637 research outputs found

    Local search for stable marriage problems

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    The stable marriage (SM) problem has a wide variety of practical applications, ranging from matching resident doctors to hospitals, to matching students to schools, or more generally to any two-sided market. In the classical formulation, n men and n women express their preferences (via a strict total order) over the members of the other sex. Solving a SM problem means finding a stable marriage where stability is an envy-free notion: no man and woman who are not married to each other would both prefer each other to their partners or to being single. We consider both the classical stable marriage problem and one of its useful variations (denoted SMTI) where the men and women express their preferences in the form of an incomplete preference list with ties over a subset of the members of the other sex. Matchings are permitted only with people who appear in these lists, an we try to find a stable matching that marries as many people as possible. Whilst the SM problem is polynomial to solve, the SMTI problem is NP-hard. We propose to tackle both problems via a local search approach, which exploits properties of the problems to reduce the size of the neighborhood and to make local moves efficiently. We evaluate empirically our algorithm for SM problems by measuring its runtime behaviour and its ability to sample the lattice of all possible stable marriages. We evaluate our algorithm for SMTI problems in terms of both its runtime behaviour and its ability to find a maximum cardinality stable marriage.For SM problems, the number of steps of our algorithm grows only as O(nlog(n)), and that it samples very well the set of all stable marriages. It is thus a fair and efficient approach to generate stable marriages.Furthermore, our approach for SMTI problems is able to solve large problems, quickly returning stable matchings of large and often optimal size despite the NP-hardness of this problem.Comment: 12 pages, Proc. COMSOC 2010 (Third International Workshop on Computational Social Choice

    Can we continue research in splenectomized dogs? Mycoplasma haemocanis: Old problem - New insight

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    We report the appearance of a Mycoplasma haemocanis infection in laboratory dogs, which has been reported previously, yet, never before in Europe. Outbreak of the disease was triggered by a splenectomy intended to prepare the dogs for a hemorrhagic shock study. The clinical course of the dogs was dramatic including anorexia and hemolytic anemia. Treatment included allogeneic transfusion, prednisone, and oxytetracycline. Systematic follow-up (n=12, blood smears, antibody testing and specific polymerase chain reaction) gives clear evidence that persistent eradication of M. haemocanis is unlikely. We, therefore, had to abandon the intended shock study. In the absence of effective surveillance and screening for M. haemocanis, the question arises whether it is prudent to continue shock research in splenectomized dogs. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Volume-energy correlations in the slow degrees of freedom of computer-simulated phospholipid membranes

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    Constant-pressure molecular-dynamics simulations of phospholipid membranes in the fluid phase reveal strong correlations between equilibrium fluctuations of volume and energy on the nanosecond time-scale. The existence of strong volume-energy correlations was previously deduced indirectly by Heimburg from experiments focusing on the phase transition between the fluid and the ordered gel phases. The correlations, which are reported here for three different membranes (DMPC, DMPS-Na, and DMPSH), have volume-energy correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 to 0.89. The DMPC membrane was studied at two temperatures showing that the correlation coefficient increases as the phase transition is approached

    Process Mining for Six Sigma

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    Process mining offers a set of techniques for gaining data-based insights into business processes from event logs. The literature acknowledges the potential benefits of using process mining techniques in Six Sigma-based process improvement initiatives. However, a guideline that is explicitly dedicated on how process mining can be systematically used in Six Sigma initiatives is lacking. To address this gap, the Process Mining for Six Sigma (PMSS) guideline has been developed to support organizations in systematically using process mining techniques aligned with the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) model of Six Sigma. Following a design science research methodology, PMSS and its tool support have been developed iteratively in close collaboration with experts in Six Sigma and process mining, and evaluated by means of focus groups, demonstrations and interviews with industry experts. The results of the evaluations indicate that PMSS is useful as a guideline to support Six Sigma-based process improvement activities. It offers a structured guideline for practitioners by extending the DMAIC-based standard operating procedure. PMSS can help increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of Six Sigma-based process improving efforts. This work extends the body of knowledge in the fields of process mining and Six Sigma, and helps closing the gap between them. Hence, it contributes to the broad field of quality management

    Quantitative Measurements of Cell−Cell Signaling Peptides with Single-Cell MALDI MS

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    Cell-to-cell signaling peptides play important roles in neurotransmission, neuromodulation, and hormonal signaling. Significant progress has been achieved in qualitative investigations of signaling peptides in the nervous system using single cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. However, quantitative information about signaling peptides is difficult to obtain with this approach because only small amounts of analytes are available for analysis. Here we describe several methods for quantitative microanalysis of peptides in individual Aplysia californica neurons and small pieces of tissue. Stable isotope labeling with d0- and d4-succinic anhydride and iTRAQ reagents has been successfully adopted for relative quantitation of nanoliter volume samples containing the Aplysia insulin Cβ peptide. Comparative analysis of the Cβ peptide release site, the upper labial nerve, and its synthesis location, the F- and C-clusters, shows that the release site possesses almost three times more of this compound. The method of standard addition permits absolute quantitation of the physiologically active neuropeptide cerebrin from small structures, including nerves and neuronal clusters, in the femtomole range with a limit of detection of 19 fmol. The simplicity of these methods and the commercial availability of the reagents allow quantitative measurements from a variety of small-volume biological samples