566 research outputs found

    Equilibration dynamics and isospin effects in nuclear reactions

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    We discuss equilibration times and isospin effect for various quantities in low-energy heavy-ion reactions. These include equilibration of mass, isospin, and total kinetic energy (TKE) in quasifission and deep-inelastic reactions. The calculations are performed using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory. The influence of shell effects on the equilibration times are also discussed in the context of theoretical and experimental results.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of IWM-EC201

    Cluster model of 12C in density functional theory framework

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    We employ the constrained density functional theory to investigate cluster phenomena for the 12^{12}C nucleus. The proton and neutron densities are generated from the placement of three 4^{4}He nuclei (alpha particles) geometrically. These densities are then used in a density constrained Hartree-Fock calculation that produces an antisymmetrized state with the same densities through energy minimization. In the calculations no \textit{a priori} analytic form for the single-particle states is assumed and the full energy density functional is utilized. The geometrical scan of the energy landscape provides the ground state of 12^{12}C as an equilateral triangular configuration of three alphas with molecular bond like structures. The use of the nucleon localization function provides further insight to these configurations. One can conclude that these configurations are a hybrid between a pure mean-field and a pure alpha particle condensate. This development could facilitate DFT based fusion calculations with a more realistic 12^{12}C ground state.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Timescales of quantum equilibration, dissipation and fluctuation in nuclear collisions

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    Understanding the dynamics of equilibration processes in quantum systems as well as their interplay with dissipation and fluctuation is a major challenge in quantum many-body theory. The timescales of such processes are investigated in collisions of atomic nuclei using fully microscopic approaches. Results from time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) and time-dependent random-phase approximation (TDRPA) calculations are compared for 13 systems over a broad range of energies. The timescale for full mass equilibration (∼2×10−20\sim2\times10^{-20}s) is found to be much larger than timescales for neutron-to-proton equilibration, kinetic energy and angular momentum dissipations which are on the order of 10−2110^{-21}s. Fluctuations of mass numbers in the fragments and correlations between their neutron and proton numbers build up within only a few 10−2110^{-21}s. This indicates that dissipation is basically not impacted by mass equilibration, but is mostly driven by the exchange of nucleons between the fragments.Comment: Letter: 6 pages, 5 figures. Supplemental material (tables): 18 pages. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Theoretical Uncertainty Quantification for Heavy-ion Fusion

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    Despite recent advances and focus on rigorous uncertainty quantification for microscopic models of quantum many-body systems, the uncertainty on the dynamics of those systems has been under-explored. To address this, we have used time-dependent Hartree-Fock to examine the model uncertainty for a collection of low-energy, heavy-ion fusion reactions. Fusion reactions at near-barrier energies represent a rich test-bed for the dynamics of quantum many-body systems owing to the complex interplay of collective excitation, transfer, and static effects that determine the fusion probability of a given system. While the model uncertainty is sizable for many of the systems studied, the primary contribution comes from ill-constrained static properties, such as the neutron radius of neutron-rich nuclei. These large uncertainties motivate the use of information from reactions to better constrain existing models and to infer static properties from reaction data.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of Pauli repulsion and transfer on fusion

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    The effect of the Pauli exclusion principle on the nucleus-nucleus bare potential is studied using a new density-constrained extension of the Frozen-Hartree-Fock (DCFHF) technique. The resulting potentials exhibit a repulsion at short distance. The charge product dependence of this Pauli repulsion is investigated. Dynamical effects are then included in the potential with the density-constrained time-dependent Hartree-Fock (DCTDHF) method. In particular, isovector contributions to this potential are used to investigate the role of transfer on fusion, resulting in a lowering of the inner part of the potential for systems with positive Q-value transfer channels.Comment: Proceedings of an invited talk given at FUSION17, Hobart, Tasmania, AU (20-24 February, 2017

    Comparison of fission and quasi-fission modes

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    Quantum shell effects are known to affect the formation of fragments in nuclear fission. Shell effects also affect quasi-fission reactions occurring in heavy-ion collisions. Systematic time-dependent Hartree-Fock simulations of 50Ca+176Yb collisions show that the mass equilibration between the fragments in quasi-fission is stopped when they reach similar properties to those in the asymmetric fission mode of the 226Th compound nucleus. Similar shell effects are then expected to determine the final repartition of nucleons between the nascent fragments in both mechanisms. Future experimental studies that could test these observations are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl
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