2,842 research outputs found

    Hilbert space theory for relativistic dynamics with reflection. Special cases

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    We present and study a novel class of one-dimensional Hilbert space eigenfunction transforms that diagonalize analytic difference operators encoding the (reduced) two-particle relativistic hyperbolic Calogero–Moser dynamics. The scattering is described by reflection and transmission amplitudes t and r with function-theoretic features that are quite different from nonrelativistic amplitudes. The axiomatic Hilbert space analysis in the appendices is inspired by and applied to the attractive two-particle relativistic Calogero–Moser dynamics for a sequence of special couplings. Together with the scattering function u of the repulsive case, this leads to a triple of amplitudes u, t and r satisfying the Yang–Baxter equations

    An investigation of virial coefficients of gases

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    The most widely used experimental method for studying the forces between pairs of molecules is the determination of the second compressibility virial coefficient, B, defined by: z = Pvm/RT = 1 + B/Vm + C/V2 + . . . For non-polar gases at temperatures well removed from the normal boiling point, it is relatively easy to measure values of B with adequate accuracy for assessing the merits of various model intermolecular potential energy functions, However, at temperatures little above the normal boiling point, especially for the more polar gases, adsorption effects can prove troublesome. The density balance method can, in principle, give Values of the second compressibility virial coefficient free from adsorption errors. In practice, there remain other drawbacks to such an approach, particularly the notorious instability of the density balance zero point, and the need for the molecular weight of the gas to be very precisely known, or at least constant within very small limits. The recent extensive development of vacuum micro- and ultramicro-balances suggests that the difficulty of instability should now be superable. A simple theoretical consideration of the treatment of data from such a balance shows that adsorption effects which are not compensated in the balance design may be corrected for, to a first order, and second virial coefficients obtained which are accurate to about +5 cm3 mole-1. Continued in thesis ..

    Putting responsible research and innovation into practice at a local level in South Africa

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    Chapter 3 in the book Science Communication in South Africa.Published by African Minds

    Regulation by phosphodiesterase isoforms of protein kinase A-mediated attenuation of myocardial protein kinase D activation

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    Protein kinase D (PKD) targets several proteins in the heart, including cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and class II histone deacetylases, and regulates cardiac contraction and hypertrophy. In adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM), PKD activation by endothelin-1 (ET1) occurs via protein kinase Cε and is attenuated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Intracellular compartmentalisation of cAMP, arising from localised activity of distinct cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) isoforms, may result in spatially constrained regulation of the PKA activity that inhibits PKD activation. We have investigated the roles of the predominant cardiac PDE isoforms, PDE2, PDE3 and PDE4, in PKA-mediated inhibition of PKD activation. Pretreatment of ARVM with the non-selective PDE inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) attenuated subsequent PKD activation by ET1. However, selective inhibition of PDE2 [by erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine, EHNA], PDE3 (by cilostamide) or PDE4 (by rolipram) individually had no effect on ET1-induced PKD activation. Selective inhibition of individual PDE isoforms also had no effect on the phosphorylation status of the established cardiac PKA substrates phospholamban (PLB; at Ser16) and cTnI (at Ser22/23), which increased markedly with IBMX. Combined administration of cilostamide and rolipram, like IBMX alone, attenuated ET1-induced PKD activation and increased PLB and cTnI phosphorylation, while combined administration of EHNA and cilostamide or EHNA and rolipram was ineffective. Thus, cAMP pools controlled by PDE3 and PDE4, but not PDE2, regulate the PKA activity that inhibits ET1-induced PKD activation. Furthermore, PDE3 and PDE4 play redundant roles in this process, such that inhibition of both isoforms is required to achieve PKA-mediated attenuation of PKD activation

    Chemulator: Fast, accurate thermochemistry for dynamical models through emulation

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    Context. Chemical modelling serves two purposes in dynamical models: accounting for the effect of microphysics on the dynamics and providing observable signatures. Ideally, the former must be done as part of the hydrodynamic simulation but this comes with a prohibitive computational cost that leads to many simplifications being used in practice. / Aims. We aim to produce a statistical emulator that replicates a full chemical model capable of solving the temperature and abundances of a gas through time. This emulator should suffer only a minor loss of accuracy when compared to a full chemical solver and would have a fraction of the computational cost allowing it to be included in a dynamical model. / Methods. The gas-grain chemical code UCLCHEM was updated to include heating and cooling processes, and a large dataset of model outputs from possible starting conditions was produced. A neural network was then trained to map directly from inputs to outputs. / Results. Chemulator replicates the outputs of UCLCHEM with an overall mean squared error (MSE) of 1.7 × 10−4 for a single time step of 1000 yr, and it is shown to be stable over 1000 iterations with an MSE of 3 × 10−3 on the log-scaled temperature after one timzze step and 6 × 10−3 after 1000 time steps. Chemulator was found to be approximately 50 000 times faster than the time-dependent model it emulates but can introduce a significant error to some models

    Why do spatial abilities predict mathematical performance?

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    Spatial ability predicts performance in mathematics and eventual expertise in science, technology and engineering. Spatial skills have also been shown to rely on neuronal networks partially shared with mathematics. Understanding the nature of this association can inform educational practices and intervention for mathematical underperformance. Using data on two aspects of spatial ability and three domains of mathematical ability from 4174 pairs of 12-year-old twins, we examined the relative genetic and environmental contributions to variation in spatial ability and to its relationship with different aspects of mathematics. Environmental effects explained most of the variation in spatial ability (~70%) and in mathematical ability (~60%) at this age, and the effects were the same for boys and girls. Genetic factors explained about 60% of the observed relationship between spatial ability and mathematics, with a substantial portion of the relationship explained by common environmental influences (26% and 14% by shared and non-shared environments respectively). These findings call for further research aimed at identifying specific environmental mediators of the spatial–mathematics relationship

    A twin study into the genetic and environmental influences on academic performance in science in 9-year-old boys and girls

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    We investigated for the first time the genetic and environmental aetiology behind scientific achievement in primary school children, with a special focus on possible aetiological differences for boys and girls. For a representative community sample of 2602 twin pairs assessed at 9 years, scientific achievement in school was rated by teachers based on National Curriculum criteria in three domains: Scientific Enquiry, Life Processes and Physical Processes. Results indicate that genetic influences account for over 60% of the variance in scientific achievement, with environmental influences accounting for the remaining variance. Environmental influences were mainly of the non-shared variety, suggesting that children from the same family experience school environments differently. An analysis of sex differences considering differences in means, variances and aetiology of individual differences found only differences in variance between the sexes, with boys showing greater variance in performance than girls

    Microfocal X-Ray Computed Tomography Post-Processing Operations for Optimizing Reconstruction Volumes of Stented Arteries During 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling

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    Restenosis caused by neointimal hyperplasia (NH) remains an important clinical problem after stent implantation. Restenosis varies with stent geometry, and idealized computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models have indicated that geometric properties of the implanted stent may differentially influence NH. However, 3D studies capturing the in vivo flow domain within stented vessels have not been conducted at a resolution sufficient to detect subtle alterations in vascular geometry caused by the stent and the subsequent temporal development of NH. We present the details and limitations of a series of post-processing operations used in conjunction with microfocal X-ray CT imaging and reconstruction to generate geometrically accurate flow domains within the localized region of a stent several weeks after implantation. Microfocal X-ray CT reconstruction volumes were subjected to an automated program to perform arterial thresholding, spatial orientation, and surface smoothing of stented and unstented rabbit iliac arteries several weeks after antegrade implantation. A transfer function was obtained for the current post-processing methodology containing reconstructed 16 mm stents implanted into rabbit iliac arteries for up to 21 days after implantation and resolved at circumferential and axial resolutions of 32 and 50 μm, respectively. The results indicate that the techniques presented are sufficient to resolve distributions of WSS with 80% accuracy in segments containing 16 surface perturbations over a 16 mm stented region. These methods will be used to test the hypothesis that reductions in normalized wall shear stress (WSS) and increases in the spatial disparity of WSS immediately after stent implantation may spatially correlate with the temporal development of NH within the stented region

    351* Employment status of cystic fibrosis adults–a10year improving picture

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