3,090 research outputs found

    A wind tunnel investigation into the effects of roof curvature on the aerodynamic drag experienced by a light goods vehicle

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    Roof curvature is used to increase ground vehicle camber and enhance rear-body boat-tailing to reduce aerodynamic drag. Little aerodynamic data is published for light goods vehicles (LGVs) which account for a significant proportion of annual UK licensed vehicle miles. This paper details scale wind tunnel measurements at Re = 1.6 × 106 of a generic LGV utilising interchangeable roof panels to investigate the effects of curved roof profile on aerodynamic drag at simulated crosswinds between -6° and 16°. Optimum magnitudes of roof profile depth and axial location are suggested and the limited dataset indicates that increasing roof curvature is effective in reducing drag over a large yaw range, compared to a flat roof profile. This is primarily due to increased base pressure, possibly from enhanced mixing of longitudinal vortices shed from the rear-body upper side edges and increased turbulent mixing in the near-wake due to the increased effective boat-tail angle

    Transborder Data Flow: Separating the Privacy Interests of Individuals and Corporations

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    The merger of computer and communications technologies in the past two decades has revolutionized information processing throughout the world. The most recent telecommunications advances possible direct international transfers of sensitive personal data via computer-satellite links. Computerized data bases containing commercial information identifying citizens of one country are now routinely transferred to and stored in another, often without the knowledge of the individuals identified in the data. Numerous European countries have enacted data protection legislation with the avowed intent to protect their citizens from the improper use of personal information that is transferred extranationally. These data protection laws prohibit the export of such information under certain specified conditions

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di One Way Production

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di One Way Production. Pengambilan sample menggunakan convenience sampling sehingga didapatkan jumlah responden sebanyak 109 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan disertai uji F (simultan) dan uji t (parsial). Proses pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 21.0.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dan motivasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan

    Cost effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with standard hysterectomy: results from a randomised trial

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    Objective: To assess the cost effectiveness of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with conventional hysterectomy (abdominal or vaginal). Design: Cost effectiveness analysis based on two parallel trials: laparoscopic (n = 324) compared with vaginal hysterectomy (n = 163); and laparoscopic (n = 573) compared with abdominal hysterectomy (n = 286). Participants: 1346 women requiring a hysterectomy for reasons other than malignancy. Main outcome measure: One year costs estimated from NHS perspective. Health outcomes expressed in terms of QALYs based on women's responses to the EQ-5D at baseline and at three points during up to 52 weeks' follow up. Results: Laparoscopic hysterectomy cost an average of pound401 (708;C571)more(95708; C571) more (95% confidence interval pound271 to pound542) than vaginal hysterectomy but produced little difference in mean QALYs (0.0015, 0.0 15 to 0.0 18). Mean differences in cost and QALYs generated an incremental cost per QALY gained of pound267 333 (471789; E380 437). The, probability that laparoscopic hysterectomy is cost effective was below 50% for a large range of values of willingness to pay for an additional QALY. Laparoscopic hysterectomy cost an average of pound186 (328;E265)morethanabdominalhysterectomy,although95328; E265) more than abdominal hysterectomy, although 95% confidence intervals crossed zero -pound26 to pound375); there was little difference in mean QALYs (0.007, - 0.008 to 0,023), resulting in an incremental cost per QALY gained of pound26 571 (46 893; E37 813). If the NHS is willing to pay pound30 0 00 for an additional QALY, the probability that laparoscopic hysterectomy is cost effective is 56%. Conclusions: Laparoscopic hysterectomy is not cost effective relative to vaginal hysterectomy. Its cost effectiveness relative to the abdominal procedure is finely balanced

    Review of the Monitoring Programme: Baseline Measurement and Analysis of UK Ozone and UV

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    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Devolved Administrations (DA) continue to fund a long-running programme Baseline Measurement and Analysis of UK Ozone and UV to monitor column (effectively stratospheric) ozone and surface UV. The main driver for the monitoring programme is the 1985 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer. The Convention obliges parties (including the UK) to undertake inter alia monitoring, data dissemination and information exchange activities. The current monitoring programme comprises: • measurements of column ozone at two sites in the UK (Lerwick and Reading) • spectrally-resolved UV measurements at one site (Reading) The ozone element of the monitoring programme was reviewed in 2002. Defra has commissioned this review of the programme to ensure that it continues to meet current and future policy and scientific requirements as well as international obligations. The Review The review was structured in terms of 7 questions, which addressed a range of strategic, technical and organisational aspects of the monitoring programme. 1. How does the monitoring programme help to meet the UK obligations under the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer? 2. Are the data currently collected in the monitoring programme fit for purpose? If not, what measures could be employed to make the data fit for purpose? Are there any activities in the current monitoring programme which are no longer needed? 3. Are the current measurement techniques viable into the future (over a 5-20 year timescale), and what other techniques/instruments are available? 4. Are current methodologies for disseminating information sufficient? If other techniques/instruments are preferable, how (or indeed could) they be introduced whilst maintaining the continuity of the results? 5. Is the current monitoring programme cost effective? 6. Is the current monitoring programme structured for optimum delivery? 7. Should all or part of the programme be competitively tendered, or indeed should it be competitively tendered at all? Summary of Findings The key findings were 1. The current monitoring programme is working well but it has a low profile and impact 2. There are options to evolve the programme but these require further, more detailed evaluation

    Evaluasi Sistem Manajemen K3 Terhadap Metode Pemancangan Jack-in Pile

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    Pekerjaan Pekerjaan pondasi menggunakan metode jack-in pile sering kali menjadi pilihan pada proyek-proyek konstruksi di Surabaya. Meskipun lebih praktis dibandingkan metode lain, metode ini tetap menggunakan banyak alat berat sehingga kontraktor perlu memperhatikan penerapan peraturan untuk keselamatan para pekerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah sistem manajemen K3 yang telah diterapkan oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan kontraktor pemancangan sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada atau tidak, serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memungkinkan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Dari hasil 2 metode penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil yang cukup berbeda. Hasil wawancara tidak sesuai dengan hasil observasi di lapangan. Persentase penerapan yang mencapai 87,5% pada saat wawancara ternyata berbeda jauh dengan Kenyataannya yang hanya mencapai persentase 53,85%. Dari hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa belum semua sistem manajemen K3 yang direncanakan oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan kontraktor pemancangan diaplikasikan dengan baik di lapangan. Perusahaan tidak pernah menyediakan rambu-rambu K3 yang menyebabkan kesadaran yang rendah dari para pekerjanya untuk mentaati peraturan-peraturan, sebagai contoh, pekerja yang menggunakan helm hanya 38%, operator yang menggunakan pelindung kepala hanya 25%, kebersihan dan ketertiban di proyek masih sangat buruk

    Governing Inside the Organization: Interpreting Regulation and Compliance

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    Looking inside organizations at the different positions, expertise, and autonomy of the actors, the authors use multisite ethnographic data on safety practices to develop a typology of how the regulator, as the focal actor in the regulatory process, is interpreted within organizations. The findings show that organizational actors express constructions of the regulator as an ally, threat, and obstacle that vary with organizational expertise, authority, and continuity of relationship between the organizational member and the regulator. The article makes three contributions to the current understandings of organizational governance and regulatory compliance, thereby extending both institutional and ecological accounts of organizations’ behavior with respect to their environments. First, the authors document not only variation across organizations but variable compliance within an organization. Second, the variations described do not derive from alternative institutional logics, but from variations in positions, autonomy, and expertise within each organization. From their grounded theory, the authors hypothesize that these constructions carry differential normative interpretations of regulation and probabilities for compliance, and thus the third contribution, the typology, when correlated with organizational hierarchy provides the link between microlevel action and discourse and organizational performance

    Quenched chirality in RbNiCl3_3

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    The critical behaviour of stacked-triangular antiferromagnets has been intensely studied since Kawamura predicted new universality classes for triangular and helical antiferromagnets. The new universality classes are linked to an additional discrete degree of freedom, chirality, which is not present on rectangular lattices, nor in ferromagnets. However, the theoretical as well as experimental situation is discussed controversially, and generic scaling without universality has been proposed as an alternative scenario. Here we present a careful investigation of the zero-field critical behaviour of RbNiCl3_3, a stacked-triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet with very small Ising anisotropy. From linear birefringence experiments we determine the specific heat exponent α\alpha as well as the critical amplitude ratio A+/A−A^+/A^-. Our high-resolution measurements point to a single second order phase transition with standard Heisenberg critical behaviour, contrary to all theoretical predictions. From a supplementary neutron diffraction study we can exclude a structural phase transition at TN_N. We discuss our results in the context of other available experimental results on RbNiCl3_3 and related compounds. We arrive at a simple intuitive explanation which may be relevant for other discrepancies observed in the critical behaviour of stacked-triangular antiferromagnets. In RbNiCl3_3 the ordering of the chirality is suppressed by strong spin fluctuations, yielding to a different phase diagram, as compared to e.g.\@ CsNiCl3_3, where the Ising anisotropy prevents these fluctuations
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