9 research outputs found

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    East European countries have reported high prevalence of Arterial Hypertension (AHT). In order to investigate the data for Romania, we firstly performed a national survey-the Study for the Evaluation of Prevalence of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk in Adult Population in Romania (SEPHAR). A representative population was selected using stratified proportional sampling, including 2017 adult subjects, ≥18 years old. The general prevalence of AHT was 44,92%, higher in men (50,17%) than in women (41,11%) (P < .0001) and predominant in rural areas (49,47%) in comparison to the urban ones (41,58%) (P < .02). AHT awareness attended 44,26%, rising with age, significantly lower in men (34,58%) than in women (52,8%) (P < .0006). We have found a 38,85% proportion of treated hypertensive persons, worse for men (30,11%) then for women (46,56%) (P < .003). The rate of AHT control was 19,88%, with no significant differences between gender. In conclusion, we estimated for Romania a high prevalence of AHT, a level of awareness and treatment lower than in many European countries and a rate of treatment control at the inferior limit of the European average. Males, characterized by a higher prevalence of AHT, were also less aware and less treated than women

    The estimate a caries risk through cariogram

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    Deep remineralization method used in initial caries lesions treatment

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    Summary In the clinical study were evaluated 30 pacientes having 72 initial caries lesions who were splited in 3 groups (first group included pacientes with lesions treated using deep remineralization method, the second group pacientes having lesions treated using clasical fluorization and the third group pacientes who did not received any treatment for the caries lesions). The results have demonstrated higher efficiency of deep fluorization method when compare with the clasical fluorization. Good effects of this therapy were obtained both in depth and in width of the caries lesions. An important advantage of this method consisted in a long time remineralization and a deep remineralization of the caries defect.Rezumat Cercetările clinice realizate pe 30 pacienţi, respectiv 86 leziuni carioase incipiente repartizate pe 3 loturi (lot 1 tratament prin remineralizare profundă, lot 2 tratament prin fluorizare clasică, lot 3-Martor, care nu a fost supus nici unui tratament de fluorizare, decât că au fost aplicate măsuri de îndepărtare a factorilor etiologici). S-a demonstrat eficacitatea net superioară a metodei de remineralizare profundă instituită în leziunile carioase incipiente, obţinându-se astfel un efect terapeutic mai bun atât în profunzime cât şi în suprafaţa acestuia. Un alt avantaj major este obţinerea unui efect remineralizant de mai lungă durată şi o remineralizare a focarului până în profunzimea defectului

    Clinical study to evaluate the factors involved in the evolution of the halitosis in a group of students

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    Halitoza este o problemă medico-socială universală, în toate comunităţile şi se referă la mirosul neplăcut care se emană din cavitatea orală. Obiectivele acestui studiu sunt: de a investiga prevalenţa halitozei evaluându-se prin mijloace clinice, paraclinice şi printr-un screening tip anchetă a prezenţei halitozei, a factorilor cauzali implicaţi: patologia cavităţii orale asociate, cum ar fi cariile dentare şi boala parodontală, practicile de igienă orală, şi bolile generale implicate, în rândul unui eşantion de studenţi de la Facultatea de Medicină Dentară UMF Gr.T. Popa. Analiza rezultatelor obţinute cu stabilitatea corespondenţei dintre percepţia propriei halitoze şi a măsurilor de igienă orală efectuate de participanţii la studiu. Caracteristicile şi etiologia respiraţiei urât mirositoare s-au analizat pe un grup de 176 de studenţi, anul III-IV de la facultatea de Medicină Dentară, care au fost supuşi unei evaluări: printr-un chestionar standard şi un examen clinic odonto-parodontal complet, inclusiv a unui examen paraclinic cu un dispozitiv portabil (Detector de halenă ), stabilindu-se punctajele organoleptice măsurate.Halitosis is a universal medical and social problem in all communities and refers to the bad odor that emanates from the oral cavity. The objectives of this study are: to investigate the prevalence of the Halitosis by clinical and laboratory methods, to determine the causal factors involved: oral cavity associated pathology such as dental caries and periodontal disease, oral hygiene practices, and general diseases involved among a sample of students from the Faculty of Dental Gr. T. Popa. Stability analysis results obtained with the correspondence between their perception of halitosis and oral hygiene measures by survey participants. Characteristics and etiology of bad breath were analyzed in a group of 176 students. They were subjected to an assessment: through a standard questionnaire and a clinical examination including a paraclinical examination with a portable device (Halitosis Detector)

    Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension in Romania: Results of the SEPHAR Study

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    East European countries have reported high prevalence of Arterial Hypertension (AHT). In order to investigate the data for Romania, we firstly performed a national survey—the Study for the Evaluation of Prevalence of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk in Adult Population in Romania (SEPHAR). A representative population was selected using stratified proportional sampling, including 2017 adult subjects, ≥18 years old. The general prevalence of AHT was 44,92%, higher in men (50,17%) than in women (41,11%) (P < .0001) and predominant in rural areas (49,47%) in comparison to the urban ones (41,58%) (P < .02). AHT awareness attended 44,26%, rising with age, significantly lower in men (34,58%) than in women (52,8%) (P < .0006). We have found a 38,85% proportion of treated hypertensive persons, worse for men (30,11%) then for women (46,56%) (P < .003). The rate of AHT control was 19,88%, with no significant differences between gender. In conclusion, we estimated for Romania a high prevalence of AHT, a level of awareness and treatment lower than in many European countries and a rate of treatment control at the inferior limit of the European average. Males, characterized by a higher prevalence of AHT, were also less aware and less treated than women

    Influence of Salivary Factor on Rampant Caries to Patients with Asthma

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    The aim of study is to assess the relation between corticostheroid dose for patients with asthma and the modifications of salivary factor, associated with the increase of dental caries prevalence. The study group included patients with asthma diagnosed in Clinical Hospital of Pneumophtisiology Iasi, treated with different corticostheroid doses. The patients were submitted to an oral assessment and salivary tests were performed (RFR, RFS, CT). Data were statistically processed using software SPSS 13. The statistical tests included Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Pearson Correlation. The results demonstrated that patients under therapy with glucocorticoides for asthma present significant changing of salivary rate and salivary buffering capacity

    Clinical research Objectives and methodology of Romanian SEPHAR II Survey. Project for comparing the prevalence and control of cardiovascular risk factors in two East-European countries: Romania and Poland

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    A b s t r a c t Introduction: Comparing results of representative surveys conducted in different East-European countries could contribute to a better understanding and management of cardiovascular risk factors, offering grounds for the development of health policies addressing the special needs of this high cardiovascular risk region of Europe. The aim of this paper was to describe the methodology on which the comparison between the Romanian survey SEPHAR II and the Polish survey NATPOL 2011 results is based. Material and methods: SEPHAR II, like NATPOL 2011, is a cross-sectional survey conducted on a representative sample of the adult Romanian population (18 to 80 years) and encompasses two visits with the following components: completing the study questionnaire, blood pressure and anthropometric measurements, and collection of blood and urine samples. Results: From a total of 2223 subjects found at 2860 visited addresses, 2044 subjects gave written consent but only 1975 subjects had eligible data for the analysis, accounting for a response rate of 69.06%. Additionally we excluded 11 subjects who were 80 years of age (NATPOL 2011 included adult subjects up to 79 years). Therefore, the sample size included in the statistical analysis is 1964. It has similar age groups and gender structure as the Romanian population aged 18-79 years from the last census available at the moment of conducting the survey (weight adjustments for epidemiological analyses range from 0.48 to 8.7). Conclusions: Sharing many similarities, the results of SEPHAR II and NATPOL 2011 surveys can be compared by a proper statistical method offering crucial information regarding cardiovascular risk factors in a high-cardiovascular risk European region

    Effect of 15% Carbamide Peroxide on the Surface Roughness and Adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to Microhybrid Composite Resin and Giomer

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