242 research outputs found

    Stabilization and Solution of Two Diminution Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations Using the Discretized Backstepping Method

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    Stabilizability and solvability of the two – dimensional nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equation has experienced a growing popularity and of major interest of robust control theory. Therefore, in this paper, the backstepping transformation approach based on discretization of the space variable will be used to study the Stabilizability and solvability of nonlinear two dimensional hyperbolic partial differential equations by transforming the partial differential equation with unknown boundary control in to system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations and then using Lyapunov function method to stabilize and evaluate the control function, while the solution is obtained using Adem-bashforth method.Keywords: Backstepping method, hyperbolic partial differential equation, Stabilization of boundary control problems, Lyapunov function

    Analytic approximate solutions of Volterra’s population and some scientific models by power series method

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    In this paper, we have implement an analytic approximate method based on power series method (PSM) to obtain asolutions for Volterra’s population model of population growth of a species in a closed system. The numerical solution isobtained by combining the PSM and Pad´e technique. The Pad´e approximation that often show superior performance overseries approximation are effectively used in the analysis to capture essential behavior of the population u(t) of identicalindividuals. The results demonstrate that the method has many merits such as being derivative-free, overcome the difficultyarising in calculating Adomian polynomials to handle the nonlinear terms in Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM).It does not require to calculate Lagrange multiplier as in Variational Iteration Method (VIM) and no needs to construct ahomotopy and solve the corresponding algebraic equations as in Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM). Moreover, weused this method to solve some scientific models, namely, the hybrid selection model, the Riccati model and the logisticmodel to provide the analytic solutions. The obtained analytic approximate solutions of applying the PSM is in fullagreement with the results obtained with those methods available in the literature. The software used for the calculationsin this study was MATHEMATICAr 8.0

    Numerical solution for the time-Fractional Diffusion-wave Equations by using Sinc-Legendre Collocation Method

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    In this paper the numerical solution of fractional diffusion wave equation is proposed. The fractional derivative will be in the Caputo sense. The proposed method will be based on shifted Legendre collocation scheme and sinc function approximation for time and space respectively. The problem is reduced to the problem into a system of algebraic equations after implementing this method. For demonstrating the validity and applicability of the proposed numerical scheme some examples are presented. Keywords: Fractional diffusion equation, Sinc functions, shifted Legendre  polynomials, Collocation method

    Analisa Pola Sebaran Sedimen Dasar Muara Sungai Batang Arau Padang

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    Muara sungai berfungsi sebangai penghubung antara sungai dan laut, pada daerah ini terjadi pertemuan antara arus sungai dan juga arus laut. Pertemuan arus ini nantinya akan menyebabkan terjadi proses sedimentasi pada muara sungai. Sedimen yang tersedimenasi nantinya akan mengalami proses transpor yang disebabkan oleh pengaruh arus diperairan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola sebaran ukuran butir sedimen pada muara sungai Batang Arau Padang serta pengaruh arus terhadap pesebaran sedimen di muara sungai Batang Arau. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2016 di muara sungai Batang Arau, Padang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan titik lokasi dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan pengambilan sampel sedimen dasar pada 25 Mei 2016. Analisis jenis sampel sedimen dasar di laboratorium menggunakan metode granulometri. Peta sebaran sedimen dasar diinterpolasi menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.0 dan pemodelan arus laut menggunakan software MIKE 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis sebaran sedimen dasar pada perairan ialah jenis lanau, lanau pasiran, pasir lanauan, dan pasir. Kondisi arus pada saat pengambilan data terbilang kecil yakni 0,117 – 0,196 m/det dengan arah ke Timur Laut dan Barat Daya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sedimen yang memiliki ukuran butir yang lebih besar terendapkan pada wilayah muara dan semakin mengecil ukurannya menuju laut

    On Completeness of Fuzzy Normed Spaces

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     In this paper, a new direction has been presented between the subject of domain theory and fuzzy normed spaces to introduce the so called fuzzy domain normed spaces and proved some results related to this subject concerning the completeness of such spaces.domai


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    Balai Penyedia dan Pengelola Pembiayaan Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (BP3TI) merupakan sebuah badan di bawah Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia, dan merupakan sebuah Instansi Pemerintah yang menerapkan Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum memiliki fungsi yaitu pengelolaan infrastruktur, serta penyedian infrastruktur. Belum sesuainya solusi aplikasi eksisting dengan kebutuhan bisnis, serta Implementasi dan kebutuhan Teknologi Informasi belum merata di seluruh Indonesia sehingga perlu adanya perancangan enterprise architecture dan perancangan IT Roadmap demi mencapai tujuan pemerataan kebutuhan teknologi Informasi dan implementasinya di seluruh Indonesia. Perancangan enterprise architecture menggunakan TOGAF ADM, yang mana The Open Group Architecture Framework merupakan kerangka kerja, serta Architecture Development Model adalah metode yang digunakan. Fokus yang diberikan pada objek penelitian yaitu Fungsi Penyediaan Ekosistem, dengan merancang fase preliminary, Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solution, dan Migration Planning. Blueprint dihasilkan dari fase Business Architecture hingga Technology Architecture, yang mana digunakan untuk membuat IT Roadmap untuk mendukung proses bisnis dan aplikasi yang ada

    Synthesis and Study of the Antimicrobial Activity of Modified Polyvinyl Alcohol Films Incorporated with Silver Nanoparticles

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           A new class of biologically active nanocomposites and modified polymers based on poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with some organic compounds [II, IV, V and VI] were synthesized using silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs). All compounds were synthesized using nucleophilic substitution interactions and characterized by FTIR, DSC and TGA. The biological activity of the modified polymers was evaluated against: gram (+) (staphylococcus aureus) and gram (-): (Es cherichia coli bacteria). Antimicrobial films are developed based on modified poly (vinyl alcohol) MPVA and Ag-NPs nanoparticles. The nanocomposites and modified polymers showed better antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli (Gram negative) than against Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positive). This work also studied the effect of using different amounts of nanoparticles on the effectiveness against bacteria and it was found that nanocomposite (P2/Ag 5%) has superior antibacterial properties against Escherichia coli
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