229 research outputs found

    Galactic-Center Hyper-Shell Model for the North Polar Spurs

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    The bipolar-hyper shell (BHS) model for the North Polar Spurs (NPS-E, -W, and Loop I) and counter southern spurs (SPS-E and -W) is revisited based on numerical hydrodynamical simulations. Propagations of shock waves produced by energetic explosive events in the Galactic Center are examined. Distributions of soft X-ray brightness on the sky at 0.25, 0.7, and 1.5 keV in a +/-50 deg x +/-50 deg region around the Galactic Center are modeled by thermal emission from high-temperature plasma in the shock-compressed shell considering shadowing by the interstellar HI and H2 gases. The result is compared with the ROSAT wide field X-ray images in R2, 4 and 6 bands. The NPS and southern spurs are well reproduced by the simulation as shadowed dumbbell-shaped shock waves. We discuss the origin and energetics of the event in relation to the starburst and/or AGN activities in the Galactic Center. [ High resolution pdf is available at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sofue/htdocs/2016bhs/ ]Comment: 13 pages, 20 figures; To appear in MNRA

    Why do starless cores appear more flattened than protostellar cores?

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    We evaluate the intrinsic three dimensional shapes of molecular cores, by analysing their projected shapes. We use the recent catalogue of molecular line observations of Jijina et al. and model the data by the method originally devised for elliptical galaxies. Our analysis broadly supports the conclusion of Jones et al. that molecular cores are better represented by triaxial intrinsic shapes (ellipsoids) than biaxial intrinsic shapes (spheroids). However, we find that the best fit to all of the data is obtained with more extreme axial ratios (1:0.8:0.41:0.8:0.4) than those derived by Jones et al. More surprisingly, we find that starless cores have more extreme axial ratios than protostellar cores -- starless cores appear more `flattened'. This is the opposite of what would be expected from modeling the freefall collapse of triaxial ellipsoids. The collapse of starless cores would be expected to proceed most swiftly along the shortest axis - as has been predicted by every modeller since Zel'dovich - which should produce more flattened cores around protostars, the opposite of what is seen.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Application of the Limit Cycle Model to Star Formation Histories in Spiral Galaxies: Variation among Morphological Types

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    We propose a limit-cycle scenario of star formation history for any morphological type of spiral galaxies. It is known observationally that the early-type spiral sample has a wider range of the present star formation rate (SFR) than the late-type sample. This tendency is understood in the framework of the limit-cycle model of the interstellar medium (ISM), in which the SFR cyclically changes in accordance with the temporal variation of the mass fraction of the three ISM components. When the limit-cycle model of the ISM is applied, the amplitude of variation of the SFR is expected to change with the supernova (SN) rate. Observational evidence indicates that the early-type spiral galaxies show smaller rates of present SN than late-type ones. Combining this evidence with the limit-cycle model of the ISM, we predict that the early-type spiral galaxies show larger amplitudes in their SFR variation than the late-types. Indeed, this prediction is consistent with the observed wider range of the SFR in the early-type sample than in the late-type sample. Thus, in the framework of the limit-cycle model of the ISM, we are able to interpret the difference in the amplitude of SFR variation among the morphological classes of spiral galaxies.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, to appear in A

    Cluster Morphologies as a Test of Different Cosmological Models

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    We investigate how cluster morphology is affected by the cosmological constant in low-density universes. Using high-resolution cosmological N-body/SPH simulations of flat (\Omega_0 = 0.3, \lambda_0 = 0.7, \Lambda CDM) and open (\Omega_0 = 0.3, \lambda_0 = 0, OCDM) cold dark matter universes, we calculate statistical indicators to quantify the irregularity of the cluster morphologies. We study axial ratios, center shifts, cluster clumpiness, and multipole moment power ratios as indicators for the simulated clusters at z=0 and 0.5. Some of these indicators are calculated for both the X-ray surface brightness and projected mass distributions. In \Lambda CDM all these indicators tend to be larger than those in OCDM at z=0. This result is consistent with the analytical prediction of Richstone, Loeb, & Turner, that is, clusters in \Lambda CDM are formed later than in OCDM, and have more substructure at z=0. We make a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on each indicator for these two models. We then find that the results for the multipole moment power ratios and the center shifts for the X-ray surface brightness are under the significance level (5%). We results also show that these two cosmological models can be distinguished more clearly at z=0 than z = 0.5 by these indicators.Comment: 30pages, 6figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Remarks on flavor-neutrino propagators and oscillation formulae

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    We examine the general structure of the formulae of neutrino oscillations proposed by Blasone and Vitiello(BV). Reconstructing their formulae with the retarded propagators of the flavor neutrino fields for the case of many flavors, we can get easily the formulae which satisfy the suitable boundary conditions and are independent of arbitrary mass parameters {Όρ}\{\mu_{\rho}\}, as is obtained by BV for the case of two flavors. In this two flavor case, our formulae reduce to those obtained by BV under TT-invariance condition. Furthermore, the reconstructed probabilities are shown to coincide with those derived with recourse to the mass Hilbert space Hm{\cal H}_{m} which is unitarily inequivalent to the flavor Hilbert space Hf{\cal H}_{f}. Such a situation is not found in the corresponding construction a la BV. Then the new factors in the BV's formulae, which modify the usual oscill ation formulae, are not the trace of the flavor Hilbert space construction, but come from Bogolyubov transformation among the operators of spin-1/2 ne utrino with different masses.Comment: revtex, 16 page

    Magnetohydrodynamics of Cloud Collisions in a Multi-phase Interstellar Medium

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    We extend previous studies of the physics of interstellar cloud collisions by beginning investigation of the role of magnetic fields through 2D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulations. We study head-on collisions between equal mass, mildly supersonic diffuse clouds. We include a moderate magnetic field and two limiting field geometries, with the field lines parallel (aligned) and perpendicular (transverse) to the colliding cloud motion. We explore both adiabatic and radiative cases, as well as symmetric and asymmetric ones. We also compute collisions between clouds evolved through prior motion in the intercloud medium and compare with unevolved cases. We find that: In the (i) aligned case, adiabatic collisions, like their HD counterparts, are very disruptive, independent of the cloud symmetry. However, when radiative processes are taken into account, partial coalescence takes place even in the asymmetric case, unlike the HD calculations. In the (ii) transverse case, collisions between initially adjacent unevolved clouds are almost unaffected by magnetic fields. However, the interaction with the magnetized intercloud gas during the pre-collision evolution produces a region of very high magnetic energy in front of the cloud. In collisions between evolved clouds with transverse field geometry, this region acts like a ``bumper'', preventing direct contact between the clouds, and eventually reverses their motion. The ``elasticity'', defined as the ratio of the final to the initial kinetic energy of each cloud, is about 0.5-0.6 in the cases we considered. This behavior is found both in adiabatic and radiative cases.Comment: 40 pages in AAS LaTeX v4.0, 13 figures (in degraded jpeg format). Full resolution images as well as mpeg animations are available at http://www.msi.umn.edu:80/Projects/twj/mhd-cc/ . Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy Based on the Oscillatory Star Formation History

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    We model the star formation history (SFH) and the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk by combining an infall model and a limit-cycle model of the interstellar medium (ISM). Recent observations have shown that the SFH of the Galactic disk violently variates or oscillates. We model the oscillatory SFH based on the limit-cycle behavior of the fractional masses of three components of the ISM. The observed period of the oscillation (∌1\sim 1 Gyr) is reproduced within the natural parameter range. This means that we can interpret the oscillatory SFH as the limit-cycle behavior of the ISM. We then test the chemical evolution of stars and gas in the framework of the limit-cycle model, since the oscillatory behavior of the SFH may cause an oscillatory evolution of the metallicity. We find however that the oscillatory behavior of metallicity is not prominent because the metallicity reflects the past integrated SFH. This indicates that the metallicity cannot be used to distinguish an oscillatory SFH from one without oscillations.Comment: 21 pages LaTeX, to appear in Ap

    A Multi-wavelength Study of the Massive Star-forming Region S87

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    This article presents a multi-wavelength study towards S87, based on a dataset of submillimeter/far-/mid-infrared (sub-mm/FIR/MIR) images and molecular line maps. The sub-mm continuum emission measured with JCMT/SCUBA reveals three individual clumps, namely, SMM1, SMM2, and SMM3. The MIR/FIR images obtained by the Spitzer Space Telescope indicate that both SMM1 and SMM3 harbor point sources. The J=1-0 transitions of CO, 13CO, C18O, and HCO+, measured with the 13.7m telescope of the Purple Mountain Observatory, exhibit asymmetric line profiles. Our analysis of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) shows that all of the three sub-mm clumps are massive (110--210 M⊙M_{\odot}), with average dust temperatures in the range ~20--40K. A multi-wavelength comparison convinces us that the asymmetric profiles of molecular lines should result from two clouds at slightly different velocities, and it further confirms that the star-forming activity in SMM1 is stimulated by a cloud-cloud collision. The stellar contents and SEDs suggest that SMM1 and SMM3 are high-mass and intermediate-mass star-forming sites respectively. However, SMM2 has no counterpart downwards 70 micron, which is likely to be a cold high-mass starless core. These results, as mentioned above, expose multiple phases of star formation in S87.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Dynamics and Excitation of Radio Galaxy Emission-Line Regions - I. PKS 2356-61

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    Results are presented from a programme of detailed longslit spectroscopic observations of the extended emission-line region (EELR) associated with the powerful radio galaxy PKS 2356-61. The observations have been used to construct spectroscopic datacubes, which yield detailed information on the spatial variations of emission-line ratios across the EELR, together with its kinematic structure. We present an extensive comparison between the data and results obtained from the MAPPINGS II shock ionization code, and show that the physical properties of the line-emitting gas, including its ionization, excitation, dynamics and overall energy budget, are entirely consistent with a scenario involving auto-ionizing shocks as the dominant ionization mechanism. This has the advantage of accounting for the observed EELR properties by means of a single physical process, thereby requiring less free parameters than the alternative scheme involving photoionization by radiation from the active nucleus. Finally, possible mechanisms of shock formation are considered in the context of the dynamics and origin of the gas, specifically scenarios involving infall or accretion of gas during an interaction between the host radio galaxy and a companion galaxy.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX, uses aas2pp4.sty file, includes 9 PostScript figures. Two additional colour plates are available from the authors upon request. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
