excitonic Dynamical Franz-Keldysh Effect

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    The Dynamical Franz-Keldysh Effect is exposed by exploring near-bandgap absorption in the presence of intense THz electric fields. It bridges the gap between the DC Franz- Keldysh effect and multi-photon absorption and competes with the THz AC Stark Effect in shifting the energy of the excitonic resonance. A theoretical model which includes the strong THz field non-perturbatively via a non-equilibrium Green Functions technique is able to describe the Dynamical Franz-Keldysh Effect in the presence of excitonic absorption.Comment: 4 pages in revtex with 5 figures included using epsf. Submitted to Physical Review Letter