241 research outputs found

    Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes:A Systematic Review

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    Community-Based Health Insurance Schemes:A Systematic Review

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    Does community-based health insurance affect lifestyle and timing of treatment seeking behavior?:Evidence from Ethiopia

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    Objectives: This paper aims to investigate the effects of enrollment in the Ethiopian community-based health insurance (CBHI) scheme on household preventive care activities and the timing of treatment-seeking behavior for illness symptoms. There is growing concern about the financial sustainability of CBHI schemes in developing countries. However, few empirical studies have identified potential contributors, including ex-ante and ex-post moral hazards. Methods: We implement a household fixed-effect panel data regression model, drawing on three rounds of household survey data collected face to face in districts where CBHI scheme is operational and in districts where it is not operational in Ethiopia. Results: The findings show that enrolment in CBHI does not significantly influence household behaviour regarding preventive care activities such as water treatment before drinking and handwashing before meals. However, CBHI significantly increases delay in treatment-seeking behaviour for diseases symptoms. Particularly, on average, we estimate about 4‒6 h delay for malaria symptoms, a little above 4 h for tetanus, and 10‒11 h for tuberculosis among the insured households. Conclusions: While there is evidence that CBHI improve the utilization of outpatient or primary care services, our study suggests that insured members may wait longer before visiting health facilities. This delay could be partly due to moral hazard problems, as insured households, particularly those from rural areas, may consider the opportunity costs associated with visiting health facilities for minor symptoms. Overall, it is essential to identify the primary causes of delays in seeking medical services and implement appropriate interventions to encourage insured individuals to seek early medical attention.</p

    Does community-based health insurance affect lifestyle and timing of treatment seeking behavior?:Evidence from Ethiopia

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    Objectives: This paper aims to investigate the effects of enrollment in the Ethiopian community-based health insurance (CBHI) scheme on household preventive care activities and the timing of treatment-seeking behavior for illness symptoms. There is growing concern about the financial sustainability of CBHI schemes in developing countries. However, few empirical studies have identified potential contributors, including ex-ante and ex-post moral hazards. Methods: We implement a household fixed-effect panel data regression model, drawing on three rounds of household survey data collected face to face in districts where CBHI scheme is operational and in districts where it is not operational in Ethiopia. Results: The findings show that enrolment in CBHI does not significantly influence household behaviour regarding preventive care activities such as water treatment before drinking and handwashing before meals. However, CBHI significantly increases delay in treatment-seeking behaviour for diseases symptoms. Particularly, on average, we estimate about 4‒6 h delay for malaria symptoms, a little above 4 h for tetanus, and 10‒11 h for tuberculosis among the insured households. Conclusions: While there is evidence that CBHI improve the utilization of outpatient or primary care services, our study suggests that insured members may wait longer before visiting health facilities. This delay could be partly due to moral hazard problems, as insured households, particularly those from rural areas, may consider the opportunity costs associated with visiting health facilities for minor symptoms. Overall, it is essential to identify the primary causes of delays in seeking medical services and implement appropriate interventions to encourage insured individuals to seek early medical attention.</p

    Correlates of Complete Childhood Vaccination in East African Countries.

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    Despite the benefits of childhood vaccinations, vaccination rates in low-income countries (LICs) vary widely. Increasing coverage of vaccines to 90% in the poorest countries over the next 10 years has been estimated to prevent 426 million cases of illness and avert nearly 6.4 million childhood deaths worldwide. Consequently, we sought to provide a comprehensive examination of contemporary vaccination patterns in East Africa and to identify common and country-specific barriers to complete childhood vaccination. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, we looked at the prevalence of complete vaccination for polio, measles, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and DTwPHibHep (DTP) as recommended by the WHO among children ages 12 to 23 months. We conducted multivariable logistic regression within each country to estimate associations between complete vaccination status and health care access and sociodemographic variables using backwards stepwise regression. Vaccination varied significantly by country. In all countries, the majority of children received at least one dose of a WHO recommended vaccine; however, in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda less than 50% of children received a complete schedule of recommended vaccines. Being delivered in a public or private institution compared with being delivered at home was associated with increased odds of complete vaccination status. Sociodemographic covariates were not consistently associated with complete vaccination status across countries. Although no consistent set of predictors accounted for complete vaccination status, we observed differences based on region and the location of delivery. These differences point to the need to examine the historical, political, and economic context of each country in order to maximize vaccination coverage. Vaccination against these childhood diseases is a critical step towards reaching the Millennium Development Goal of reducing under-five mortality by two-thirds by 2015 and thus should be a global priority

    Ecosystem-based interventions and farm household welfare in degraded areas: Comparative evidence from Ethiopia

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    Agricultural productivity and farm household welfare in areas of severe land degradation can be improved through ecosystem-based interventions. Decisions on the possible types of practices and investments can be informed using evidence of potential benefits. Using farm household data together with a farm level stochastic simulation model provides an initial quantification of farm income and nutrition outcomes that can be generated over a five year period from manure and compost based organic amendment of crop lands. Simulated results show positive income and nutrition impacts. Mean farm income increases by 13% over the planning period, from US32,833underthebusinessasusualsituation(applicationof50kgDAPand25kgureaha1yr1)toUS32,833 under the business as usual situation (application of 50 kg DAP and 25 kg urea ha− 1 yr− 1) to US37,172 under application of 10 t ha− 1 yr− 1 farm yard manure during the first three years and 5 t ha− 1 yr− 1 during the last two years. As a result of organic soil amendment, there is an associated increase in the available calorie, protein, fat, calcium, and iron per adult equivalent, giving the improvement in farm household nutrition. The evidence is substantive enough to suggest the promotion and adoption at scale, in degraded ecosystems, of low cost organic soil amendment practices to improve agricultural productivity and subsequent changes in farm household welfare

    Phenotypic and Functional Properties of Helios+ Regulatory T Cells

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    Helios, an Ikaros family transcription factor, is preferentially expressed at the mRNA and protein level in regulatory T cells. Helios expression previously appeared to be restricted to thymic-derived Treg. Consistent with recent data, we show here that Helios expression is inducible in vitro under certain conditions. To understand phenotypic and functional differences between Helios+ and Helios− Treg, we profiled cell-surface markers of FoxP3+ Treg using unmanipulated splenocytes. We found that CD103 and GITR are expressed at high levels on a subset of Helios+ Treg and that a Helios+ Treg population could be significantly enriched by FACS sorting using these two markers. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis revealed increased TGF-β message in Helios+ Treg, consistent with the possibility that this population possesses enhanced regulatory potential. In tumor-bearing mice, we found that Helios+ Treg were relatively over-represented in the tumor-mass, and BrdU studies showed that, in vivo, Helios+ Treg proliferated more than Helios− Treg. We hypothesized that Helios-enriched Treg might exert increased suppressive effects. Using in vitro suppression assays, we show that Treg function correlates with the absolute number of Helios+ cells in culture. Taken together, these data show that Helios+ Treg represent a functional subset with associated CD103 and GITR expression

    Importance of Ethnicity, CYP2B6 and ABCB1 Genotype for Efavirenz Pharmacokinetics and Treatment Outcomes: A Parallel-group Prospective Cohort Study in two sub-Saharan Africa Populations.

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    We evaluated the importance of ethnicity and pharmacogenetic variations in determining efavirenz pharmacokinetics, auto-induction and immunological outcomes in two African populations. ART naïve HIV patients from Ethiopia (n = 285) and Tanzania (n = 209) were prospectively enrolled in parallel to start efavirenz based HAART. CD4+ cell counts were determined at baseline, 12, 24 and 48 weeks. Plasma and intracellular efavirenz and 8-hydroxyefvairenz concentrations were determined at week 4 and 16. Genotyping for common functional CYP2B6, CYP3A5, ABCB1, UGT2B7 and SLCO1B1 variant alleles were done. Patient country, CYP2B6*6 and ABCB1 c.4036A>G (rs3842A>G) genotype were significant predictors of plasma and intracellular efavirenz concentration. CYP2B6*6 and ABCB1 c.4036A>G (rs3842) genotype were significantly associated with higher plasma efavirenz concentration and their allele frequencies were significantly higher in Tanzanians than Ethiopians. Tanzanians displayed significantly higher efavirenz plasma concentration at week 4 (p<0.0002) and week 16 (p = 0.006) compared to Ethiopians. Efavirenz plasma concentrations remained significantly higher in Tanzanians even after controlling for the effect of CYP2B6*6 and ABCB1 c.4036A>G genotype. Within country analyses indicated a significant decrease in the mean plasma efavirenz concentration by week 16 compared to week 4 in Tanzanians (p = 0.006), whereas no significant differences in plasma concentration over time was observed in Ethiopians (p = 0.84). Intracellular efavirenz concentration and patient country were significant predictors of CD4 gain during HAART. We report substantial differences in efavirenz pharmacokinetics, extent of auto-induction and immunologic recovery between Ethiopian and Tanzanian HIV patients, partly but not solely, due to pharmacogenetic variations. The observed inter-ethnic variations in efavirenz plasma exposure may possibly result in varying clinical treatment outcome or adverse event profiles between populations