844 research outputs found

    Topical steroid induced Cushing’s syndrome-a rare entity

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    The topical steroid therapy is the commonest mode of treatment for Psoriasis. When the therapy is overused, it can cause unusual side effects like Cushing’s syndrome which is very rarely reported and we are reporting such a case. Treatment with maintenance dose of steroids is necessary based on basal cortisol levels to avert hypocortisolemic crisis in Cushing’s syndrome, however in some select asymptomatic cases maintenance dose of steroids can be withdrawn and only stress dose be given in spite of low basal serum cortisol. We managed such a case and it is reported because of its rarity in clinical practice. This can alert the clinicians to avoid prescribing steroids as maintenance dose for a long time in asymptomatic Cushing’s syndrome with low morning cortisol and thereby reducing the side effects of long-term steroids on them

    Digitalna katastarska izmjera za identifikaciju prisvajanja zemljišta primjenom prostornih tehnologija

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    Digital Cadastral Surveying is the need of present and future generations. The invention of Computer has revamped the face of the world dynamically. Every day in our life is digitalised and with out computers the world could not perform efficiently. The Computers, Satellite images, Aerial digital images could be efficaciously used in the creation of new experimental methodologies for Cadastral Surveying. Land records are obtained by Cadastral Surveying, which in turn provides the cornerstone for Land Use Planning. Land Use planning is influenced by many factors directly and indirectly. Land encroachment is found to be one of the direct factors affecting Land Use Planning. The Land Encroachments are identified by digitisation and overlaying analysis using standard GIS software, GPS Equipments for obtaining Ground Control Points, with Satellite images and Aerial images combined with conventional land records available with the Government Authority. Disquisition of Land encroachment is undertaken in this paper, to find the encroachment and its types. The problems involved in the encroachments, their detrimental effects on country’s growth are considered while formation of methodology to the serve the purpose of its creation. Pros and Cons of the technology is known from the work and explained. This is a Research application requiring hybridization of technologies to obtain high quality spatial surveying products.Digitalna katastarska izmjera potreba je sadašnjih i budućih generacija. Pojava računala promijenila je u dinamičkom smislu cijeli svijet. Bez digitalnih uređaja i bez računala svijet ne može učinkovito funkcionirati. Računala, satelitske i zračne digitalne snimke mogu se učinkovito upotrebljavati u kreiranju novih eksperimentalnih metoda katastarske izmjere. Podaci u zemljišnim knjigama dobiveni su katastarskom izmjerom, što nam osigurava temeljne podatke za planiranje i upotrebu zemljišta. Planiranje upotrebe zemljišta pod utjecajem je brojnih čimbenika, izravno i neizravno. Prisvajanje zemljišta moguće je identificirati digitalizacijom i razlikovnom analizom pomoću standardnih GIS softvera, uz upotrebu GPS uređaja, satelitskih i aerofotogrametrijskih snimki u kombinaciji s uobičajenim podacima iz zemljišnih knjiga. Rasprava u ovom radu provodi se u svrhu otkrivanja vrsta i tipova prisvajanja zemljišta. Razmatraju se problemi koji nastaju zbog prisvajanja te njihovi štetni utjecaji na državu koja ima tendenciju rasta i širenja, kao i definiranje metodologije koja služi njezinom stvaranju. Prednosti i nedostaci takve tehnologije objašnjeni su u radu. Primjena istraživanja zahtijeva hibridnu tehnologiju za dobivanje visoko kvalitetnih rezultata


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    Objective: The objective of the current study was to identify, authenticate and prevent the adulteration of the plant Bougainvillea glabra. The following physicochemical parameters such as standardization, extraction and preliminary phytochemical screening helped in correct identification of the plant Bougainvillea glabra.Methods: Standardization includes the estimation of physicochemical parameters such as loss on drying, determination of pH range, determination of total ash, determination of water soluble ash, determination of acid insoluble ash, determination of sulfated ash and determination of hot water and ethanol-extractable matter. Preliminary phytochemical screening and TLC studies for all the extracts like chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol were carried out by standard methods.Results: Results of loss on drying and the total ash value were found to be 8.1+0.24 and 6.26±0.05 respectively. The result for water soluble ash was found to be 1.34+0.04. The results for acid insoluble ash and sulfated ash were found to be 1.35±0.03 and 1.10±0.07, respectively. The values for water soluble and ethanol soluble extractive parameters were found to be 23.45±1.13 and 12.32±0.41 respectively Preliminary phytochemical screening for all the extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, -glycosides and steroids in Bougainvillea glabra. Major constituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and glycosides were present in methanol extract. Alkaloids and flavonoids were also found in chloroform extract. The thin layer chromatography analysis of Bougainvillea glabra chloroform extract showed the presence of steroids with Rf values of 0.66 and 0.34 in benzene: ethyl acetate (85:15), chloroform: methanol (8:2) solvent systems correspondingly. The TLC analysis of ethyl acetate extract showed the presence of flavonoids with Rf values of 0.66 and 0.75 in toluene: dioxin: acetic acid (78:14:5) chloroform: acetone: formic acid (64:12.3:3.2) solvent systems, correspondingly.Conclusion: The results of standardization parameters ensure quality and purity of the plant material Bougainvillea glabra. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of various phytoconstituents like flavonoids, alkaloids and glycosides. TLC studies indicated the ash value, pH determination and solubility parameters. The data obtained from the present study provide useful data which will helpful in identification and doing research work in future

    Gaussian width bounds with applications to arithmetic progressions in random settings

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    Motivated by two problems on arithmetic progressions (APs)—concerning large deviations for AP counts in random sets and random differences in Szemer´edi’s theorem— we prove upper bounds on the Gaussian width of the image of the n-dimensional Boolean hypercube under a mapping ψ : Rn → Rk, where each coordinate is a constant-degree multilinear polynomial with 0/1 coefficients. We show the following applications of our bounds. Let [Z/NZ]p be the random subset of Z/NZ containing each element independently with probability p. • Let Xk be the number of k-term APs in [Z/NZ]p. We show that a precise estimate on the large deviation rate log Pr[Xk ≥ (1 + δ)EXk] due to Bhattacharya, Ganguly, Shao and Zhao is valid if

    Keyword Specific Cloud Computing

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    It is now a known fact that Internet of things (Iot) and Cloud computing will be the way ahead. Store and transmit of massive amounts of data is on the cards in the coming years which will profoundly affect other areas of everyday life in the next generation. Cloud and Iot are merged together is seen as an enabler of a large number of application scenarios. As an example at the start of 2016 automakers are building a driverless taxi service. Keeping this in mind a novel idea of keyword based Cloud Computing is brought about in this paper which gives out entire data to the user if the user types the keyword of the required entity

    Pathya Apathya of Visha w.s.r. to Prayoga Samucchaya

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    Agadatantra deals with the study of poison and its treatment and is given utmost importance among the branches of Ayurveda owing to its need for emergency management. Pathya Apathya is very important in the management of Visha Roga to keep the Dhatus in normal state and will not let them vitiated more by the action of Visha Gunas. People are exposed to different toxins, bites and stings and it’s the need of hour to understand properly about the Pathya Apathya to be followed in such conditions. This articles highlights the relevance of Pathya and Apathya in Visha Chikitsa from the malayalam text Prayoga Samucchaya

    Quality of symptom elicitation in an epidemiological survey on tuberculosis

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    The quality of symptom elicited by health workers in an epidemiological survey on tuberculosis was assessed by again subjecting a 10% random sample of the persons interviewed, by the supervisory staff, independently. Three thousand four hundred and forty nine persons were thus interviewed twice. The overall estimates for overdiagnosis and under-diagnosis in the elicitation of symptoms by health workers were to the extent of 16% and 8% respectively, with minimal yield of sputum positivity from the discordant groups of persons. The additional load of 16% for sputum examination can thus be considerably reduced if health workers are well trained in symptom-elicitationscreening of the population and their work is monitored through spot supervisory checks

    Effectivess of play therapy on reduction of stress among the leukemic children between the age group of 8-18 years in selected hospitals at Nagercoil, Tamilnadu

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    A study to assess the effectiveness of play therapy on reduction of stress among the leukemic children between the age group of 8-18 years in selected hospitals at Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, was conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award the degree in master of science in nursing under the Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical university, Chennai. OBJECTIVES: To assess the level of stress among the children before and after giving play therapy between the age group of 8-18 years with leukemia. To evaluate the effectiveness of play therapy on reduction of stress among the leukemic children. To find out the interrelationship between physical, psychological, social and spiritual level of stress. To find out the association between the level of stress and selected demographic variables such as age of the client, gender, educational status of the children, religion, type of family, family monthly income (in rupees), number of children in the family, type of leukemia, duration of illness, frequency of hospitalization, place of residence, method of food preparation, family history of cancer and habit of consuming Jung foods. HYPOTHESIES: There will a be a significant reduction of stress in the post test score than the pretest score. There will be a significant interrelationship between physical, psychological, social and spiritual level of stress. There will be a significant association between the level of stress and selected demographic variables such as age of the client, gender, educational status of the children, religion, type of family, family monthly income (in rupees), number of children in the family, type of leukemia, duration of illness, frequency of hospitalization, place of residence, method of food preparation, family history of cancer and habit of consuming Jung foods. ASSUMPTION: All Leukemic children will have the same level of stress. The play therapy will be an effective means in reduction of stress. Leukemic children will have stress due to the severity of the illness. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: The majority of the age group of the subjects 24 [40%] were between 14-17 years. Regarding sex of the groups 31 [51.7%] majority were females. Regarding the educational status of the groups 16 [71.4%] majority has secondary education. With regard to religion majority of the subjects 26 [43.3%] were Hindu. Regarding the type of family of the subjects, 56 [93.3%] majority were nuclear family, With regard to the monthly income of the family 23 [38.3%] majority were getting Rs/- 3001-5001. Regarding the number of children in the family 27 [45%] majority was the single child in the family. Regarding the type of leukemia 41 [68.3%] majority had Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia ( ALL). In relation to duration of illness 41 [68.3%] majority was having leukemia between one to two years. Regarding the frequency of hospitalization 18 [30%] were visiting the hospital monthly once. Regarding the place of residence 31 [51.7%] were living in urban. Regarding the method of food preparation 53 [88.3%] were preparing food in the gas stove. Regarding the previous history of cancer in the family 54 [90%] had no history of cancer in the family. Regarding the eating of Jung foods 53 [88.3%] majority were not taking Jung foods. Level of stress showed that in the pretest , among the subjects 5 [8.3%] had mild stress, 43 [71.7%] had moderate stress and 12 [20%] had severe stress. In post test among the subjects, 15 [25.0%] had mild stress, 42 [70.0%] had moderate stress and 3 [5.0%] had severe stress. On the effectiveness of play therapy the mean posttest score on the level of stress was 58.8333 which was significantly lower than the pretest value of 63.1333 and the computed value of ‘t’was 7.962 was more than the table value [2.000] at df [59] which was statistically significant at 0.05 level. This data showed that play therapy was effective in reduction of stress level. There was an interrelationship between physical, psychological, social and spiritual level of stress. The physical level of stress was positively correlated with psychological, social and spiritual level of stress [ r=0. 209, 0.044, 0.130]. Psychological level of stress was negatively correlated with Social and spiritual level of stress [r=- 0.210, -0.259*] and the level of social stress was positively correlated with the level of spiritual stress [r=0. 067]. In positive correlation as the level of physical stress increases automatic level of psychological, social and spiritual stress also increases, likewise as the social stress increases spiritual stress also increase. In the negative correlation the increase level of psychological stress did not affect the social and spiritual level of stress. There was an association with demographic variable like habit of taking Jung food was having significant at 0.05 level and the demographic variables such as age, gender, education, religion, type of family, family monthly income (in rupees), number of children in the family, type of leukemia, duration of illness, frequency of hospitalization, place of residence, method of food preparation and family history of cancer were not having association with level of stress and there was no significance. The research hypothesis was accepted. CONCLUSION: The following conclusions were made based on the above findings. Most of the subjects were in moderate and mild level of stress after the intervention. So the play therapy was effective in reducing the level of stress. The study encouraged all the age group of children to reduce their stress. This was free of cost and easily done. It can be integrated into clinical practice, and health education in order to enhance the life span of young children. A play therapy should be focused on modifying the behavior, improving flexibility and recovering from stress. By working closely with the hospitalized children, the nurse can determine which plan will work for the person, based on the individuals needs and preferences