18 research outputs found

    Аскорбат анион - эффективный противострессовый лиганд нового поколения для лития

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    The state of chronic stress caused by various exogenous factors, is always accompanied by a state of excitation in the Central nervous system, neurodegenerative disorder of body functions, impairment of metabolic and physiological processes, immune abnormalities. To increase stress tolerance it is necessary to maintain the body's balance functions of the nervous, immune, endocrine and antioxidant systems of the monooxygenase. The analysis of Literature data and results of own researches of the authors give grounds to conclude that higher stress can be achieved by reducing the Level of free radical oxidation, optimization of Lipid-choLesteroL and hormonal status when using anti-stress drugs of new generation, which incLude organic Lithium saLts. UnLike many synthetic tranquiLizers and sedatives, acting on the neuroreceptors, organic Lithium saLts affect mentaL activity, without affecting neuroreceptors unit of the brain, and are invoLved in the reguLation of neurosynaptic activity through inhibition of enzymes responsibLe for the main metaboLic degradation pathway of gamma-aminobutyric acid - inhibition of GABA-decarboxyLase and GABA-aminotransferase. There is reason to beLieve this method of increasing stress resistance are not onLy more effective but aLso more physioLogicaL Compound organic Lithium saL with ascorbic acid, combined effect on neurohumoraL status and normaLize it, with the effect of their use is the resuLt of decrease LeveL of free radicaL oxidation, incLuding Lipid peroxidation. Lithium ions, contribute to the maintenance of normaL excitabiLity of CentraL nervous system and bLood vesseL tone by reducing the excessive concentration of norepinephrine in the CentraL nervous system and normaLization of the LeveL of sodium ions in nerve and muscLe ceLLs. The compLex nature of neyroLepticheskih of action of Lithium is due to the existence of muLtipLe pathways of exposure to Lithium ions on physioLogicaL processes. With sufficient suppLy of Lithium sensitivity of the brain to dopamine increases. Lithium ions have an effect on the homeostasis of neurotransmitters, and increase the synthesis of neurotrophic factors and the sensitivity of ceLLs of the nervous system to their effects. Further study of the physioLogicaL action of organic saLts of Lithium wiLL aLLow to expand representations about the mechanism of antistress action of drugs of this type and to outLine ways of enhancing the stress resistance of humans and animaLs in the treatment and prevention of depressive and subdepressive States.Состояние хронического стресса, вызвано различными экзогенными факторами, всегда сопровождается состоянием возбуждения в центральной нервной системе, нейродегенеративной неупорядоченностью функций организма, нарушениями метаболических и физиологических процессов, иммунными отклонениями. Для повышения стрессоустойчивости необходимо поддержание в организме сбалансированности функций нервной, иммунной, эндокринной, антиоксидантной и монооксигеназной систем. Проведённый анализ данных литературы и результаты собственных исследований авторов дают основание заключить, что повышение стрессоустойчивости может быть достигнуто за счёт снижения уровня свободнорадикального окисления, оптимизации липидно-холестеролового и гормонального статуса при использовании антистрессовых препаратов нового поколения, к которым можно отнести органические соли лития. В отличие от многочисленных синтетических транквилизаторов и седативных веществ, воздействующих на нейрорецепторы, органические соли лития влияют на психическую активность, не затрагивая нейрорецепторный аппарат мозга, и включаются в регуляцию нейросинаптической активности за счёт ингибирования ферментов, ответственных за главный метаболический путь деградации гамма-аминомасляной кислоты - ингибирование ГАМК-декарбоксилазы и ГАМК-аминотрансферазы. Есть основания считать такой способ повышения стрессоустойчивости не только более эффективным, но и более физиологичным. Соединения органической соли лития с аскорбиновой кислотой комплексно воздействуют на нейрогуморальный статус и нормализуют его, при этом эффект от их применения является следствием снижения уровня свободнорадикального окисления, включая липопероксидацию. Ионы лития способствуют поддержанию нормальной возбудимости ЦНС и тонуса кровеносных сосудов за счёт снижения избыточной концентрации норадреналина в ЦНС и нормализации уровня ионов натрия в нервных и мышечных клетках. Комплексный характер нейролептического действия препаратов лития объясняется существованием нескольких путей воздействия ионов лития на физиологические процессы. При достаточной обеспеченности литием чувствительность мозга к дофамину повышается. Ионы лития оказывают влияние на гомеостаз нейротрансмиттеров, повышают синтез нейротрофических факторов и чувствительность клеток нервной системы к их воздействию. Дальнейшее изучение физиологического действия органических солей лития позволит расширить представления о механизме антистрессового действия препаратов этого типа и наметить реальные пути повышения стрессоустойчивости человека и животных, в лечении и профилактике депрессивных и субдепрессивных состояний

    Radiation-resistant photostructure for Schottky diode based on Cr/In2Hg3Te6

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    Ge, Si, InGaAs, GaInAsP photodiodes are used as optical radiation receivers and function in a spectral range of transparency of quartz fiberglass. For the optical systems operated in the increased radioactivity the photodetectors' application on In2Hg3Te6 crystal base characterized by a photosensitivity in the spectral range of 0,5-1,6 mm and also by increased radiation resistance to alpha, beta and gamma radiation is most acceptable. Schottky photodiode structure was designed on the base of this semiconductor formed by a modified floating zone recrystallization technique where the sedimentation effect was leveled. It consists of n-In2Hg3Te6 substrate and deposited by cathode sputtering Cr barrier layer of thickness within a range 10-11 nm choice of Cr is determined by its optimal optical, electric and adhesive features in high quality radiation-resistant photodiode structures manufacturing. Indium and nichrome are used as ohmic contacts. The barrier structures have the contact area of 1,13 mm2 with photo response of 0,6-1,6 mm at the maximal sensitivity 0,43 A/W on the wavelength l,55 mm. Reverse dark current of these structures do not exceed 4 mA at the bias of 1 V (T=295 K), and the potential barrier height is equal to 0,41 eV. The tests of radiation resistance of these structures demonstrated their ability to function at doses of 2⋅108 rem without evident parameters changes. This allows using them in practical aims in the conditions of high radiation

    Predictive value of the integral assessment of congestion in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Purpose: to assess the predictive value of NT-proBNP, В-lines according to ultrasound of the lungs, liver density according to indirect elastometry, reactance according to bioimpedance vector analysis (BIVA), performed at discharge from the hospital in patients with chronic heart failure (H.F.), on survival rates (overall mortality and readmission). Material and methods: the study included 105 patients (72% men, mean age 66.5 ± 11.5 years) with CHF. Arterial hypertension in the anamnesis had 94%, coronary heart disease - 60%, type 2 diabetes mellitus - 40% of patients. All patients underwent the following research: NT-proBNP, Ultrasound of the lungs (B-lines, 8 zones), liver density according to indirect elastometry, reactance according to bioimpedance vector analysis (BIVA) at discharge. Long-term clinical outcomes were assessed using a structured telephone survey method 1,3,6,12 months after discharge. The combined overall mortality and readmission rates were assessed as an endpoint. Threshold values were calculated for different methods for detecting congestion - the number of B lines according to ultrasound data> 5, NT-proBNP> 3465 pg/mL, liver density (> 9.2 kPa), reactance according to BIVA data ≤23.8. Results: Identified 46 (44%) endpoints, 19 (18%) deaths within 190 days (IQR: 161-246). Significant direct associations of the NT-proBNP index with the number of B-lines according to lung ultrasound (r = 0.3; p <0.001), liver density (r = 0.2; p = 0.014) according to indirect elastometry and inverse with reactance were shown according to BIVA (r = -0.2; p = 0.01), as well as liver density and reactive resistance (BIVA) (r = -0.4; p <0.001). NT-proBNP level, the number of B-lines according to lung ultrasound, and liver density were significantly higher, and the reactance value was significantly lower in patients with endpoints. Cox univariate regression analysis demonstrated independent predictive value for the cumulative endpoint of all congestion markers assessed by different methods such as NT-proBNP, pulmonary ultrasound, indirect elastometry, and BIVA. Cox Multivariate Regression Analysis Confirmed Independent Predictive Significance for the Potential Endpoint Risk for the following - Reactance (HR 2,4 (1,1-5) p=0,016), the number of B-lines by ultrasound of the lungs (HR 2.1 (1.1-4.0), p = 0.015), NT-proBNP (HR 2.0 (1.0-4.1), p = 0.043). There was a significant increase in the risk of overall mortality in the presence of congestion, identified by three (RR 4.4 (1.2-16.6), p = 0.02) and four methods (RR 12.0 (3.4-41.7), p <0.001). Conclusion: NT-proBNP levels, the number of B lines by ultrasound of the lungs, liver density and reactive resistance according to the BIVA, performed at discharge from the hospital in patients with chronic heart failure, have an independent prognostic value, while the prognostic role of assessing the reactance according to the BIVA had maximum input.Propósito: evaluar el valor predictivo de NT-proBNP, líneas В según ultrasonido de los pulmones, densidad hepática según elastometría indirecta, reactancia según análisis de vector de bioimpedancia (BIVA), realizado al alta del hospital en pacientes con Insuficiencia cardiaca crónica (ICC), sobre las tasas de supervivencia (mortalidad global y reingresos). Material y métodos: el estudio incluyó a 105 pacientes (72% hombres, edad media 66,5 ± 11,5 años) con ICC. Del total presentaban hipertensión arterial en anamnesis - 94%, enfermedad coronaria - 60%, y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 - 40%. A todos los pacientes se les evaluó al alta: NT-proBNP, Ultrasonido de los pulmones (líneas B, 8 zonas), densidad hepática según elastometría indirecta, reactancia según análisis de vector de bioimpedancia (BIVA). Los resultados clínicos a largo plazo se evaluaron mediante un método de encuesta telefónica estructurada 1, 3, 6 y 12 meses después del alta. Las tasas combinadas de mortalidad general y de reingreso se evaluaron como criterio de valoración. Se calcularon valores umbral para diferentes métodos de detección de congestión: número de líneas B según datos de ultrasonido > 5, NT-proBNP > 3465 pg/mL, densidad hepática (> 9,2 kPa), reactancia según datos de BIVA ≤ 23,8. Resultados: identificados 46 (44%) puntos finales, 19 (18%) muertes dentro de los 190 días (IQR: 161-246). Se encontraron asociaciones directas significativas del índice NT-proBNP con el número de líneas B según ecografía pulmonar (r = 0,3; p < 0,001), densidad hepática (r = 0,2; p = 0,014) según elastometría indirecta e inversa con reactancia mostrado según BIVA (r = -0,2; p = 0,01), así como la densidad hepática y la resistencia reactiva (BIVA) (r = -0,4; p <0,001). El nivel de NT-proBNP, el número de líneas B según la ecografía pulmonar y la densidad del hígado fueron significativamente mayores, y el valor de reactancia fue significativamente menor en los pacientes con criterios de valoración. El análisis de regresión univariable de Cox demostró un valor predictivo independiente para el criterio de valoración acumulativo de todos los marcadores de congestión evaluados mediante diferentes métodos, como NT-proBNP, ecografía pulmonar, elastometría indirecta y BIVA. El análisis de regresión multivariable de Cox confirmó la significación predictiva independiente para el riesgo potencial de punto final para lo siguiente: reactancia (HR 2,4 (1,1-5) p=0.016), el número de líneas B por ultrasonido de los pulmones (HR 2,1 (1,1-4,0), p = 0.015), NT-proBNP (HR 2,0 (1,0-4,1), p = 0.043). Hubo un aumento significativo del riesgo de mortalidad general en presencia de congestión, identificado por tres (RR 4,4 (1,2-16,6), p = 0.02) y cuatro métodos (RR 12,0 (3,4-41,7), p <0.001). Conclusión: Los niveles de NT-proBNP, el número de líneas B por ecografía pulmonar, la densidad hepática y la resistencia reactiva según el BIVA, realizados al alta hospitalaria en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica, tienen valor pronóstico independiente, mientras que el papel de pronóstico de la evaluación de la reactancia de acuerdo con el BIVA tuvo entrada máxima

    Potential of modern investigations for detecting and monitoring asymptomatic congestion in patients with heart failure

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    Congestion associated with pressure and/or volume overload plays a central role in the pathophysiology, manifestations and prognosis of heart failure, being one of the important aims of its therapy. The current methods for congestion diagnosis, mainly clinical, have low sensitivity and specificity, which can lead to a delay in diagnosis and initiation of treatment.Over the past decades, novel, more sensitive and specific ultrasound techniques have been developed to detect increased intracardiac pressure and/or volume overload, providing early and accurate diagnosis and facilitating treatment strategies. The review discusses the role of modern investigations for detecting and quantifying congestion, including visualization of the lungs (B-lines), kidneys (intrarenal venous flow) and the venous system (diameter of the inferior vena cava and internal jugular veins), and transient elastography